
2019-06-30主是我们的守护者(诗篇121)The Lor

2019-06-30  本文已影响0人  羊皮卷的味道
Steven Lee 李司提反
Psalm 121 A SONG OF ASCENTS. 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?  2 My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. 4 Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. 6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. 8 The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. 诗篇 121 上行之诗 1 我要向群山举目,我的帮助从何而来? 2 我的帮助是从造天地的耶和华而来。 3 他必不使你的脚滑倒;保护你的必不打盹。 4 看哪! 保护以色列的,必不打盹,也不睡觉。 5 保护你的是耶和华,耶和华在你的右边荫庇你。 6 白天太阳必不伤你,夜里月亮必不害你。 7 耶和华要保护你脱离一切灾祸,他要保护你的性命。8 你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从现在直到永远。
As you walked in this morning, are you at the mountaintop or in the pit, or somewhere in the middle? How would you answer that? I believe that for most of us, life is lived in the middle. It’s a long journey. There are high points and low points, but a relatively steady journey. Perhaps there are a few mountaintop moments of great joy (e.g. graduation, marriage, birth of children), and deep pits (death of family members, miscarriage, burying a son or daughter). But most of life isn’t an urgent crisis, and most of life isn’t a glorious trip around the world. There are seasons of crisis and seasons of ease, but most of life is lived in the middle. 如果今天早上问你,你的生命状况是在山巅之上还是在深坑里,或是在二者之间? 你会怎么回答? 我相信对于我们大多数人来说,就是活在二者之间。 人生是一段漫长的旅程,有高低起伏,但是一个相对稳定的旅程。 也许有一些极大喜乐的巅峰时刻(例如毕业、结婚、生孩子)和深深的低谷(家庭成员死亡、流产、埋葬一个儿子或女儿)。 但是生活的大部分时间并不是一个紧急的危机,也不是荣耀的环球之旅。 有危机的季节也有安逸的季节,但大多数生活是介于二者之间。
This morning we’re looking Psalm 121 which is a Psalm of trust or confidence. These psalms are so helpful because they give voice to our need for God in ups and downs of life. Consider for a moment how we have Psalms of Lament. These Psalms help us to express our deep pain, suffering, heartache, and grief. They give voice to dark experiences so that we can bring them before God. The Bible gives us words to express our pain. Then we have Psalms of Thanksgiving. These are the Psalms that give voice to thanksgiving, praise, and gratitude. These Psalms usually recount God’s faithfulness, deliverance, and help in time of need. God worked mightily, and so we give thanks in song. 今天早上我们看到的是诗篇第121篇,这是一篇关于信任或相信的诗篇。 这些诗篇是如此有帮助,因为它们表达了我们在人生的起起落落中对神的需要。 想一想我们是如何看待“哀歌”的诗篇。 这些诗篇帮助我们表达我们深深的痛苦、苦难、心痛和悲伤。 他们把黑暗的经历说出来,这样我们就可以把它们带到上帝面前。 圣经给了我们言语来表达我们的痛苦。 然后是“感恩”的诗篇。 这些诗篇表达了感谢、赞美和感激之情。 这些诗篇通常叙述神在我们需要的时候对我们的信实、拯救和帮助。 神的工作伟大,所以我们用歌声感谢神。
Psalm 121 lives in the middle, somewhere in between those two realities. It’s not thanksgiving because the trials have not yet passed, and it’s not quite lament, because the trials are not so dire. It is an everyday Psalm that we can utilize to express our hope and confidence in God. My aim is to equip us to words of hope and trust on our lips as we live life in the middle. 诗篇121篇就是在两种现实之间的某个地方。 这不是首感恩诗篇,因为考验还没有结束,也不算哀歌,因为考验还没有那么可怕。 这是一首日常的诗篇,我们可以用它来表达我们对上帝的盼望和信心。我的目的是,用盼望和信心的语言装备我们的嘴唇,既然我们活在中间地带。
So the question I want to ask is how should we respond when faced with the normal, everyday trials of life? What type of instruction do we have in the Bible and what type of language does the Bible give us to express these longings? 因此,我想问的问题是,当面对日常生活中正常的考验时,我们应该如何应对? 我们在圣经中有什么样的教导,圣经给我们什么样的话语来表达这些渴望?
