2022-01-31 本文已影响0人
英文 | 中文 |
Anyone recognize these faces? | 有人认出这些面孔了吗 |
弗吉尼亚州 匡迪科 联调局 行为分析组 行为分析培训 | |
Victims of the Footpath Killer. | 小径杀手的受害者 |
That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. | 那是弗吉尼亚州的报纸给他取的名字 |
We refer to him as the "Unknown subject" or "Unsub." | 我们称他为尚且不明的嫌疑人或是不明嫌犯 |
I told Virginia P.D., | 我告诉弗吉尼亚警局 |
they're looking for a white male in his 20's, | 他们要找的人是个二十多岁的白人男性 |
who owns an american-made truck, | 有一辆年久失修的国产卡车 |
works a menial job. | 工作低贱 |
I told 'em when you find him, | 我告诉他们 找到他的时候 |
don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter. | 听见他说话严重口吃的话 不必感到惊讶 |
Have a n-i-n-nice day. | 祝你 愉 愉快 |
The gun. | 枪 |
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Ta- take out the gun. | 把 把枪拿出来 |
- Th- throw it. - Any particular direction? | -扔 扔了 -往哪个方向扔 |
Who... Who are y-y-y... | 你 是 谁 |
who are you? | 你是什么人 |
Who are you?! | 你是什么人 |
FBI. | 联调局的 |
T- t- t- | 把 把 把 |
take out your w... your w- wallet. | 把你的钱 钱包拿出来 |
Wh- what- what do you kn- | 你都 知 知 |
what do you know? | 知道些什么 |
About you? | 关于你 |
Or about the people who you've murdered? | 还是关于你杀的那些人 |
I know a lot about you. | 关于你我知道很多 |
I know how you do it. | 我知道你是怎么杀人的 |
I know you can't stop. | 我知道你停不下来 |
And I know something that no one's ever been able to tell you. | 我还知道一些没人告诉过你的事情 |
I know why you stutter. | 我知道你为什么口吃 |
Weren't you a little bit worried he might just shoot you? | 你就一点都不担心他会开枪打你吗 |
I was a lot worried. | 很担心 |
But how did you find him? | 但你是怎么找到他的呢 |
弗吉尼亚州 匡迪科 联调局 行为分析组 | |
I was just stopping for gas. | 我就是停车加油而已 |
I walked into that store, and I saw pieces of a profile | 我走进店里 看见许多我差不多一年以前 |
that I'd given to Virginia P.D. almost a year ago. | 给弗吉尼亚警局的卷宗里的东西 |
Truck in disrepair, a disheveled young man, severe stutter. | 年久失修的卡车 不修边幅的年轻人 有严重口吃 |
James Reese once said, | 詹姆斯·里斯曾经说过 |
"There are certain clues at a crime scene which, | "案发现场有一些线索 |
by their very nature, do not lend themselves | 由于其本身的属性 无法对其进行 |
to being collected or examined. | 搜集和检验 |
How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?" | 爱 愤怒 怨恨 恐惧是没法搜集的" |
These are things that we're trained to look for. | 而这些就是我们受训要寻找的东西 |
So anyone else would have just seen a guy who stutters, | 所以在别人眼中看来就是一个口吃的人 |
but you saw the Footpath Killer. | 但你却认出了小径杀手 |
Right. But sometimes these | 是的 有时候 |
guys are still found by just dumb luck. | 抓到这些人不过是撞大运而已 |
Berkowitz was caught because of a parking ticket. | 伯科威茨因为一张违停罚单被抓住了 |
Except the cop who caught him | 只不过那个警察抓住他的时候 |
wasn't staring down a shotgun like you were. | 没像你一样被猎枪指着头 |
This is true. This is also a good time to stop. | 这是实话 我们就到这里吧 |
- Thank you, sir. - Thank you. | -谢谢你 长官 -谢谢 |
Okay, I'm curious. Why'd he stutter? | 好吧 我很好奇 他为什么口吃 |
You're on your way to becoming part of the behavior analysis team now, | 你马上就是行为分析组的一员了 |
Elle. You tell me. | 艾丽 你来说说 |
Check. Checkmate 3 moves. | 将 三步将军 |
What... | 什么 |
