英语流利说 7-1-2 How leaders inspire
Part 1
How do you explain when things don't go as we assume
Or better , how do you explain when others able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?
year after year afer year after year , they more innovative than all their composition.
And yet they're just a computer company, they're just like everyone else
They have the same access to the same talent, the same agency, the same consultant, the same media.
Then why that they seem to have something different.
why is it that Martin Luther king let the civil Rights Movement?
He wasn't the only man who suffered in a pre-civil rights America.
And he certainly wasn't the only great orator of the day, why him?
And why is it that the Wright bothers were able to figure out control-powered, manned flight.
When there were certainly other teams who were better qualified, were better funded.
And they did not achieve powered manned flight and the Wright brothers beat them to it.
There's something else play here.
Well, three and half years ago I made a discovery.
And this discovery profoundly changed my view and how I thought the world were are .
Then it even profoundly changed the way in which I operate in it.
As it turns out there's a pattern
As it turns out all the great and inspiring leaders and organizations in the world
Whether it's apple Martin Luther king or the Wright bothers.
They all think act and communicate the exact the same way.
All I did was codify it. and it's probably the world's simplest idea.
This little idea explains why some organization in some leaders are able to inspire or others aren't
Let me to find the terms really quickly.
Every single person every single organization in this planet knows what they do one hundred percent.
Some know how they do it whether you call it your differentiated value proposition or your proprietory process or your USP.
But very very few people or organizations know why they do what they do
And by "why" I don't mean "to make a profit".
By "why" I means what's your purpose what's your cause what's your belief
Why does your organization existed.
why do you get out in the bed in the morning ? and why should anyone care?
Well as a result the way we think the way we act , the way we communicate it's from outside in it's obvious
We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing.
But in the inspire leaders and inspire organizations regardless of their size, regardless of their industry.
All think act and communicate from the inside out
I use apple because they're easy to understand and everybody gets it.
If apple were like everyone else , a marketing message from them might sound like this.
we make greater computers, they're beautiful designed simple to use and use friendly.
And that is how most of us communicate
that 's how most marketings is done , that's how most sales are done and that's how most of us communicate interpersonally.
we say what we do we say how we're differently and how we're better and we expect some sort of a behavior, a purchase , a vote something like that.
Here's are new law firm. we have the best lawyers with biggest client. we always perform for our clients who do business with us.
Here's are new car , it gets great gas mileage.It has , you know ,leather seats . Buy our car.
But it is uninspiring.
Here's apple actually communicates.
Everything we do ,we believe in challenging the status quo.
we believe and we thinking different.
The way we challenge the status quo, is by making our products beautiful design, simple to use and use friendly.
we just happen to make great computers want to buy one?
totally different right ? you're ready to buy a computer from me.
All I did was reverse the order of information.
What proves us that people do not buy what you do people buy why you do it.
This is explains why every single person in this room is perfectly comfortable buy a computer from apple.
But we were also perfectly comfortable buying an MP3 player from apple , or a phone from apple , or a DVR from apple.
But as I said before apple is just a computer company.
There's nothing that distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitiors.
There's competitiors are all equally qualified to make all these products
In fact , they tried.
A few years ago , Gateway came out with flat-screen TVs.
They're eminently qualified to make flat-screen TVs.
They've been making flat-screen monitors for years.
Nobody bought one.
Dell came out with MP3 players PDAs and they make great quality products , and they can make percet well-designed products
And nobody bought one.
in fact, talking about it now , we can not even imaging buying an MP3 player from DELL.
Why would you buy an MP3 player from a computer company.
But we do everyday.
People don't buy what you do they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with anybody with everybody who needs what you have.
The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.
Here's the best parts, none of what I'm telling you is my opinion
It's all ground in the tends of biology. Not psychology , biology.
If you look at a cross-section of the human brain , looking from the top down.
What you see is the humans brain is actually broken into three major components that correlate perfecttly with the golden cycle.