So my plan for us is to look at the four two-verse stanzas that build on each other throughout Psalm 121 to discover what the Psalm tells us about God and how we can give voice to hoping in God. 因此,我的计划是看看整篇诗篇121中每两节一段形成四段,它们相互之间如何依存,从而发现诗篇告诉我们关于上帝的事情,以及我们如何在上帝面前表达希望。
But before we jump into looking at the Psalm, first we want to notice the inscription just under the title. While the chapters and verse headings are not divinely inspired, the indicator that this is a Psalm of Ascent does clue us into some information about this Psalm. The Psalm of Ascents are Psalms 120-134 (15 Psalms in total). What that would have meant would have been obvious to the original readers of the Psalms, but is less obvious for us today. What that likely meant is that this repertoire of songs and hymns were used by Israelites when they would make their pilgrimage to Jerusalem three-times a year. Every able-bodied male would leave their hometowns and make the journey on foot to Jerusalem for the various feasts (e.g. Passover, Feast of Booths, and Feast of Weeks). It’s likely that every traveler would have joined other travelers along the way in singing these hymns as they made their journey up to Jerusalem. 但是在我们开始读这首诗篇之前,首先我们想注意一下标题下的题词。 虽然章节和经节的标题并不是神的启示,但是这是一首上行诗篇的提示确实为我们提供了关于这首诗篇的一些信息。 上行诗篇是诗篇120-134篇(共15篇)。 对于诗篇的原始读者来说,这意味着什么是显而易见的,但对于今天的我们来说就不那么明显了。 这可能意味着,当以色列人一年三次前往耶路撒冷朝圣时,他们会使用这套歌曲和赞美诗。 每个身体健全的男性都会离开家乡,徒步前往耶路撒冷参加各种节期宴会(例如逾越节、住棚节和五旬节) . 很可能每个旅行者都会加入其他旅行者的行列,在他们前往耶路撒冷的路上唱这些赞美诗。
So Psalm 121 is a hymn for the journey. But unlike the road trip songs we sing (e.g. 100 bottles of beer on the wall) which we use to pass the time, these songs not only helped to pass the time, but were to shape the heart, direct the will, motivate towards praise, and teach children and remind adults about the nature and character of God. So this Psalm is meant to teach us about the character of God, and give voice to our emotions. The other picture or image we get from the Psalms of Ascent is that not only are Israelites taking a physical journey that will be tiresome, but they are also taking a spiritual journey. They are ascending to God’s temple where he dwells. They are going to Jerusalem, the place where God dwells. So Psalm 121 is also a help for us in our spiritual journey that we’re taking as we walk out in obedience the Christian life. 所以诗篇121是一首旅程赞美诗。 但与我们用来打发时间的公路旅行歌曲(比如《墙上挂着的100瓶啤酒》)不同,这些歌曲不仅帮助我们打发时间,而且塑造我们的心灵,引导我们的意志,激励我们赞美上帝,教导孩子们,提醒大人们上帝的本性和性情。 因此,这篇诗篇旨在教导我们认识神的品格,并表达我们的情感。 我们从上行诗篇中得到的另一幅画面或图像是,以色列人不只是在进行一次令人身体疲乏的旅行,而且还在进行一次精神旅行。 他们正上行到上帝居住的圣殿。 他们要往耶路撒冷去,就是神居住的地方。 因此,诗篇121篇对我们的属灵旅程也是一种帮助,当我们活出基督徒顺服的生活时,我们正在经历这个属灵旅程。
1. Where Is our Help? (1–2) 1. 我们的帮助在哪里?(1-2节)
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 1 我要向群山举目,我的帮助从何而来?
2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 2 我的帮助是从造天地的耶和华而来。
The Psalm opens with a description and a question. Initially the writer takes his eyes and lifts them up above, which is a poetic expression of looking upward for help. The mountains signify strength. The valleys signify trials: “I’m in a valley.” The valley is where trials, troubles, and hardships manifest. But when we say “I’m on top of the world” or “I’m flying high” or “I’m on the mountaintop” it’s an expression of conquering and victory. But here the Psalm isn’t on the mountaintop, and isn’t flying high, but he lifts his eyes above. There is something instructive about even this opening verse. When we live in the valley, we must keep in mind that mountains are in the distance. When you live in CA or Colorado, or really anyplace with mountains, it’s a comforting sight to see on the horizon, in the distance, mountains. It’s a reminder that there is something bigger than us out there. 诗篇以描述和问题开头。 诗人举目仰望群山,问道:"我的帮助从何而来?" 一开始,作者把他的眼睛抬起来放在上面,这是一种诗意的表达,表示向上寻求帮助。 群山象征着力量。 山谷意味着试炼:"我在山谷里。" 山谷是考验、烦恼和困难显现的地方。 而当我们说"我在世界之巅"或者"我在高飞"或者"我在山顶",这是一种征服和胜利的表达。 这里诗人不在山顶,也不在高处飞翔,但是他的眼目却高高举起。 即使是这首开头的诗句也有一些启发意义。 当我们活在山谷里时,我们必须记住,远处有山。 当你住在加利福尼亚州或科罗拉多州,或者其他任何有山的地方,在地平线上,在远处,看到山是一个令人欣慰的景象。 这提醒着我们,还有比我们更重要的东西存在着。
Then the answer is given: “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” The first half of that verse would have been enough. Our help comes from the Lord, this is Yahweh. He is a helper. Listen as I read this small sampling of verses from the Psalms about Yahweh as our helper: 然后是答案:"我的帮助是从造天地的耶和华而来。" 有前半节就足够了。 我们的帮助来自上主,这是耶和华。 他是个帮助者。 请听我读一读诗篇中关于耶和华作为我们的帮助者的一些例子:
