今天,Chan Zuckerberg Initiative宣布我们正在资助38个科学项目,以实现治愈我们的孩子们一生中所有疾病的目标。
Today the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is announcing 38 science projects we're funding towards our goal of curing all disease in our children's lifetime.
They're all part of a larger effort called the Human Cell Atlas to map out every type of cell in the human body. You can think of this like the periodic table of elements, but for the thousands of cell types in our bodies. Or you can think of it like the Human Genome Project, except on a much larger scale since we're each made up of about 37 trillion cells. Once complete, it will help us understand all the states our cells can be in, and how to move cells from one state to another. That will help scientists everywhere make faster progress towards curing diseases.
Mapping all these cells requires new technology, which is what these new projects are funding scientists to develop.
Curing, preventing and managing all diseases is a huge challenge, but it's the right long term goal to focus on to improve healthcare for our children. I'm looking forward to following the progress of these projects.