Our newest brain our homo sapien brain our neocortex corresponds with the "what" level.
The neocortex is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thought and language
The middle two sections make up our limbic brains.
And our limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings like trust and loyalty.
It's also responsible for all human behavior, all decision making and has no capacity for language.
In the other words , when we communicate from the outside in ,
Yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features and benefits and facts and figures.
It just doesn't driven behavior.
When we can communicate from the inside out , we are talking directly to the part of the brain, that controls behavior.
and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do.
This is where gut decisions come from.
You know sometimes you can give somebody all the facts and figures.
and they say " what I know all the facts and details but it just does not feel right".
why would we use that verb "it doesn't feel right"
Because the part of the brain that controls decison-making , doesn't control language .
and the best we can muster up is "I don't know it just doesn't feel right".
or sometimes you say you're leading with your heart or you're leading with your soul.
Well, I hate to break it to you. those aren't our body parts controlling your behavior.
That's all happenning here , you limbic brain . The part of brain is controlling the decision making and not language.
But if you don't know why you do what you do, and people responds to why you do what you do.
Then how anybody , how you ever get people to vote for you buy something from me or more importantly be loyal .
And want to be a part of what it is that you do.
Again , the goal is not just to sell people who needs what you have , the goal is sell to people who believe what you believe.
The goal is not to just hire people who need a job , it is hire people who believe what you believe
I alawys say , you know , this is , if you em .. hire people just because they can do a job that work for your money.
But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they'll work for you with blood and sweat and teers
And nowhere else is there a better example of this than with the Wright brothers.
Part 3
Most people don't know about Samuel Pierpont Langley.
And back in the early 20th century, the pursuit of powered man flight was like the dot com of the day, everybody was trying it.
And samuel pierpont langlay had what we assume to be the recipe for success.
I mean even now , when you asked people why did your product why did your company failed ?
people always give you the permu thing permuation of the same three things.
Samuel pirepont langley was given 50 thousands dollors by the War department to figure out this flight machine.
money was no problem.
He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the smithsonian and was extremely well-connected.
The New York times followed him around everywhere and everyone was rooting for langley.
A few hundreds miles away in Dayton Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright ,
they had none of what we consider to be the recipe of the success.
They had no money, they paid for their dream with the proceeds from their bicycle shop.
Not a single person in the wright brothers team, had a collgue education. not even Orville or Wilbur.
And New York Times followed them around , nowhere.
The difference was Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause , by a purpose , by a belief.
They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine , it will change the course of the world
And lo and behold , look what happened.
the people who believed in the wright brothers' dreams, worked with them with blood and sweat and teers.
The others just worked for the pay-check.
And they tell stories of how every time the wright brothers went out, they would have to take five seats of parts,
because that's how many times they would crash before they came in for supper.
And eventually, December 17th 1903, the wright brother's took flight.
and no one was there to even experience it.
We found out about a few days later.
And for the prove that Langley was motivated by the wrong thing.
The day the wright brothers took flight , he quit.
He could have said "That's an amazing discovery guys , and I will improve upon your technology." but he didn't.
He wasn't first , he didn't get rich, he didn't get famous, so he quit.
People don't buy what you do , they buy why you do it.
And if you talk about what you believe , you will attract those who believe what you believe.
But why is it important to attract those who believe what you believe?
Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, And if you don't know the law, you definitely know the terminology.
The first , 2.5 percent of our population , are our innovators.
The next , 13.5 percent of our population , are our early doctors .
The next 34 percent are your early majority , your late majority and your laggards.
The only reason these people could buy touch tone phone , is because you can't buy rotary phones any more.
We all seat at various places at a various time on this scale.
but what the law of diffusion of innovation tells us is that if you want mass-market success or mass-market acceptence of an idea.
You can not have it until you achieve this tipping point , between 15 and 18 percent market penetration and then the systems tips.
And I love asking businesses, what is your conversion on new business?