Psalm 10:14 “But you do see, for you note mischief and vexation, that you may take it into your hands; to you the helpless commits himself; you have been the helper of the fatherless.” 诗篇10:14 - 其实你已经看见了,忧患与愁苦你都已经看到,并且放在自己的手中; 不幸的人把自己交讬你; 你是帮助孤儿的
Psalm 54:3–4 “[3] For strangers have risen against me; ruthless men seek my life; they do not set God before themselves. [4] Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.” 诗篇54:3-4-[3] 因为外族人起来攻击我,强横的人寻索我的性命; 他们不把 神放在眼里。 [4] 看哪! 神是我的帮助;主是扶持我性命的。
Psalm 72:12 “For he delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper.” 诗篇72:12-因为贫穷人呼求的时候,他就搭救;没有人帮助的困苦人,他也搭救。
Psalm 118:7 “The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.” 诗篇118:7- 耶和华是我的帮助我必看见恨我的人遭报
God is not far off. He is not detached or distant from us. He is our Helper in time of need. We can often minimize the idea of a Helper or helpmate, and yet here God is the one who helps his people in times of need and trial. 上帝并不是远在天边。祂不是事不关己高高挂起地旁观我们。祂是我们随时的帮助。我们常常会小看帮助者或帮手的概念,但这里,上帝是祂的子民在需要和试炼中随时的帮助。
But the Psalmist goes further than that. Not only is Yahweh our helper—which is comforting and true—but he is the Creator, the maker of heaven and earth. Our God is a strong and powerful helper. 但诗人在此更进一步。耶和华不仅仅是我们的帮助者—这当然是令人欣慰而且真实的—而且祂是创造主,是创造天地的。我们的神是坚强有力的帮助者。
Let me illustrate this. I have young children and sometimes they want to help me. It might be carrying in the groceries from the car. They are eager helpers. They are willing helpers. They are tenderhearted helpers. They are compassionate helpers. They really want to help me bring everything into the house. But only one thing is missing. The littlest ones are not strong enough to truly help me. They are willing but weak. Well-intentioned but unable. 让我举个例子。我有年幼的孩子,他们有时想帮助我。比如从超市回来,要把买到的东西从车里搬到家里。他们是很热心的帮助者,甘心乐意的帮助者,心地善良的帮助者,满有同情心的帮助者。他们真的想帮我把所有东西搬回家。但只缺了一样。最年幼的孩子没有力量真的来帮我。他们心有余而力不足。
But God is the one who made heaven and earth. He’s not just the one who manages it, but he’s the creator, architect, designer, and craftsman that has intricately made every single piece and part. He laid the foundations of the earth. He formed every cloud in the sky. He gives strength and power to the waves, permission to the tornados, and energy to the earthquakes. He crafted every flower, causes every blade of grass to spring forth, and gives life to the birds and the bugs. Our Helper is not well-intentioned but insufficient. Our helper is not willing but weak. He is the creator of all things. So the needy have a strong helper ready to help. Charles Spurgeon comments on this verse saying, “He will sooner destroy heaven and earth than permit his people to be destroyed, and the perpetual hills themselves will bow rather than he fail whose ways are everlasting.” 但是创造天地的是上帝。 祂不仅仅是管理者,还是创造者、建筑师、设计师和工匠,祂精心制作了每一个部分和部件。 祂奠定了大地的根基。 祂裁定了天上的每一朵云。 祂赋予海浪力量和能量,批准龙卷风,赋予地震能量。 祂精心制作了每一朵花,让每一片草都长出来,给鸟儿和虫子以生命。 我们的帮助者不是心有余而力不足。 我们的帮助者不是用心良好却无能为力。 祂是万物的创造者。 因此,穷人有一个强大的帮助者随时准备帮助。 查尔斯·司布真评论这节经文说:"祂宁愿毁灭天地,也不愿祂的百姓被毁灭,永久的山也必俯伏,不愿祂失败,因为祂的道路是永恒的。"
If you’re hiring a contractor to help you at home, what do you ask for? References or their resume. We want to see your work. What have you done? Do you have the skills to help us? Our God’s resume is the heavens and earth, every mountain, every fish, every bird, every leaf, meticulously handcrafted and cared for. Every past, present, and future event, God has been at work in it and ordains it according to his infinite wisdom. At the more horrific event in human history—the crucifixion of his son Jesus—God used it for infinite and unspeakable good. 假如您正在聘请合同工在家帮助您,您有什么要求? 我们要看推荐人或简历。 我们希望看到你以前的工作。 你做了什么? 你有技能来帮助我们吗? 我们上帝的简历就是创造天地,每一座山,每一条鱼,每一只鸟,每一片叶子,都是精心手工制作和照顾的。 过去、现在、未来的一切事,神都在其中工作,照着祂无限的智慧,命定其发生。哪怕是人类历史上更可怕的事—祂的儿子耶稣被钉十字架—祂用它成就了无限而超乎言表的益处。
“Where is our help?” Answer: our helper is Yahweh, God Almighty, who made the heavens and the earth. His resume is impeccable, so we can trust in him. “我们的帮助在哪里?”答案:我们的帮助者是耶和华,全能的上帝,祂创造了天地。 祂的简历无可挑剔,所以我们可以相信祂。
