The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
This week ,we mainly focus on the Habit6 and Habit7.
Habit 6:Synergize
What is Synergize?It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.It means that the relationship which the parts have to each other isa part in and of itself. Let's put it simpler:The very way that a man and a woman bring a child into the world is synergistic.A husband and a wife see the situation differently.And that difference can polarize them.Or It can bring them closer together on a higher level.
The lowest level of communication coming out of low-trust situations would be characterized by defensiveness and protectiveness.Such communication produces only Win/Lose or Lose/Win.
The middle level is respectful communication.They have respect for each other,but they always use compromise to avoid the confrontation.
It is respectful but it isn't creative.It produces low form of Win/Win.
The synergistic position of high trust produces Win/Win,and solutions better than any originally proposed.
The essence of synergy is to value differences----the mental,the emotional, the psychological differences between people.
We should know that all people see the world ,not as it is,but as they are.YOU have your paradigm,and I have my paradigm.So you have your own perceptual limitations,and I have my own perceptual limitations.We should value the differences because those differences add to our knowledge,to our understanding of reality.
Looking around ,everthing is related to everthing else .The relationship of parts is the power in creating a synergistic culture inside a family or an organization.Synergy is the achievement of all the privious habits.It's teamwork,the development with other human beings.
When someone disagrees with you ,you can say “Good,you see it differently”You don't have to agree with him;you can simply affirm them,and seek to understand them.
There is a synergistic third alternative except the two alternative--yours and the“ wrong”.
Habit7 Sharpen the saw
What is your greatest asset?
Yes ,It's you.It does not lie in your job;it lies in your own power to produce---to think ,to learn, to creat,to adapt.It's not having wealth;it's having the power to produce wealth.
This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life-----investment in ourselves.
WE are the instruments of our own performance,and to be effective,we need to take time regularly to sharpen the saw in four ways.
Habit 7is personal PC.It's sharping the saw (renewing ) the four dimensions of your nature----phycical,spititual,mental,and social/emotional.
The author presents us detailed explanations and methods of the four dimensions one by one.We should be aware that the self-renewal process must include balanced renewal in all four dimensions.
The self-renewal process is balanced,synergistic and upward spiral. Our conscience will propel us to to approach the value-centered principles along the path of freedom,security,wisedom and power.With the basic priciples and conscience in mind,we just learn,commit,and do-----learn,commit,and do---learn,commit,and do again along the upward spiral of growth , change and improvement.