Lesson80 The Crystal Palace
Perhaps the most extraordinary buildingofthe
nineteenth centurywasthe Crystal Palace, whichwasbuilt in Hyde Park for the
Great Exhibitionof1851. The Crystal Palacewasdifferent from all other
buildings in the world, for itwasmadeofiron and glass. Itwasoneofthe
biggest buildingsofall time and alot ofpeoplefrommany countries came to
see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibitionfromvarious parts of
the world. Therewasalso a great dealofmachineryondisplay. The most
wonderful pieceofmachineryonshowwasNasmyth's steam hammer. Though in
those days, travelingwasnotas easy as it is today, steam boats carried
thousandsofvisitorsacrossthe ChannelfromEurope.Onarriving in England,
they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors
in all, and theprofits fromthe exhibition were used to build museums and
colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one
ofthe most famous buildings in the world until itwasburnt down in 1936.
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