Next you’ll notice that some form of the word “keep” or “keeper” repeats itself in verses 3, 4, 5, 7 twice, and 8. This word is translated in the ESV as “keep” or “keeper,” in the NIV it’s translated “watch over” and in another version it’s “protector” and “protect.” All of them get after the same thing: Our God is not only our helper—that he comes to our aid when we call upon him—but he is actively watching over and watching out for us. He is a guardian and a protector, he is watching out and watching over us, and he keeps in his sight. And in the next three sections, we see three related truths about our Lord who is our keeper, our guardian and protector. 接下来你会注意到“保护”或“守护者”这个词的某种形式在第3、4、5、7节中各重复出现两次,然后是在第8节。这个词在ESV中翻译为“守护”或“守护者” ,“在NIV中,它被翻译为”看护“,而在另一个版本中,它是”保护者“和”保护。“所有这些翻译都想表达同样的意思:我们的上帝不仅是我们的帮助者 - 当我们呼求时祂会帮助我们 - 而且祂在积极主动地观察和关注我们。 祂是一名监护人和保护者,祂正在观察并照看我们,一直在祂的视线中。在接下来的三段中,我们将看到三个相关的真理,我们的主是我们的守护者、监护人和保护者。
2. Our Keeper Never Sleeps (3–4) 2. 我们的守护者必不瞌睡(3-4节)
3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. 3 他必不使你的脚滑倒;保护你的必不打盹。
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 4 看哪! 保护以色列的,必不打盹,也不睡觉。
I imagine that along this journey there would be points of difficulty walking miles and miles along well-worn paths in nothing more than leather sandals. And opportunity for a sprained ankle or a rock shifting was commonplace. But this imagery of God steadying the feet of his people is extensive. It’s a picture of God’s intimate and intricate care for his people. 我在想像,沿着这条旅程,穿着皮草鞋的脚,在崎岖坎坷的山路上走了一里又一里,必有特别难走的路,崴脚或滑跌是司空见惯的。 但上帝扶稳了祂的子民的脚。 这画面是上帝对子民亲密无间和无微不至的关爱。
Here are a few other places in the Psalms that use that same imagery: 以下是诗篇中使用相同图景的其他几个地方:
Psalm 18:31–33 “[31] For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?—[32] the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. [33] He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights.” God strengthens us for obedience. He gives us sure footing. 诗篇18:31-33“[31]除了耶和华,谁是 神呢? 除了我们的 神,谁是磐石呢? [32]他是那位以能力给我束腰的 神,他使我的道路完全。 [33]他使我的脚像母鹿的蹄,又使我站稳在高处。“上帝赐我们力量帮助我们顺服。 祂让我们立稳脚跟。
Psalm 40:2 “[2] He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” God deliver us from destruction. 诗篇40:2“[2]他把我从荒芜的坑里,从泥沼中拉上来;他使我的脚站在磐石上, 又使我的脚步稳定。”上帝救我们脱离毁灭。
Psalm 116:8–9 “[8] For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling; [9] I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.” God keeps us from stumbling. 诗篇116:8-9“[8]主啊! 你救了我的性命脱离死亡,你使我的眼睛不致流泪, 使我的双脚不致跌倒。 [9]我要在活人之地,行在耶和华面前。”上帝保守我们不致跌倒。
Some of you wear a pedometer or have a smart watch that functions as one. A pedometer tracks your every step that you take in a single day. The American Heart Association recommends 10,000 steps a day for a healthy individual. Consider the fact that God watches over not just one or two of those steps, but each and every single one. You walk places without a second thought, and God is watching over you with his care. If God watches over the steps of our feet, how much more will he preserver and watch over our heads and hearts? 有些人戴计步器或有苹果手表作为计步器。 计步器可以跟踪您在一天内完成的每一步。 美国心脏协会建议每个健康人要日行一万步。考虑一下这样一个事实,即上帝不只是照看这些步伐中的一个或两个,而是会照看每一个步伐。 你不假思索地到处行走,而上帝正在用爱心照看着你。如果上帝守望着我们的脚步,祂岂不是更加注意并保守我们的头脑和心灵?
God watches over his children. What this Psalm of trust and confidence reminds us is that trials are not a sign of God’s punishment or a sign of his absence. Instead, in each of these situations, there are tears, pits of destruction, miry bog, and treacherous journeys that require help. For followers of Jesus, we can look to God who will keep us from stumbling down to our death. God holds us. Like the child that is just a little too fearless and goes close to the edge of the cliff, God is like that parent that is watching over, protecting, and caring for his people. 上帝看顾祂的孩子们。 这篇信任和信心的诗篇提醒我们的是,考验不代表上帝的刑罚,也不代表祂缺席。 相反,在这些境况中,我们会有眼泪,在充满毁灭坑和泥沼的诡诈旅程中,我们需要帮助。 对于耶稣的追随者,我们可以仰望上帝,使我们免于绊倒落入死亡。 上帝抱着我们。 我们就像那个有点太无所畏惧而靠近悬崖边缘的孩子,上帝就像那个正在监护,保护和照顾孩子的父母一样。
He who keeps you will not slumber, behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” These verses reveal that our God is on watch, on guard, protecting and caring for his people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, and year after year after decade after decade. Not only do we have a helper, not only is he the Creator, not only does he watch our steps, but he never rests, never takes a break, and never loses sight of his children. 保护你的必不打盹。看哪! 保护以色列的,必不打盹,也不睡觉。”这两节继续揭示我们的上帝正在监护,保护和照顾祂的子民,一天24小时,一周7天,一年52周,年复一年,世世代代。 这提醒我们,我们不只是有帮助者,祂不只是创造者,也不只照看我们的步伐,而且祂从不休息,永不打盹,永远不会让祂的孩子离开祂的视线。