You know you'll beat him when you start learning. | 你要是开始学 就能打败他 |

- Learning what? - To think outside the box. | -学什么 -跳出常规思考 |
- Question for you. - Shoot. | -我有个问题 -问吧 |
The footpath killer, why did he stutter? | 小径杀手 他为什么口吃 |
Come on, Elle, we've all asked him, and he won't say. | 得了 艾丽 我们都问过他 他不肯说 |
He wants us to figure it out. | 他希望我们自己想出来 |
Okay. I'm up for a challenge. | 好 我接受挑战 |
Good, because these go to you. | 很好 因为这些都归你了 |
Special agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like. | 特别探员洁妮芙·洁婼 叫小洁就行 |
- Elle. - Greenway. | -艾丽 -格林韦 |
highest number of solved cases in Seattle 3 years running, | 西雅图连续三年来破案数量最高的警察 |
specialty in sex offender cases. | 擅长性侵犯案件 |
Not bad. | 不错 |
Well, I'm the unit liaison. | 我是小组的联络员 |
My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots. | 我擅长的是解开官僚主义的小疙瘩 |
You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door's always open, | 你以后可能会经常来找我 我的门一直开着 |
mostly because I'm never in my office, | 多数是因为我从来不在办公室里 |
so just call me on my cell, okay? We'll talk. | 所以直接打我手机就行 回见 |
Did you watch it? | 你看了吗 |
Yeah. Think everybody should see it. | 看了 大家都应该看一下 |
BAU team, can you meet me in the conference room, please? | 行为分析组 请大家到会议室来 |
I need to show you something. | 我有东西要给你们看 |
This is from the Phoenix office, | 这是凤凰城办事处发过来的 |
Bradshaw College in Tempe, 6 fires in 7 months. | 坦佩的布拉德肖大学 七个月发生了六起火灾 |
Who recorded it? | 谁录的 |
A student with a digital camcorder. | 一个有数码录像机的学生 |
He was watching a fire in the building across from their dorm. | 他在寝室里看见对面的楼着火了 |
The other person you'll see is his roommate, | 画面上的另一个人是他的室友 |
20-year-old Matthew Rowland. | 二十岁的马修·娄伦德 |
This is crazy. Hey, Mac, get over here. You gotta see this. | 太吓人了 麦克 过来 看看这个 |
- The building's on fire. - Bro, you getting this? | -那栋楼着火了 -老兄 你在拍吗 |
Is that the kid? | 就是那孩子吗 |
Yeah, that's him. | 对 就是他 |
Relax, man. There's always fires during rush week. | 没事的 老兄 兄弟会招新周总有火光 |
Yeah, but that's pretty big. What the hell is that? | 话是这么说 但火也太大了 怎么回事 |
Dude, over here. Check this out. What is it? | 老兄 过来 你看 这是什么 |
I don't know, but it's coming underneath the door. | 我也不知道 从门底下进来的 |
Is someone in the hallway? Hey, someone's trying to get in. | 走廊上是有人吗 有人想进来 |
Hey, man, you should get away from there. | 哥们 你应该离门远点 |
Oh, my god! It smells like gas. | 天啊 闻着像汽油 |
Oh, god! God! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! | 天啊 天啊 天啊 |
Put me out! Oh, my god! Oh, god! Help! | 帮我灭火 天啊 救命 |
Compulsion | 冲动 |
Einstein once said: | 爱因斯坦曾经说过 |
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. | "想象力比知识更重要 |
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." | 知识有界 想象无边" |
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There are 2 common stressors for a serial arsonist. | 连环纵火犯有两种常见的应激源 |
Loss of job, loss of love. | 失业 失爱 |
When was the first fire set? | 第一起火灾是什么时候发生的 |
March. Uh, the next one was in may, and the third one wasn't | 三月 接下来是五月 然后直到九月 |
