
2020-05-25  本文已影响0人  fanyank



收到 DBA 发出的慢 SQL 报警邮件,如下:

UPDATE order_exception_042 SET yn = 0 WHERE order_id = 1050020097947451;
# Query_time: 0.101579 Lock_time: 0.000039 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 8420
SET timestamp=1590108934;

根据报警邮件可以看到,查询时间较长的原因是检索的行数过多导致的(order_id没有索引,因此全表查询),其中的 lock_time 引起了我的注意,update 语句会锁表吗?是行级锁还是表级锁呢?


  1. 常见的SQL会触发哪些锁
  2. 如何在本地练习具体执行的SQL触发了哪些锁(查看锁日志)
  3. 为什么 update 语句最好使用 主键来更新
  4. MySQL中的锁类型和锁模式

Mysql中锁的分类(Lock Type)

  1. Shared and Exclusive Locks

    行级锁。这两个分别是最为普通的读锁和写锁。读锁,又称为 S 锁,允许多个事务同时获取,因此也叫共享锁。写锁,又称为 X 锁,一次只能被同一个事务占有,因此也叫独占锁。

    为什么要区分出读锁和写锁呢?因此要提高数据库的并发性,如果只有一个锁,数据库一次只能被一个事务读取,而对于数据库而言超过 80% 的使用场景都是读取数据,因此并发性会大大的降低。

  2. Intention Locks

    表级锁。翻译过来叫做 “意向锁”,意向锁也分为读意向锁(Intention Shared Lock,简写为 IS)和写意向锁(Intention Exclusive Lock,简写为 IX)。在 Mysql 中,为了实现多粒度锁控制,引入了意向锁。

    当一个事务请求施加行级共享锁(Shared Locks)时,它必须先获取到表级读意向锁。如 select ... lock in share mode 先获取到了读意向锁,然后对行施加读锁。

    当一个事务请求施加行级独占锁(Exclusive Locks)时,它必须先获取到表级写意向锁。如 select ... for update 先获取到写意向锁,然后对表中的行施加写锁。


  1. Record Locks

    行级锁。只针对索引有效。如 select field1 from t1 where id = 1 for update ,执行该语句时就会把 id=1 的所有行锁住,防止其他事务对 id=1 的行进行删除,增加,修改操作。

  2. Gap Locks

    行级锁。俗称 “间隙锁”。间隙锁施加的对象是两个 index records 之间的间隙。如 select filed1 from t1 where field1 between 10 and 20 for update,执行该语句时,Mysql 施加的间隙锁会防止 field1=15 的记录插入,因为 15 位于 10 和 20 的间隙。

    Mysql 采用间隙锁的做法防止了 “幻影行” 的出现。关闭间隙锁的做法就是调整 Mysql 的事务隔离级别,从默认的 RR 调整为 RC

  3. Next-Key Locks

    行级锁。当 Mysql 事务的隔离级别为 RR(Repeatable Read)时,Next-Key Lock 使用的频率最为频繁,因为 Next-Key Lock 可以理解为 Record Lock + Gap Lock. MySQL 中引入 Next-Key Lock 锁的原因同样是为了解决幻影行的出现。

MySQL中锁的模式(Lock Mode)

Mysql 中总共只有四种锁的模式, 表级锁有 4 种(X , S, IX, IS),行级锁只有两种(X , S), 表级锁的兼容性如下表

  1. X: 与其他任何锁冲突
  2. S : 与X锁,IX 锁冲突,允许并发读
  3. IX : 意向锁和意向锁之间不冲突,意味着 Mysql 支持单表的并发的读写
  4. IS: 意向锁和意向锁之间不冲突,意味着 Mysql 支持单标并发的读写


  1. X

    使用下列语句触发锁 locking 表,此时不允许任何请求读

    lock tables locking write;
  2. S

    使用下拉语句触发锁 locking 表,此时不允许任何请求写

    lock tables locking read;
  3. IX

    DML 语句,如 delete, update, insert 操作都会触发 Mysql 对表施加 IX 锁。

    select ... for update

  4. IS

    select ... lock in share mode;

最为普通的 select 语句会加锁吗?

