

2017-11-23  本文已影响7人  18aabd0448d3

Being Open toYour Child: Parental States and State Regulation


In particular, parenting rests upon the development of strong connections between our brains and our hearts.


This brain-heart connection is based on a branch of a complicated, wandering nerve called the vagus nerve.


注:迷走神经(vagus nerve)为第10对脑神经,是脑神经中最长,分布最广的一对,含有躯体感觉纤维、内脏感觉纤维、躯体运动纤维和内脏运动纤维四种纤维成分。属于副交感神经系统,与交感神经系统拮抗性地调整人体的心率、呼吸、腺体分泌及肝、肾上腺等重要器官的血流量分布等。(来自百度百科)

The whole vagal system travels from our digestive tract all the way up to the brainstem, connecting all the regions along the way to our brains.


This system is the basis for that part of our nervous system called the parasympathetic system.


注:副交感神经系统(Parasympathetic Division) 是植物性神经系统的主要部分,它发自中脑、桥脑、延脑及脊髓的骶部。它的节前纤维在副交感神经节中交换神经元,然后由此发出节后纤维,至平滑肌、心肌和腺体。副交感神经节一般位于脏器附近或脏器壁内。

In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system that ramps us up, increasing our heart rate when we need to be mobilized for action, such as in the defensive modes of fight and flight, the parasympathetic system is active when we are in relatively immobile states,relaxing,digesting, watching a movie, and so on.


The bottom parts of the vagal system connect the gut to the brain and orchestrate basic relaxation, digestive processes, and the freeze/ immobilization mechanism that we can use as a defense if we encounter an inescapable, life-threatening threat.


The upper vagal system connecting the heart and lung to the brain is a more recently evolved system that only exists in mammals.


This is the system that supports social interaction and makes it possible, neurologically, to connect deeply with other people rather than become defensive and attack or run from them.

迷走神经支持社会互动,并且从神经学的角度来说,迷走神经使深入连接他人,而不是防守、攻击或逃离他人成为可能。//the system 是分别指buttom还是upper vagal system,或者是统称一个vagal system

It is this upper vagal system that is essential to good parenting.


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