2021-08-06 本文已影响0人
英文 | 中文 |
Hey, what you reading? | 你在读什么呢 |
A magazine. | 杂志 |
Oh. Making a collage for school? | 学校做拼贴画要用吗 |
No, just reading it. | 不是啊就随便读读 |
Look at that. | 看看 |
Maybe Sheldon isn't the only bookworm around here. | 或许谢尔顿不是家里唯一一个小书虫 |
Which magazine? | 什么杂志 |
- Cosmopolitan. - What? | -《时尚》-什么 |
It's a magazine for today's woman. | 是一本面向现代女性的杂志 |
Hey! I was about to find out what turns a man on. | 我正要知道什么能让男人性致盎然呢 |
Where'd you get this? | 你从哪弄来的这杂志 |
Heather. I traded a Fruit Roll-Up for it. | 我用水果糖卷跟海瑟换来的 |
- Well, this is going in the garbage. - You sure? | -这东西要进垃圾桶了-你确定吗 |
It's got some great tips on how to spice up your marriage. | 里面有不少让你婚姻升温的好秘诀呢 |
My marriage is fine, thank you. | 我的婚姻温度适宜谢谢你啊 |
And you are not to bring filth like this into our house again. | 以后不允许你再把这种污秽读物带进家里 |
That's not fair. Sheldon reads dirty stuff all the time, | 这不公平啊谢尔顿也整天读脏脏的书 |
and you don't say anything. | 也没听你说过他啊 |
He does not. | 他才没有 |
Check out the comic book on his desk. | 那你看看他桌上的漫画 |
What? | 什么鬼 |
Oh, my goodness. | 我的老天啊 |
Oh, my. | 要命了 |
Hold on. | 等等 |
No. No. | 不行不行 |
Th-This blue man's backside is all over the place. | 这个蓝色男人的"后面"都露出来了 |
On page 112, you get to see his front side. | 翻到112页你能看到他的正面 |
- I'll be back. - Where you going? | -我会再回来-你要去哪里 |
To give the owner of that comic book store | 去给漫画店的老板 |
- a piece of my mind! - Cool. | -"说说"我的意见-厉害 |
And then I'm calling Heather's mom! | 然后我要打给海瑟的妈妈 |
♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ | ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪ |
完整版请点击 | |
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ | ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪ |
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ | ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪ |
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ | ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪ |
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ | ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪ |
Are there any Vietnamese superheroes? | 有任何越南裔的超级英雄吗 |
There's one called Half-Face. | 有一个叫半脸的 |
Why? | 为什么 |
The communist government forced him to build bombs, | 越共逼他制造炸弹 |
and one blew off half his face. | 而其中一个炸掉了他半边脸 |
The left half or the right half? | 是左半边还是右半边 |
The bottom half. | 是下半边 |
That's an important half. | 那是很重要的半边呢 |
Excuse me. Did you sell this to my son? | 不好意思你把这个卖给我儿子了吗 |
I don't know. Who's your son? | 我不知道啊你儿子是谁 |
The little boy in the corner. | 角落的那个小男孩 |
- Which one? - Sheldon Cooper. | -哪一个-谢尔顿·库珀 |
Oh. Yeah. | 卖了 |
Look at him! | 你看看他 |
He is the same size as one of the dolls you sell here. | 他就跟你这里卖的娃娃一样大小 |
Those are action figures. | 那些是人形公仔 |
Where is your sense of responsibility? | 你这个人没有一点责任心的吗 |
Have you looked inside this book? | 你看过这书的内容吗 |
Because I have. | 我看了 |
At that moment, | 在那一刻 |
I felt a subtle heat rising through my body. | 我感觉到了一股热气隐隐往我脸上升 |
I was used to being humiliated by my siblings on a daily basis, | 我已经习惯了每天被我的兄弟姐妹羞辱 |