till september, then 2 weeks later there were 3 in one night. | 才有第三起 两周之后就一夜三起了 |
He's speeding up. Fire's are closer together. | 他作案的频率加快了 火情越来越频繁 |
Hey, Reid, you got a statistic on arsonists? | 里德 你知道纵火犯的统计数据吗 |
82% are white males between 17 and 27. | 82%是十七岁到二十七岁的白人男性 |
Female arsonists are far less likely, | 女性纵火犯要少得多 |
their motive typically being revenge. | 她们的动机通常是复仇 |
Sounds like our boy's a student. | 听起来我们要找的是名学生 |
Don't be so sure. | 别太肯定 |
You rely too much on precedent, | 如果太过依赖先例 |
you never allow for the unexpected. | 就想不到意料之外的情况了 |
If he went from setting one fire to 3 in 2 weeks' time... | 如果他两周内从放一次火演变为三次 |
Rapid escalation. | 迅速升级 |
He's gone from the power to | 他已经从对建筑的破坏力 |
damage a building to something far more satisfying. | 升级到某种更令他满足的追求 |
The power over life and death. | 对生命和死亡的掌控 |
Who we talking to first? | 我们要先跟谁谈 |
Dean of students, Ellen Turner. | 教导主任 艾琳·特纳 |
亚利桑那州 坦佩 布拉德肖大学 | |
No badges. I don't want to satisfy the unsub's need for attention | 别带警徽 我不想让不明嫌犯知道 |
by letting him know he got the FBI here. | 联调局为他而来 满足他对吸引注意的需求 |
Try not to look official. | 尽量别显得官方 |
Try to look less official. | 尽量别那么官方 |
Obviously, I'd rather be | 当然 我更愿意 |
meeting you under different circumstances. | 在其它场合认识各位 |
This is fire inspector Zhang. | 这位是消防检查员 张 |
This morning the chemistry department reported several | 今天早晨 化学系报告说 |
bottles of highly flammable chemicals missing. | 有几瓶极易燃的化学品丢失 |
I'm prepared to evacuate this campus. Thank you. | 我已经准备疏散校园了 谢谢 |
That brings with it its own problems. | 那样也会有问题 |
You might evacuate the arsonist as well. | 你可能连纵火犯也疏散走了 |
Then the case goes unsolved, the campus is reopened, | 然后案子无法侦破 校园重新开放 |
but the fires start up again. | 但是火灾又会出现 |
Hotch, Gideon, hold on a second. | 霍奇 基甸 等一下 |
You said the chemicals were missing today. | 你说化学品是今天丢失的 |
It says here that one of the previous fires was set with diesel | 卷宗上说之前的一起火灾 |
fuel that disappeared from the groundskeeping facility. | 就是场地管理处遗失的柴油点燃的 |
How long after it disappeared was the fire set? | 柴油丢失多久之后放的火 |
One day. | 一天 |
If he's holding to a pattern... | 如果他遵循作案模式 |
Who's to say the next fire won't be today? | 谁敢保证下一起纵火不是在今天 |
Door was locked. | 门是锁上的 |
Matthew Rowland and his roommate watched | 马修·娄伦德和他的室友 |
as the doorknob turned against the lock. | 看到了门把手朝开锁的方向转动 |
But the unsub couldn't get in. | 但是不明嫌犯进不来 |
So he pours the accelerant into the room from the hallway. | 所以他在走廊把促燃剂往屋子里倒 |
Which means he couldn't see the fire. | 也就是说他看不见火 |
But he could hear Matthew Rowland screaming. | 但是他能听到马修·娄伦德尖叫 |
Yeah, but not for long. He would have left quickly. | 是的 但也听不多长时间 他得快速离开 |
- Yeah, to avoid being spotted. - It doesn't make sense. | -是的 避免被发现 -这说不通 |
Pyromania as a mental disorder may just be a simple myth, | 很多人可能会说纵火癖不该被当做精神障碍 |
but we do know from precedent that serial arsonists derive | 但是我们确实从先例中知道连环纵火犯 |
pleasure from pathological fire-setting. | 从病态的纵火行为中得到快乐 |