8.11-8.17周间内容China Daily热词学习笔记
1. 嫦娥四号the Chang'e 4
月球背面 far side of the moo
软着陆soft landing
巡视勘察patrol survey
中继通信relay communication
载荷配置payload configuration
无人月球探测器 unmanned lunar probe
月球表面 moonscape
设计寿命 design life
空间站 space station
载人飞行 manned fligh
2. 生育基金childbirth fund
引起了广泛的批评 drawn a wave of criticism
人口学者、人类统计学家 demographer
社保 social insurance
房贷 housing mortgage
车贷 car mortgage
低生育率 low fertility rate
育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age
断崖式下跌 drop dramatically
减轻家庭经济负担 ease financial burdens on families
3. 七夕节Qixi Festival
传统文化traditional culture
中国情人节Chinese Valentine's Day
旅游产品tourism product
在线旅行社online travel agency
酒店预订量hotel bookings
社交网络social networks
境外目的地outbound destination
免签或落地签政策visa-free or visa-on-arrival policy
一见钟情 fall in love at first sight
公开恋情 go public with one's romance
节日消费 holiday spending
办公室恋情 office romance
网恋 online romance
4. 天价片酬sky-high remuneration of stars
影视制作公司 movie and television production companies
不合理片酬unreasonable payment
主要演员 lead actors and actress / starring actors and actress
艺人 entertainer
逃税 tax evasion
金钱崇拜 money worship
制作成本 production costs
在线流媒体平台 online media streaming platform
5. 外挂plug-in
黑产black industry
绝不姑息zero tolerance
网约车 online car-hailing
叫车软件 car-hailing app
拼车 carpooling
抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in
宰客 overcharge