but from my mother? | 但被我妈妈 |
This was new territory. | 这还是头一遭 |
Mom, you're embarrassing me. | 妈我要被你丢死人了 |
Oh, is that right? | 是吗 |
Well, guess what. I don't care. | 你猜怎么着我才不管你 |
And if I catch you doing it again, | 如果我再抓到你卖给他 |
I'll be back with my husband; he is way scarier than me. | 我下次就带我老公来他可比我可怕多了 |
- I doubt that. - Let's go. | -哪有人能比你可怕-走吧 |
But I came here with Tam. | 我是跟丹一起来的 |
Tam, you coming or not? | 丹你要一起走吗 |
I'm good. | 没事 |
As you can see, I'm not related to them. | 你也看出来了我跟他们没血缘关系 |
And in local weather, | 本地天气 |
the tornado watch issued Tuesday is still in effect for the area. | 周二发布的本地龙卷风预警还将持续 |
Stay right here for updates as we get 'em. | 不要转台我们将随时为您更新资讯 |
I don't understand why you'd even be interested | 我都不懂你为什么会对 |
in a book like that. | 那种书有兴趣 |
One of the characters is a scientist | 其中一个角色是个科学家 |
who worked on the Manhattan Project. | 他曾经参与过曼哈顿计划 |
Well, it's filled with violence and nudity, | 书里面充满了暴力与裸露 |
and you are done looking at it. | 不许你再看那些东西 |
But comics are a form of art. | 但漫画也是一种艺术 |
You wouldn't forbid me from looking | 你难道会因为有裸露 |
at Michelangelo's David just because he's nude. | 就禁止我看米开朗基罗的大卫像吗 |
When a statue of your naked blue fella | 等你书里的蓝色裸体男的雕像 |
is on display at the Vatican, we'll talk. | 在梵蒂冈展示时我们再谈 |
Actually, David is at the Accademia Gallery in Florence. | 其实大卫像是在佛罗伦萨学院美术馆展示 |
Doesn't matter. I don't want you looking at his bottom either. | 无所谓我也不想你看他的屁股 |
Where's Mom? | 妈妈呢 |
Chewing out the guy who runs the comic book store. | 去把漫画店老板给生吞活剥了 |
Why? | 为什么 |
She found an inappropriate comic | 她发现谢尔顿有少儿不宜的漫画 |
that Sheldon had and went ballistic. | 然后就爆发了 |
She also took my Cosmo. | 她也没收了我的《时尚》 |
What's a Cosmo? | 什么是《时尚》 |
A magazine for today's woman. | 是一本面向现代女性的杂志 |
Sucks for you. | 那你太倒霉啦 |
You know, if I had something in my room she might disapprove of, | 如果我的房间里有她不会同意的东西 |
I might be looking for a real good hiding place | 我觉得现在赶快去找个好的藏匿点 |
right about now. | 会是个好主意 |
I think I'm okay. | 我觉得我应该没事 |
Your air vent? | 你的通风口吗 |
Boys are dumb. | 男生都是笨蛋 |
D-u-m-b. | 竹本疋虫 |
Dumb-a? | 笨蛋虫吗 |
What are you doing? | 你在干嘛 |
完整版请点击 | |
Confiscating your comic books. | 没收你的漫画 |
You can have them back when you're 18. | 等你满18岁了再还给你 |
You're taking Casper the Friendly Ghost? | 你连友好的《鬼马小精灵》都不放过吗 |
Ghosts are sacrilegious. Nothing friendly about that. | 鬼是亵渎神明的算什么好小精灵 |
Very well. | 很好 |
There's one more book that belongs in the box, | 这里还有一本应该被一起收走的书 |
filled with adultery, genocide, and even human sacrifice. | 里面充满了通奸种族灭绝还有活人生祭 |
You think you're so smart. | 你觉得自己可聪明了吧 |
I do. And yet you continue to treat me like a child. | 是啊但你还是一直把我当个孩子对待 |
You know what? | 这样吧 |
You want me to treat you like an adult, you got it. | 你想我把你当成人对待我满足你 |
From this moment on, I am done mommy-ing you. | 从现在开始我再也不当你妈咪伺候你 |
Wonderful. Does that mean I can have my comic books back? | 太棒了那你能把我的漫画都还给我了吗 |
Comic books are for children. You're an adult. | 漫画是给小孩看的你是大人了 |