不会,select 语句使用读快照的方式,保证了 MySQL 的高并发特性。读快照不涉及到加锁和解锁。


set GLOABL innodb_status_output=ON;
set GLOBAL innodb_status_output_locks=ON;


show engine innodb status\G




--Record Lock
RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71483 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
--Gap Lock
RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71486 lock_mode X locks gap before rec
--Next-key Lock
RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 5 n bits 80 index idx_name of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71497 lock_mode X

使用ele库,隔离级别为RR(Repeatable Read),表结构如下

CREATE TABLE `locking` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `no` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `score` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `idx_no` (`no`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `idx_name` (`name`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `idx_age` (`age`) USING BTREE


Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 12.18.35 PM.png

确保开启了 Mysql 的锁监控

set GLOABL innodb_status_output=ON;
set GLOBAL innodb_status_output_locks=ON;

下面我们开始测试各个场景下 Mysql 会施加哪种级别哪种类型的锁

  1. 聚簇索引,查询命中
session1 session2 备注
update locking set score = 99 where id = 15; begin;
select * from locking where id =15
select * from locking where id = 15 此时score=100,因为隔离级别为RR,确保在同一个事务中,同一个SQL查询的结果是一致的


show engine innodb status\G


 2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
 MySQL thread id 6, OS thread handle 123145511911424, query id 150 localhost root starting
 show engine innodb status
 --ID为71483的事务对ele库的locking表施加了 IX 写意向锁
 TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71483 lock mode IX
 --ID为71483的事务对ele库的locking表中的主键索引施加了 X 写锁,特别指明没有 gap 间隙锁
 RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71483 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
 Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 8000000f; asc     ;;
  1: len 6; hex 00000001173b; asc      ;;;
  2: len 7; hex 30000001700d8a; asc 0   p  ;;
  3: len 5; hex 5330303031; asc S0001;;
  4: len 3; hex 426f62; asc Bob;;
  5: len 4; hex 80000019; asc     ;;
  6: len 4; hex 80000062; asc    b;;

在 Session1 执行事务时,已经获取了 locking 表的 写意向锁,并且对 id=15 这个聚簇索引施加了 X 写锁,但是此时 Session2 执行另外一个事务中的 select 语句,仍然能读到 id=15 的数据,这一点证明普通的 select 语句是读快照不用加锁的。

  1. 聚簇索引,查询未命中
session1 session2 备注
update locking set score = 80 where id = 16; begin;
select * from locking where id =16
select * from locking where id = 16
 show engine innodb status
 --ID为71486的事务对ele库的locking表施加了 IX 写意向锁
 TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71486 lock mode IX
 --ID为71483的事务对ele库的locking表中的主键索引施加了 X 写锁,为间隙锁(15^18)
 RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71486 lock_mode X locks gap before rec
 Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
  0: len 4; hex 80000012; asc     ;;
  1: len 6; hex 000000011708; asc       ;;
  2: len 7; hex a8000001db0110; asc        ;;
  3: len 5; hex 5330303032; asc S0002;;
  4: len 5; hex 416c696365; asc Alice;;
  5: len 4; hex 80000018; asc     ;;
  6: len 4; hex 8000004d; asc    M;;
  1. 二级唯一索引,查询命中
session1 备注
update locking set score = 80 where no = 'S0002';
  show engine innodb status
  --ID为71487的事务对ele库的locking表施加了 IX 写意向锁
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71487 lock mode IX
  --ID为71487的事务对ele库的locking表中的idx_no索引施加了 X 写锁,特别指明没有 gap 间隙锁
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 4 n bits 80 index idx_no of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71487 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
  Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 5; hex 5330303032; asc S0002;;
   1: len 4; hex 80000012; asc     ;;
  --ID为71487的事务对ele库的locking表中的主键索引施加了 X 写锁,特别指明没有 gap 间隙锁
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71487 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
  Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000012; asc     ;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001173f; asc      ?;;
   2: len 7; hex 33000001572461; asc 3   W$a;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303032; asc S0002;;
   4: len 5; hex 416c696365; asc Alice;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000018; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000050; asc    P;;
  1. 二级唯一索引,查询未命中
session1 备注
update locking set score = 80 where = 'S0008';
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71496 lock mode IX
  --从日志看,对idx_no索引施加的Next-Key Lock,而非 Gap Lock 与 这篇文章写的有出入
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 4 n bits 80 index idx_no of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71496 lock_mode X
  Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;
我们这里使用的唯一索引 idx_no 是类型为 varchar,字段名为 no 列,经过多次试验,varchar 类型的唯一如果没有命中施加的都是 Next-key Lock, 位置为 LastNode^Supremum+Supremum。

