语言·翻译English BootCamp英语训练营

The burning heart

2019-09-29  本文已影响0人  紫罗兰Shirley

They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?” ---Luke24:32

We will learn the secret of the burning heart. Jesus suddenly appeared to us, and the heat began to burn, and we had wonderful vision. Then we will learn to hold on to our fiery heart, so that we can experience all kinds of things. The ordinary, day-to-day life, with its daily work and its related people, will extinguish the fire of the heart---unless we learn to dwell in the Lord Jesus.

Most of our sufferings as Christians are caused not by sin, but by our ignorance of the law of our own nature. For example, the only way to determine whether a relationship should develop is to look at its consequences. Push it to a logical conclusion. If the outcome will be criminated by God, don’t let it continue. But if that emotion is God’s spiritual fire, and we don’t allow it to have its place in our life, it will work on a lower level. This’s how emotionalism works. If we do not let the emotions have the right catharsis, then the higher the emotions, the deeper the fall. If the spirit of God excites us, do it, regardless of the consequences. We must not remain on the top of the mountain of change, but must submit to the light we receive on the mountain, the vison God gives us. Do as the vision instructs us, whatever the cost may be.

The fire of the heart can’t be burned by people. The spirit stirs and stands, the heart lives in secret. But the revealed obedience of the chamber is accomplished by the secret labor.

Dear God, the day is your day. Let it shine like a Jewel in our life forever. 

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