My new adult responsibilities began that night. | 那晚开始我正式担起我新的成人责任 |
Luckily, a cookbook is nothing more | 幸好食谱不过就是 |
than a set of instructions. | 一连串的步骤 |
And if there's one thing I shine at, | 而要说到我的强项 |
it's following instructions. | 那跟随步骤就是其中之一 |
What's Sheldon doing? | 谢尔顿在干嘛 |
- Cooking his own dinner. - Why? | -做自己的晚饭-为什么 |
He wants to take care of himself like an adult. | 他想像大人一样自己照顾自己 |
I plan on putting that off for as long as possible. | 我计划把这件事拖得越久越好 |
Really? It's a plan? | 真的吗还计划上啦 |
Maybe I should go keep an eye on him. | 我去看着他吧 |
No. Let him handle this on his own. | 别让他自己处理 |
I wouldn't mind watching. | 我也不介意去看看 |
Let's just say grace. | 我们来祷告吧 |
I can't. I got to go in there. | 我做不到我得去看看 |
If she's going, I'm going. | 姥姥要去我也要去 |
No one's going anywhere. | 谁都不许离开 |
If he needs help, he can ask. | 他如果需要帮忙他可以开口 |
I don't need help! | 我不需要人帮忙 |
Everything's under control! | 一切都在我掌握之中 |
You're really holding the line on this one. | 你这次真的立场很坚定啊 |
I'm sorry, but he just pushed my buttons. | 抱歉但这是他逼我的 |
Don't be sorry. I'm diggin' it. | 不用道歉我就爱这御姐风范 |
Gross. | 恶心 |
I agree. | 我同意 |
Pretty gross. | 还挺恶心的 |
Y'all are mean. | 你们这些人嘴真毒 |
How was your chicken? | 你的鸡肉如何 |
Not bad. The dish soap gave it a nice lemony flavor. | 还不错洗碗精给了它美味的柠檬味儿 |
All right, bedtime. | 好啦睡觉时间到了 |
- Night, Mama. - Night, baby. | -晚安妈妈-晚安宝贝 |
Have sweet dreams. | 做个好梦 |
- Love you. - Love you, too. | -爱你-我也爱你 |
Sheldon, I assume you don't need to be tucked in? | 谢尔顿应该不用我帮你盖好被子了吧 |
I can handle it, thank you. | 我可以自己来谢了 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
Wow. No good night kiss? | 没有晚安亲亲吗 |
That's up to your brother. | 这得看你弟弟 |
That won't be necessary. | 不需要了 |
Fine. | 行 |
Had enough? You gonna back down? | 够了没要服软了吗 |
No. | 没呢 |
He's real smart, but he needs to learn | 他很聪明但他得学会 |
he doesn't know everything. | 并不是什么事他都懂 |
Woman, you are getting sexier by the second. | 女人你真是每秒都越来越性感啊 |
Hey, now that you're treating him like an adult, | 现在你们把他当大人对待了 |
can I have his allowance? | 他的零花钱能给我吗 |
That allowance is for chores, which you already don't do. | 那个零花钱是因为帮忙做家事你压根就没做过 |
Come on. We all know I'm your favorite. | 别这样我们都知道我是你最爱的孩子 |
You're not even his third favorite. | 你都不是他第三爱的孩子 |
Making my school lunch the next morning | 隔天早上我给自己做带去学校的午餐 |
proved no easier than dinner. | 并没有比前一晚的晚餐容易 |
Maybe you're turning it the wrong way. | 或许你转错方向了 |
Don't you have anything better to do? | 你没有别的更值得做的事情了吗 |
Not better than this. | 没有比这个更值得的了 |
This is nothing a little science can't fix. | 只需要小小的科学就能解决这个 |
All I need to do is break the pressure seal. | 只需要破坏压力封闭就行了 |
I don't think that was enough science. | 看来小小科学还不够用啊 |
Morning, Missy. | 早安啊米希 |
- Morning, Sheldon. - Morning. | -早安啊谢尔顿-早安 |
Morning, Mary. | 早安啊玛丽 |
Mom, you need to sign this consent form. | 妈你得签这个同意书 |
What's it for? | 这是干嘛的 |
Field trip. | 校外教学 |
- Where? - Museum. | -去哪里-博物馆 |
- Which one? - Does it matter? | -哪个博物馆-有差别吗 |
It's not like I'm gonna learn anything, anyway. | 反正我去哪个都不会学到什么 |