Probably the best illustration of this reality comes in 1 Kings 18. If you’ll recall, God sends Elijah the prophet to go to Ahab after bringing drought on the land for three years. Elijah goes to confront King Ahab because he had departed from God’s commandments, and went after false gods and idols, namely Baal. So he says gather the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah at Mount Carmel for a contest to prove who truly serves the true and living God. So they take two bulls, slaughter them, lay them on altars, add wood, but no fire. Instead, they are to call out to their gods for fire to rain down from heaven to ignite the altar. So these 850 prophets dance around for hours—it says morning to noon—calling out for Baal to receive their offering. At this point Elijah mocks them. 对于这个现实来说,最好的例证可能在列王纪上18章。如果你还记得的话,上帝派遣先知以利亚在土地干旱三年之后去见亚哈。 以利亚去面对亚哈王,因为王背离了上帝的诫命,追随假神和偶像,就是巴力。 所以他说要在迦密山上聚集巴力的450位先知和400位亚舍拉的先知,以证明谁才是真正在服侍真实的永生神。 所以他们拿两头公牛,屠宰了,把它们放在祭坛上,加上木柴,但不点火。 相反,他们要召唤他们的神灵从天上降下火来点燃祭坛。 所以这850位先知围着祭坛舞蹈,跳了好几个小时 - 书上说从早上到中午 - 呼唤巴力接受他们的献祭。 此时,以利亚嘲笑他们。
1 Kings 18:27–29 “[27] And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” [28] And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them. [29] And as midday passed, they raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation, but there was no voice. No one answered; no one paid attention. 列王纪上18:27-29“[27]到了中午,以利亚嘲笑他们,说:‘大声呼求吧,因为他是神,也许他正在默想,或事务繁忙,或正在旅行,或正在睡觉,你们要把他叫醒。’ [28] 他们就大声呼求,按着他们的规矩,用刀和枪刺自己,直到身体流血。 [29] 中午过后,他们继续狂呼乱叫,直到献晚祭的时候;可是仍没有声音,没有回应,也没有理睬他们的。
Elijah mockingly tells them to call out louder for perhaps their god was in the bathroom, maybe off on vacation, or sleeping. The silence of Baal—a false and fraudulent god—is contrasted with Yahweh who never sleeps nor slumbers. He does not rest, he does not go off on vacation, and he is not silent when his children call upon him. 以利亚嘲讽他们,让他们叫得更大声一点,因为也许他们的上帝在洗手间,也许是出去休假或睡觉。 巴力的沉默 - 一个虚假、骗人的神 - 与耶和华永远不会睡觉或沉睡形成鲜明对比。 祂不休息,也不休假,当祂的孩子们呼求祂时,祂不会沉默。
What does this mean for you? In the midst of difficulties or trials, you can look to God. He is a helper. He wants to meet you in the midst of this trial for your good. He wants to sanctify you. He wants to teach you to trust him more. He will steady your steps and will not let you go tumbling down the side of the mountain. Whether it’s in the midst of trials and suffering that come from your own sin, or perhaps just the normal and everyday challenges of life, God doesn’t fall asleep on the job. If he’ll watch your steps, he watch over your head and heart as well. He doesn’t rest so that he can give to his beloved sleep (Ps 127). 这对你意味着什么? 在困难或考验中,你可以仰望上帝。 祂是帮助者。 为了你的好处,祂想让你在这考验中遇见祂。 祂想要使你成为圣洁。 祂想教你更多地信靠祂。 祂会扶稳你的脚步,不会让你在山脚下栽跟斗。 无论是在试炼和痛苦中,还是来自你自己的罪,或者也许只是正常和日常生活中的挑战,上帝在工作中都不会睡着。 如果祂会看守你的脚步,祂也必定会看顾你的头脑和心灵。 祂没有休息,所以祂可以给予祂心爱的人睡眠(诗127)。
3. Our Keeper Protects Day & Night (5–6) 3. 我们的守护者日夜保护(5-6节)
5 The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. 5 保护你的是耶和华,耶和华在你的右边荫庇你。
6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. 6 白天太阳必不伤你,夜里月亮必不害你。
Building upon what has already been said, the Psalmist declares that God is like shade on our right, protecting us from both the sun by day and the moon by night. Now in the Ancient Near East, many would have believe the sun and moon were deities that could bring harm to people. But for Israelites, it wouldn’t have been deities, but rather the natural power of the sun to dehydrate and cause sunstrokes that were a danger. Whether you have shade could be the difference between life and death, a big deal. In the regions surrounding Jerusalem, you can imagine the sweltering heat. And the image that the Psalmist gives us is that God provides us shade from the sun, which means he’s near to us to dwell in his shadow. 紧接上段,诗篇作者再次声明我们的主就像我们右边的荫庇,白天保护我们免受太阳的伤害,晚上保护我们免受月亮的伤害。 在古代近东地区,许多人会相信太阳和月亮是可能给人们带来伤害的神灵。 但是对于以色列人来说,它不会是神灵,而是太阳的自然力量,使人脱水并中暑,这是一种危险。 有没有荫庇(阴影)这时就显得很重要,生死攸关。在耶路撒冷周围的地区,你可以想象那难以抵挡的酷热。诗篇作者给我们的意象是上帝为我们提供了遮阴,这意味着祂靠近我们,好让我们住在祂的荫庇之下。
