1.课堂用语 Saying Hello and Good-bye

2019-01-20  本文已影响0人  搬运工阿E

课堂用语(Classroom Language)

When playing games and organizing activities during the lesson it is very important  to make sure that the students understand simple commands , phrases andessential  classroom language often used before or during a certain activity . When using this  "classroom language " we encourage students to speak only English during lessons, enable them to be more active and make sure that they understand  the  instructions.

Saying Hello and Good-bye

When starting or finishing your class it is suggested to use different ways to greet your class other than just " hello " . Doing so will broaden students' vocabulary without  making any effort and  give them a wider choice of how to begin or end a conversation. 

Hello ! Hi ! 

Hello everyone ! 

Good morning ! 

Cood afternoon ! 

Good evening ! 

Merry Christmas ! 

Happy New Year ! 

Good-bye everybody !

Bye !  Bye-bye !

See you soon ! 

See you tomorrow ! 

See you next class  !

See you later ! 

So long ! 

Have a nice / good day ! 

Take care ! 

That's all for today ! Class is over ! 

Stand up so we can all say goodbye !


