
#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #《 The Pa

2018-05-11  本文已影响34人  nancyww

A to Z Mysteries 系列导读

     A to Z Mysteries是Ron Roy的系列侦探类童书。是恶魔奶爸学英语推荐的第二系列的阅读书单。他推行的学习方法是兴趣引导学习。从感兴趣的书籍入手更容易坚持。关于系列的详细介绍及阅读小贴士可在我的介绍篇中找到:#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #介绍篇 - 简书


The Story Outline of "The Panda Puzzle" :

“The Panda Puzzle” is a story about finding the kidnapped baby panda Winnie. In Green Lawn, while people were welcoming the two newcomers Ping and Winnie in the zoo, a terrible news broke out: “Winnie has been kidnapped!” and the crook asked for one million dollars. If they wanted Winnie back, they couldn’t go to police as the crook asked. The three kids noticed that Ping was watching the people stand by the microphone, so they thought there were three suspects. They went to ask them, as if Dink was going to write a story about the panda. Since they couldn’t dig out any clues from the conversations, Ruth Rose guessed the place where Winnie was hidden was Flip’s gym. So they went to it, and discovered a secret old basement. But they were stuck in it. Josh remained calm and led them to find the coal chute. It was a hard task for three little kids, but finally they found the way out. Ruth Rose went to the police and Winnie was saved. The most excitement within this story is their adventure in the basement, it was breathtaking when I read it. Dink’s bravery, Josh’s calm and Ruth’s good teamwork all should be complimented.

     我的阅读方法是:故事主线法。即抓住主线几个要素:who, what, how (几个人物?什么事或什么东西?怎么破案?)这个故事的主线就是如何找到偷走熊猫的人以及找到熊猫。这个故事相对简单,因为可疑人物只有三个,依依排除就可以。不过故事中间的一个历险小插曲让读者着实为这三个孩子你捏了一把汗。没有淡定的Josh和团队合作力他们是不可能逃脱险情的。书中还有幽默风趣的对话:When officer explained what service Flip would do in the prison, Josh mentioned it was “a Win-Win situation”. And then Dink continued Josh’s word saying, "That's a Josh-Josh situation” because officer liked to treat them ice cream cones.吃是Josh永远的热爱啊。


tamper 干扰  tamper with

rack 架子

snoop 调查,侦查

stampede 人群的蜂拥

shatter 打碎,破坏

slant 倾斜

extort 敲诈