And they love to tell you ,"oh , it is 10 percent" proudly
Well, we can trip over 10 percent of these customers
We all have about 10 percent just to get it.
That's how we describe them right?
That's like that gut feeling, Oh they just get it.
The problem is that how do you find the ones that get it before you're doing businesses with them versus the ones who don't get it.
So it is this here this little gap, that you have to close, as Jeffrey Moore calls it, "crossing the chasm".
Because you could see the early majority will not try something until someone else has tried them first.
And these guys the innovators and early adopotars , they are comfortable making those gut decisions.
They are more comfortable making those intuitive decision that are driven by what they believe about the world.
And not just what products available.
These are the people who stood on line for six hours to buy an iphone when they first came out.
When you could just walk into the stores next week and bought one on the shelf.
These are the people who spend 40,000 dollors on flat screen TVs when they first came out, even though the technology was substandard.
And by the way they did not do it because the technology was so great , they did it for themselves.
People don't buy what you do they buy why you do it , and what you do simply proves what you believe.
In fact , people will do the things that prove what they believe.
The reason that person bought the iphone on the first, in the first six hours , stood on line six hours,
was because of what they believed about the world, and how they wanted everybody to see them , They were first.
So let me give you a famous example , a famous failure and a famous success of the law diffusion of innovation.
As we said before second ago, the recipe for success is money and the right people and the right market conditions right, you should have success then.
From time Tivo came out about 89 years ago to these current day.
They are the single highest-quality product on the market, hands down, there is no reason dispute.
They are extremely well-funded market condition was fantastic.
I mean we use Tivo as a verb.
i Tivo stuff on my piece of junk Time Warner DVR all the time.
And when they went IPO, Their stock was at about 30 or 40 dollors , and then plummeted, and it's never traded above 10
In fact , I do not even think it is traded above six, except for a couple of a little spikes.
Because you see when Tivo launched their product, They told us all what they had.
They said "we have a product that pauses live TV, skips commercials, rewinds live TV and memories your viewing habbits without you even asking."
And the cynical majority said,
We do not believe you, we do not need it, we do not like it, you are scaring us.
If you are the kind of a person ,Who likes to have total control over every aspect of your life, boy, do we have a product for you.
It pauses live TVs, it skips commercials, memories your viweing habbits, etc.., etc.
People do not buy what you do they buy why you do , and what you do simply servers approve of what you believe.
Now let me give you a successful example of the law of difusion of innovation.
In the summer of the 1963, 250,000 people showed up on the mall in Washton to hear doctor King speak.
They send out no invotations , and was no website to check the date.
Well, Dr.King was not the only man in the America Who was a greater orator.
He wasn't the only man in the America who suffered the pre-cival rights of the America.
In fact , some of his ideas were bad.
But he had a gift.
He didn't go around telling people what needed to change in America.
Hw went around and told people what he believed
I believe, I believe, I believe, He told people.
And people who believed what he believed took his cause, and they made it their own, and they told people.
And some of those people created structure to get the word out even to more people.
And lo and behold, 250,000 people showed up on the right day on the right time to hear his speak.
How many of them showed up for him?
Zero, They showed up for themselves.
It was they believed about the America, that got them to travel in a bus for 8 hours to stand in the sun in Washington in the middle of the August.
It was they believed, then it wasn't about black versus white, 25 percent of the audience was white.
Dr. King believed that there are two types of laws in this world.
those That are made by a higher authority and those that are made by man.
And not until all the laws are made by man, are consistent with the laws that are made by the higher authority, will we live in a just world.
It just so happend the cival rights movenment was the perfect thing to help him bring his cause to life.
We followed , not him , not for him, but for ourselves.
And by the way , he gives the "I have a dream" speech , not "I have a plan speech".
Listen to politicians now with their comprehensive 12-point plans. they are not inspire anybody.
Because they are leaders and there are those who lead.
Leaders hold a position of a power or authority,but those who lead inspire us.