The “sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night” which means that God will watch over us day and night. It’s a way of indicating that God will protect us from all the calamities of the day, perhaps like a sunstroke and dehydration, and the dangers of the night, like robbers, thieves, and wild animals. God watches over and protects from every calamity that may come. “Sun and moon” is also a merism—a figure of speech where you have two contrasting things placed side-be-side to refer to the whole thing. So if God made “heaven and earth,” that means he made everything. God loves the “young and old” meaning everyone. So God will protect his people from all calamities day and night. “白天太阳必不伤你,夜里月亮必不害你”,这意味着上帝会日夜监视我们。 这是一种表明上帝保护我们免受白天所有的灾难,也许就像中暑和脱水,以及夜间的危险,如劫匪、小偷和野兽。 上帝监视并保护我们免于可能发生的每一场灾难。“太阳和月亮”也是一种相代(merism)修辞手法—就是用两个相对或相反的事物并列用以指代整体。所以如果说上帝造了“天地”意思就是祂造了万物。神爱“年少的和年老的”是指所有人。所以神会保护祂的子民脱离昼夜所有灾祸。
In trials, remember to lift your eyes to our keeper, protector, and guardian day and night. So God watches over his children in all the normal trials of life, like the difficulties we’ll face because we live in a fallen world. Our sin and dealing with the sin of others. Trials that arise like fear, unemployment, financial challenges, and health ailments. Our car breaking down and stranding us on the road. And God is watching over in all the extraordinary trials of life: persecution, attacks, tragedies, or trials. God protects us from shipwreck in all of these challenges and difficulties. God protects day and night. 在考验中,要记得举目仰望我们的守护者、保护者和监护人。 因此,上帝在所有正常的生活考验中看顾祂的孩子,正如我们因为生活在一个堕落的世界而要面临的困难:比如我们的罪和处理别人的罪,比如各种考验包括恐惧、失业、经济困难和身体病痛,比如我们的车半路抛锚把我们困在路上。 上帝正在照看生命中所有异常的考验:迫害、攻击、灾难或审讯。 在所有这些挑战和困难中,上帝保护我们免遭海难。 日日夜夜,上帝保护我们。
This does raise one objection. Aren’t tragedies a sign that God is either powerless or uncaring? The critique goes like this: Either God is powerful enough to stop the tragedy but won’t so he’s heartless, or he can’t stop the tragedy so he’s powerless. To drive this home, I recently heard about two twin young men from Bloomington that got into a car crash and died. I believe they attend Bethlehem for a season at the South Campus, and perhaps some of us knew them. How should we think about such a tragedy? 这会引出一个反对意见。 灾难应该让我们怀疑上帝的良善吗? 我最近听说两个来自布卢明顿的双胞胎年轻人在车祸中死去。 我相信他们平时参加伯利恒教会南堂的活动,也许我们中的一些人认识他们。 我们该如何看待这样的悲剧?
I think we get help from Jesus’ words in Luke 21. In it Jesus is warning his disciples of the trials that are to come: earthquakes, famines, pestilence, terrors, great signs from heaven, persecution, imprisonment, and trials before powerful people. Then he says in Luke 21:16–18, “[16] You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. [17] You will be hated by all for my name's sake. [18] But not a hair of your head will perish.” Your own family may betray you, and they will kill you, but not a hair of your head will perish. Is that contradictory? No. Jesus knew what he was saying here. 我想我们可以从耶稣在路加福音21章中所说的话得到帮助。耶稣在其中警告他的门徒即将来临的考验:地震、饥荒、瘟疫、恐怖、来自天上的大迹象、迫害、监禁,以及在当权者面前的审讯。 然后他在路加福音21:16-18中说:“[16] 你们也会被父母、弟兄、亲戚、朋友出卖,他们又要害死你们一些人。 [17] 你们要因我的名,被众人恨恶, [18] 然而连你们的一根头发,也必不失落。”你自己的家人可能会背叛你,他们会杀了你,但你头上的头发不会灭亡。 那是矛盾的吗? 不,耶稣知道祂在这里说的是什么。
God’s protecting, guarding, watching over love and trials, suffering, and even death are not mutually exclusive. Both can be true. The what God does in our suffering and trials is he watches over us in it so that it might produce in us godliness, obedience, greater trust, greater dependence, and a greater longing for his return. As 2 Corinthians 4:17 states, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” In the death of Jesus on the cross, he turned evil on its head so that evil ended up bringing about infinite and eternal good. And now we are “more than conquerors” such that even trials and suffering—both normal and extraordinary—are used by God to conform us increasingly into his image. This is why Paul can say “O death where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55) God turned death for Christians into the door by which we enter eternity for joy everlasting. Death is turned on its head into the starting line of eternal glory. 上帝爱心的保护、守护、监护和试炼、痛苦,甚至死亡之间都不是互斥的。 两者并行不悖。 上帝在我们的苦难和考验中所做的是祂从中看护我们,以便它可以在我们里面产生敬虔、顺服,更多的信任、更多的信赖,以及对祂回归的更大渴望。 正如哥林多后书4:17所说的那样,“因为我们短暂轻微的患难,是要为我们成就极大无比、永远的荣耀。”耶稣在十字架上的死亡,把邪恶全然反转,邪恶最终带来了无限和永恒的益处。 而现在我们“得胜有余”,甚至上帝也使用正常和异常的试炼和痛苦来使我们越来越成为祂的形象。这就是为什么保罗会说:“死亡啊! 你的胜利在哪里? 死亡啊! 你的毒刺在哪里?”(哥林多前书15:55)神为基督徒把死亡变成一扇门,让我们得以进入永生的福乐。死亡被全然反转,变成永恒荣耀的起跑线。
