
2020-09-11  本文已影响0人  SAM52

16.3-Selecting an Issue-Simple Issue-Pornography


what - The word pornography is from a Greek word meaning writing about prostitutes.
色情是什么 - 色情一词来自希腊语,意思是描写关于妓女。

no what - Its modern definition, however, has no direct connection to prositution.

what - Pornography is any written, visual, or auditory material that is sexually explicit,although power and violence are frequently recurring subthemes.

phenomenon - The controversy that has always surrounded pornography has intensified in recent years.

explain - Among the reasons are the increase in sex and violence in movies and television and the appearance of pornographic materials on the Internet.

question - The central question in the current debate over pornography is the same as it has been in decades, indeed centuries, past: Is pornography harmful?

  1. The audience - Are the user of pornography male or female? Adults or children?
  1. Themes - What categories of sex are indlude in books, magazines, films, and tapes? What does the work say about the kinds of sex it treats? What message does it convey?
  1. Business arrangements - In pornographic films, are the actors paid? If so, does this consitute prostitution?
  1. The actors - Is genuine acting required for pornographic films? Do many actors find a career in such films, or only temporary employment? Do they look back on this employment, years later, with pride or with shame?
  1. Alleged harmful effects - What attitudes does pornography cultivate toward love, marriage, and commitment? Does it, as some claim, eroticize children, celebrate the brutalization of women, and glamorize rape? Does it make men see women as persons or as objects? Does it elevate or degrade those who read/view it?
  1. Role of pornography in sexually transmitted disease - Does pornography play a positive or negative role in the effort to combat sexually transmitted diseases, indluding HIV/AIDS?
  1. Free speech - Does the guarantee of free speech extend to pornography?