如果使用的唯一索引为非 varchar 类型,举例来说,我们在表中增加一个字段和唯一索引,SQL语句如下:

alter table locking add column no_id default null int(20)
alter table add unique idx_no_id (`no_id`)

此时,我们根据 no_id 唯一索引去查询,未命中的情况下,Mysql 施加的是 Gap Lock 或 Next-Key Lock,取决于 no_id 是否为索引的边界。

--no_id 落在索引边界
2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 2, OS thread handle 123145405616128, query id 117 localhost root starting
show engine innodb status
TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72010 lock mode IX
--update locking set score where no_id = 12(12大于现有的所有no_id,为边界值,此时施加的是Next-Key Lock)
RECORD LOCKS space id 784 page no 7 n bits 80 index idx_no_id of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72010 lock_mode X
Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

--no_id 落在两个索引之间
2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 2, OS thread handle 123145405616128, query id 113 localhost root starting
show engine innodb status
TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72009 lock mode IX
--update locking set score where no_id = 8(8位于6和10之间,此时施加的是Gap Lock)
RECORD LOCKS space id 784 page no 7 n bits 80 index idx_no_id of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72009 lock_mode X locks gap before rec
Record lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 4; hex 8000000a; asc     ;;
 1: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
  1. 二级非唯一索引,查询命中
session1 备注
update locking set score = 80 where name = 'Tom';
  --3种锁类型:Record Lock, Next-key Lock, Intention Lock
  --5个行锁:三个Next-key锁 Rose^Tom1+Tom1,Tom1^Tom2+Tom2,Tom2^Supermum+Supremum(这三个在idx_name索引上)
  --      两个Record锁:Tom1,Tom2(这两个在主键索引上)
  3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 5 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
  MySQL thread id 6, OS thread handle 123145511911424, query id 227 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71497 lock mode IX
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 5 n bits 80 index idx_name of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71497 lock_mode X
  Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

  Record lock, heap no 6 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   1: len 4; hex 80000025; asc    %;;

  Record lock, heap no 7 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   1: len 4; hex 80000031; asc    1;;
  --在主键索引上施加的Record Lock,非Gap Lock
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71497 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
  Record lock, heap no 6 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000025; asc    %;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011749; asc      I;;
   2: len 7; hex 390000016c0dda; asc 9   l  ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303035; asc S0005;;
   4: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000016; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 8000005a; asc    Z;;

  Record lock, heap no 7 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000031; asc    1;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011749; asc      I;;
   2: len 7; hex 390000016c0dfc; asc 9   l  ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303036; asc S0006;;
   4: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000019; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 8000005a; asc    Z;;
  1. 二级非唯一索引,查询未命中
session1 备注
update locking set score = 80 where name = 'John';
  --两种锁类型:Intention Lock,Gap Lock
  --一个行锁:Gap Lock
  2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s)
  MySQL thread id 6, OS thread handle 123145511911424, query id 232 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71499 lock mode IX
  --Gap Lock info
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 5 n bits 80 index idx_name of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71499 lock_mode X locks gap before rec
  Record lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 526f7365; asc Rose;;
   1: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
  1. 无索引
session1 备注
update locking set score = 80 where score = 90;
  --两种锁类型:Intention Lock, Next-key Lock
  --8个行锁:infimum^15+15, 15^18+18, 18^20+20, 20^30+30
  --        30^37+37, 37^49+49, 49^50+50, 50^Supremum+Supremum
  2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 8 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
  MySQL thread id 6, OS thread handle 123145511911424, query id 240 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71500 lock mode IX
  RECORD LOCKS space id 782 page no 3 n bits 80 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 71500 lock_mode X
  Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

  Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 8000000f; asc     ;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011740; asc      @;;
   2: len 7; hex 340000015b2c45; asc 4   [,E;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303031; asc S0001;;
   4: len 3; hex 426f62; asc Bob;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000019; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000002; asc     ;;

  Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000012; asc     ;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001173f; asc      ?;;
   2: len 7; hex 33000001572461; asc 3   W$a;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303032; asc S0002;;
   4: len 5; hex 416c696365; asc Alice;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000018; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000050; asc    P;;