So where does our help come from? From God, creator of heaven and earth. He is our keeper that never sleeps, protects day and night, and lastly, he is our keep that guards us from all evil. 所以,我们的帮助从何而来? 来自上帝,天地的创造者。 祂是我们的守护者,从不睡觉,昼夜保护。最后,祂是我们的看护,保护我们脱离邪恶。
4. Our Keeper Guards Us From Evil (7–8) 4. 我们的守护者保护我们脱离邪恶(7-8节)
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. 7 耶和华要保护你脱离一切灾祸(译注:这个希伯来文词有“灾祸”和“邪恶”的意思),他要保护你的性命。
8 The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. 8 你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从现在直到永远。
Not only does Yahweh our God protect us from all the calamities we experience in life, but he guards us from evil forces of darkness. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” God is watching us, protecting us, and guarding us in our spiritual journey. Much like in the Pilgrim’s Progress, we are on a journey to the celestial city and there are trials and temptations along the way. 耶和华我们的上帝不仅保护我们免受我们在生活中遇到的所有灾难,而且还保护我们免受邪恶黑暗力量的伤害。 以弗所书6:12提醒我们:“因为我们的争战,对抗的不是有血有肉的人,而是执政的、掌权的、管辖这黑暗世界的和天上的邪灵。”上帝在看顾着我们,保护着我们,在我们的精神之旅中守护着我们。 就像《天路历程》一样,我们正在前往天城,沿途有试炼和诱惑。
God is not just helping us from a distance, thinking, “I sure hope they make it.” Rather, God is keeping our souls, causing us to persevere in the faith. This repetition of “God is your Keeper” is nothing less than God will cause us to persevere in our faith. He will keep us from all evil. He will keep our life even in death so that we make it all the way home. 上帝不是仅仅从远处一路帮助我们,心想:“我希望他们自己能对付。”相反,上帝亲手保守我们的灵魂,使我们的信心坚忍。反复强调“神是你的守护者”无非是说神会守护我们的信心。祂保护我们脱离邪恶。祂甚至将在死亡中保守我们的生命,以便我们一路回家。
So in the midst of evil, perhaps spiritual attack, evil opposition, unusual temptation, persecution, Satan’s accusations of condemnation and shame, deception of the serpent and the devouring of the dragon, God will preserve us according to his power and wisdom. Don’t forget that our Helper is the one who made heaven and earth, he doesn’t sleep or slumber, he never takes a day off, and he watches over those who are his day and night. Constant and unwavering. 因此,在邪恶之中,也许是属灵的攻击、邪恶的敌挡、不同寻常的试探、迫害,撒但的控告和羞辱,迷惑的蛇和吞噬的龙,上帝将照着祂的力量和智慧保护我们。 不要忘记,我们的帮助者是创造天地的主,祂从不睡觉或打盹,祂一天也没有休息过,祂昼夜看顾着那些属祂的人,永恒不变,坚定不移。
This closing phrase, “The Lord will keep your going out and our coming in from this time forth and forevermore” tells us that God will watch our going and coming. It likely meant the start of the journey to Jerusalem, and the return. God’s with us for the roundtrip journey, and he’s watching us all the way home in the spiritual journey to dwell with him face to face where there will someday be no more trials, no more pain, no more tears, no more sin, no more suffering, no more persecution, no more brokenness, no more heartache, no more disappointment, no more anxiety, no more putting to death the flesh, no more fighting sin, no more failure, no more anxiety, no more depression, no more pride, no more anger, no more abuse, and no more tragedies. There will only be the Lord who is our light and our life. Our guardian, our Savior and our Lord. 这句结束语:“你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远”告诉我们上帝会保护我们的进出。 这可能是指耶路撒冷之旅的往返。 往返旅程中上帝都与我们同在,在精神之旅中祂也一直保护着我们,直到我们安居下来,与祂面对面。到一天,再没有考验,再没有痛苦,再没有眼泪,再没有罪恶,再没有痛苦,再没有迫害,再没有破碎,再没有心痛,再不用失望,再不用担忧,再不用治死肉体的罪,再不用与罪争战,再没有失败,再没有焦虑,再没有抑郁,再没有骄傲 ,再没有愤怒,再没有虐待,再没有灾难。 只有主才是我们的光和我们的生命,我们的守护者,我们的救主和我们的主。
Closing 结束语
Why is this true? Because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for sinners. Jesus reconciled all things to himself. All that is bad and ugly and broken will be undone. All those who are hurting, depressed, and overwhelmed will be filled with laughter and inexpressible joy. Jesus’ death purchases forgiveness of sins so that we’re not guilty for all the ways we have contributed to the brokenness of our world and culture, and instead we are being renewed day-by-day into the image of the glory of the Son of God. 为什么这是真的? 因为耶稣基督在十字架上为罪人完成了工作。 耶稣使万有都与自己和好。 所有那些糟糕、丑陋和破碎的东西都将被消除。 所有那些受到伤害,沮丧和不堪重负的人都将充满笑声和无法形容的快乐。 耶稣的死赎买了赦罪,使我们不用再为我们对世界和文化的破碎所作贡献负上罪疚,相反,我们每天都在更新,越来越成为神的儿子那样荣耀的形像。
So for you who long to have a future that is filled with inexpressible joy and laughter, and to see all the broken, ugly, and evil things in the world undone—including our own hearts bent towards sin—surrender this morning to Jesus Christ. Confess your sins and believe in him. 因此,如果你渴望拥有充满无法形容的喜乐和欢笑的未来,并看到世界上所有破碎、丑陋和邪恶的事物,包括我们自己倾向犯罪的心灵都消除,那就请在今天早上向耶稣基督投诚,承认你的罪并信靠祂。