It's the planetarium at the science museum. | 是自然科学博物馆的天文馆 |
And I need you to sign mine, too. | 我也需要你签一下我的 |
Oh. It's interesting that an adult | 你都是个大人了 |
would need his mother to sign a consent form. | 居然还要母亲签同意函真是有意思 |
And here we go. | 好戏再度上演 |
I don't need you to sign it, the school does. | 我不需要你签是学校要你签 |
So you're saying even the school doesn't think | 那你意思是连学校都不认为 |
that you're mature enough to make all your own decisions. | 你足够成熟到可以自己做决定 |
In that moment, | 在那一刻 |
I was so angry with her, I almost opened the jar. | 我内心充满对她的怒火几乎把罐子打开了 |
I'm ready to go to college. | 我准备好上大学了 |
Okay. Where you thinking? | 好吧你想去哪儿 |
Somewhere with a good science program, | 有好的科学课程的地方 |
but far enough away | 但得够远 |
to make my mom cry herself to sleep every night that I'm gone. | 让我妈在我走后每晚哭着睡着 |
You're applying to college out of spite? | 你申请大学是为了泄愤吗 |
I see why you're the guidance counselor. | 我明白你为什么是辅导老师了 |
Okay, let's see. | 我们来看看 |
What about Caltech in Pasadena? | 帕萨迪纳的加州理工怎么样 |
I can't see myself living in California. | 我无法想象自己住在加州 |
I don't trust their carefree lifestyle. | 我不信任他们逍遥自在的生活方式 |
Okay. Um... | 好吧 |
How about MIT in Boston? | 那波士顿的麻省理工呢 |
Do they have a strong physics program? | 他们有优秀的物理项目吗 |
They're more of an engineering school. | 这所大学偏向工程 |
Next. | 下一所 |
There's always Harvard. | 哈佛任何时候都是个好选择 |
Hmm. I don't like cold weather, but I do look good in maroon. | 我不喜欢寒冷的天气但我穿褐红色很好看 |
All right, Harvard it is. Thank you for your help. | 好吧那就哈佛了谢谢你 |
Are you interested in applying to a safety school | 你要不要申请一所保底学校 |
in case you don't get in? | 以防你没考进哈佛 |
Safety school. You're funny. | 保底学校你真幽默 |
So, how was everyone's day? | 大家今天过得怎么样啊 |
I cut open a frog at school. | 我在学校切开了一只青蛙 |
For science class? | 科学课的项目吗 |
Sure. | 你说是就是 |
We should put a lock on the knife drawer. | 我们应该给放刀的抽屉上把锁 |
What are you eating? | 你在吃什么 |
An English muffin with ketchup and spray cheese. | 英式松饼配番茄酱和芝士酱 |
No fair. | 不公平 |
Lucky. | 好幸运 |
Sorry I spent an hour making meatloaf. | 我花了一小时做烘肉卷真是对不起了 |
So, Moonpie, | 小饼饼 |
how's adult life treating you? | 大人生活过得还好吗 |
Very well, actually. | 其实挺顺利的 |
I'm working on my application to Harvard. | 我在准备哈佛大学的入学申请 |
Is that so? | 是吗 |
Yes. And I'm planning on transferring there | 是的而且我计划 |
as soon as possible. | 尽快转学过去 |
You're not going away to Harvard. | 你不能去哈佛 |
I don't believe you have a say in this. | 我想这事不是你说了算 |
Okay, well, | 好吧 |
Harvard's real expensive. | 哈佛学费很贵的 |
How do you plan on paying for it? | 你打算怎么支付 |
Oh, I'm sure I'll get a scholarship. | 我相信我会得到奖学金的 |
- Oh, are you? - Yes, I am. | -是吗-对我坚信 |
Okay. Okay. | 好了好了 |
Let's just take a deep breath and talk about something else. | 大家都深呼吸然后换个话题吧 |
Fine. | 行 |
I want to hear about that frog. | 我想听那只青蛙的事 |
A different something else. | 这话题不行 |
I just realized something. | 我刚想到一件事 |
College applications cost money just to send in. | 递交大学申请就要花钱了 |
- They do? - |
-真的吗-每次5060美元 |
I don't believe you have that kind of money, do you? | 我想你没那么多钱对吧 |