  Record lock, heap no 4 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000014; asc     ;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001170d; asc       ;;
   2: len 7; hex ab000001f10110; asc        ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303033; asc S0003;;
   4: len 3; hex 4a696d; asc Jim;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000018; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000005; asc     ;;

  Record lock, heap no 5 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 8000001e; asc     ;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001170e; asc       ;;
   2: len 7; hex ac000001170110; asc        ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303034; asc S0004;;
   4: len 4; hex 45726963; asc Eric;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000017; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 8000005b; asc    [;;

  Record lock, heap no 6 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000025; asc    %;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001174c; asc      L;;
   2: len 7; hex 3b0000017f0110; asc ;      ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303035; asc S0005;;
   4: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000016; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000014; asc     ;;

  Record lock, heap no 7 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000031; asc    1;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001174c; asc      L;;
   2: len 7; hex 3b0000017f0132; asc ;     2;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303036; asc S0006;;
   4: len 3; hex 546f6d; asc Tom;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000019; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000014; asc     ;;

  Record lock, heap no 9 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011746; asc      F;;
   2: len 7; hex 370000017b0812; asc 7   {  ;;
   3: len 6; hex 533030303130; asc S00010;;
   4: len 4; hex 526f7365; asc Rose;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000017; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000059; asc    Y;;
因此无索引情况下使用 update 语句会对全表中主索引施加 Next-Key 锁,相当于锁表。此时由于 X 锁和 X 锁互斥,会导致其他 Session 不能插入,删除和更新表。

  1. 范围更新

    现在 locking 表中的数据如下

    Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 10.46.22 AM.png

如果我们执行如下语句,Mysql 会施加几种锁?每个种类对应几个锁呢?

  update locking set score where id >= 50;
  --三种类型锁:Intention Lock, Record Lock, Next-Key Lock
  --Record Lock: 施加在 id=50 的索引上
  --Next-Key Lock: 50^60+60, 60^Supremum+Supremum
  3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
  MySQL thread id 2, OS thread handle 123145405616128, query id 150 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72019 lock mode IX
  RECORD LOCKS space id 784 page no 3 n bits 88 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72019 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
  Record lock, heap no 15 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 8; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011953; asc      S;;
   2: len 7; hex 3f000001641bc7; asc ?   d  ;;
   3: len 6; hex 533030303130; asc S00010;;
   4: len 4; hex 526f7365; asc Rose;;
   5: len 4; hex 80000017; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
   7: len 4; hex 8000000a; asc     ;;

  RECORD LOCKS space id 784 page no 3 n bits 88 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72019 lock_mode X
  Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

  Record lock, heap no 16 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 8; compact format; info bits 0
   0: len 4; hex 8000003c; asc    <;;
   1: len 6; hex 000000011953; asc      S;;
   2: len 7; hex 3f000001641be9; asc ?   d  ;;
   3: len 5; hex 5330303039; asc S0009;;
   4: len 4; hex 5a61726b; asc Zark;;
   5: len 4; hex 8000001c; asc     ;;
   6: len 4; hex 80000032; asc    2;;
   7: len 4; hex 80000009; asc     ;;

9. 插入


  insert into locking (id,no,name,age,no_id) values(70,'S00012','Jupiter',28,12);


  1 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
  MySQL thread id 2, OS thread handle 123145405616128, query id 211 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72022 lock mode IX

10. 删除


  delete from locking where id = 70;


  2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
  MySQL thread id 2, OS thread handle 123145405616128, query id 217 localhost root starting
  show engine innodb status
  TABLE LOCK table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72027 lock mode IX
  RECORD LOCKS space id 784 page no 3 n bits 88 index PRIMARY of table `ele`.`locking` trx id 72027 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
  Record lock, heap no 17 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 8; compact format; info bits 32
   0: len 4; hex 80000046; asc    F;;
   1: len 6; hex 00000001195b; asc      [;;
   2: len 7; hex 440000014312b6; asc D   C  ;;
   3: len 6; hex 533030303132; asc S00012;;
   4: len 7; hex 4a757069746572; asc Jupiter;;
   5: len 4; hex 8000001c; asc     ;;
   6: SQL NULL;
   7: len 4; hex 8000000c; asc     ;;