And for us who can’t wait for that final day, and yet groan with all creation over the heartache, brokenness, and frailty of our world, let’s remember the words of Paul in Romans 8:35–39 “[35] Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? [36] As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” [37] No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. [38] For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, [39] nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 如果我们不能等到那最后一天,却又为我们世界的心痛、破碎和虚弱而呻吟,让我们记住保罗在罗马书8:35-39中的话语“[35]谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢? 是患难吗? 是困苦吗? 是迫害吗? 是饥饿吗? 是赤身露体吗? 是危险吗? 是刀剑吗? [36] 正如经上所记:“为你的缘故,我们终日面对死亡, 人看我们像待宰的羊。” [37] 但靠着爱我们的那一位,我们在这一切事上就得胜有余了。 [38] 因为我深信:无论是死、是生,是天使、是掌权的,是现在的事,是将来的事,是有能力的, [39] 是高天的、是深渊的,或是任何别的被造之物,都不能叫我们与 神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主耶稣基督里的。“
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: The Lord is Our Keeper 讲道标题:主是我们的守护者
Sermon Text: Psalm 121 讲道经文:诗篇121
Main Point: True biblical Christianity requires both love and truth, intertwined, fused together, and informed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. 要点:真正合乎圣经的基督教需要爱与真理,交织在一起,融合在一起,并以耶稣基督的福音为基础。
**Outline: ** 纲要
1. Where Is our Help? (1–2) 1. 我们的帮助从何而来?(1-2节)
2. Our Keeper Never Sleeps (3–4) 2. 我们的守护者从不睡觉(3-4节)
3. Our Keeper Protects Day & Night (5–6) 3. 我们的守护者昼夜保护(5-6节)
4. Our Keeper Guards Us from Evil (7–8) 4. 我们的守护者保护我们脱离邪恶(7-8节)
Opening Question: 开场问题
1. What is the most happy or memorable moment of your life and what is the saddest moment of your life? 1. 你生命中最快乐或最难忘的时刻是什么,你生命中最悲伤的时刻是什么?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题
2. What is likely the purpose of the Psalm of Ascents (Psalms 120–134) ? 2. 上行诗篇的目的可能是什么(诗篇120-134)?
3. What significance is there in how verse two answers verse one? 3. 第二节回答第一节的问题有什么重要意义?
4. How does a never sleeping God differ from other gods (e.g. Baal) or other philosophies popular in our world? 4. 永不沉睡的上帝与其他诸神(例如巴力)或我们世界流行的其他哲学有何不同?
5. Discuss some of the significance that God watches his people both day and night. 5. 讨论上帝昼夜看顾祂子民的重要性。
6. How should we respond to evil in light of God who keeps us from evil? 6. 我们应该如何根据使我们远离邪恶的上帝来应对邪恶呢?
7. How should the truth that God is our keeper (i.e. protector, guardian, watches over) impact our thinking, actions, and feelings? 7. 上帝是我们的守护者(即保护者、监护人、监督者)的真相应该如何影响我们的思想、行动和感受?
Application Questions: 应用问题
8. How can we encourage one another in the steady state of everyday life in light of the truth that God is our keeper? 8. 我们怎样才能在日常生活的稳定状态下相互鼓励,认识到上帝是我们的守护者?
9. Are there one or two areas where you struggle to trust that God is keeping you? How can Psalm 121 instruct us in how to sing and pray to God? 9. 是否有一两个领域让你难以相信上帝保守你? 诗篇121如何指导我们歌唱并向上帝祈祷?
10 What are some other aspects or characteristics of God that bring you unusual comfort in the midst of trial? What are some passages or verses that reveal those truths? 10. 上帝的有其他什么方面或特征会在考验中带给你不同寻常的安慰吗? 揭示这些真理的​​经文段落或章句有哪些?
11. If God is our keeper, how should that empower and enable us to take steps of faith in our lives? What are some areas where you need to take a step of faith and trust God? 11. 如果上帝是我们的守护者,那么这个信念如何赋予我们能力使我们能够在生活中迈出信心的脚步呢? 在哪些方面你需要迈出信心的脚步并信靠上帝?
12. How does Jesus confirm and seal all the truths of Psalm 121? 12. 耶稣如何证实并应验诗篇121中的所有真理?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Take a moment to praise God for being our keep that never sleeps, always protects, and guards us from all evil. Confess any sins of failing to trust in God, seeking to solve problems in our own strength, or failing to look to God in the midst of trial. Thank God that we have forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ, and that he is constantly and lovingly watching over those who have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. Ask God for faith to trust him more and more, even in and especially in the midst of trials and suffering. 赞美上帝,因为祂永远不会睡觉,永远保护我们免受一切邪恶。 承认自己任何不信任上帝,寻求以自己的力量解决问题,或在考验中未能仰望上帝的罪。 感谢上帝,我们在耶稣基督里罪得赦免,并且祂恒常有爱地看顾那些耶稣基督宝血所赎之人。 求上帝赐予更多信心,越来越多地信靠祂,尤其在试炼和苦难中更是如此。
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