Whether they're individuals or organizations, we followed those who lead, not because we have to, but because we want to.
we followed those who lead, not for them , but for ourselves.
And those who starts with why, that have the abality, to inspire those around them, or find others who inspire them.
defy /dɪˈfaɪ/
to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc. 违抗;反抗;蔑视
profoundly adv. /prəˈfaʊndli/
n a way that has a very great effect on sb/sth 极大地;深刻地
proposition /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn/
n. an idea or a plan of action that is suggested, especially in business 提议,建议(尤指业务上的)
[ VN ] to say in a direct way to sb that you would like to have sex with them 求欢
proprietory /prəu'praiətəri/
n. 所有者;所有权
adj. 所有的
rhetorical adj. /rɪˈtɒrɪkl/
( of a question 问题 ) asked only to make a statement or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer 反问的;反诘的
mileage n. /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/
[ U ] [ Cusually sing. ] the distance that a vehicle has travelled, measured in miles 英里里程
status quo n. /ˌsteɪtəs ˈkwəʊ/
[ sing. ] ( from Latin ) the situation as it is now, or as it was before a recent change 现状;原来的状况
eminently adv. /ˈemɪnəntli/
( used to emphasize a positive quality 强调良好品质 ) ( formal ) very; extremely 非常;特别;极其
correlate v. /ˈkɒrəleɪt/
[ V ] if two or more facts, figures, etc. correlate or if a fact, figure, etc. correlates with another, the facts are closely connected and affect or depend on each other 相互关联影响;相互依赖
homo sapiens
adj. 边的;缘的
tangible adj. /ˈtændʒəbl/
[ usually before noun ] that can be clearly seen to exist 有形的;实际的;真实的
v. /ˈmʌstə(r)/
[ VN ] ~ sth (up) to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can 找寻,聚集,激起(支持、勇气等)
a group of people, especially soldiers, that have been brought together 聚集的人群;(尤指)集结的兵力
recipe n. /ˈresəpi/
a set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it 烹饪法;食谱
permutation n. /ˌpɜːmjuˈteɪʃn/
[ usually pl. ] any of the different ways in which a set of things can be ordered 排列(方式);组合(方式);置换
lo and behold 你瞧(表示惊讶的感叹词)
diffusion n. /dɪ'fjuːʒ(ə)n/
扩散,传播;[光] 漫射
laggard /ˈlæɡəd/
N-COUNT If you describe a country, company, or product as laggard, you mean that it is not performing as well as its competitors. 落后者; 技不如人者
ADJ Laggard is also an adjective. 落后的
rotary /ˈrəʊtəri/ adj.
1.( of a movement 运动 ) moving in a circle around a central fixed point 旋转的;绕轴转动的
2.( of a machine or piece of equipment 机器或设备 ) having parts that move in this way 转动的
penetration n. /ˌpenɪˈtreɪʃn/
the act or process of making a way into or through sth 穿透;渗透;进入
the act of a man putting his penis into his partner's vagina or anus (男人阴茎的)插入
conversion n. /kənˈvɜːʃn/
[ UC ] ~ (from sth) (into/to sth) the act or process of changing sth from one form, use or system to another 转变;转换;转化
[ UC ] ~ (from sth) (to sth) the process or experience of changing your religion or beliefs (宗教或信仰的)改变;皈依;归附
chasm n. /ˈkæzəm/
a deep crack or opening in the ground (地上的)深裂口,裂隙,深坑 a deep crack or opening in the ground (地上的)深裂口,裂隙,深坑
[ sing. ] ~ (between A and B) ( formal ) a very big difference between two people or groups, for example because they have different attitudes (两个人或团体之间的)巨大分歧,显著差别
substandard /sʌb'stændəd/
not as good as normal; not acceptable 不达标的;不合格的
plummet /'plʌmɪt/
to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position 暴跌;速降
rewind /riː'waɪnd/
to make a tape in a cassette player, etc. go backwards 重绕(磁带等);倒带;倒片