Cs6300 Summer 17, Week2, git usa

2017-05-27  本文已影响0人  eshuyan

1. Create a directory: mkdir

2. Clone a repo: git clone

3. Create/ Edit a file: touch / vim

4. Add/Commit a file: git add , git commit -m "comment" (Need add first before commit)

5. Create/change a branch: git checkout -b   (-b: new branch)

6. Merge: git merge  (Need to go to the "main" branch, and then merge. For example, if we want to merge 'development' to 'master', then we need go to master first)

7. Push. git push --all (push all local branches)

8. Tag. git tag .  after tag, git push does not merge your local repo with remote repo. Still need to do git push

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