see: if a place or a period of time sees an event, the event happens in that place or during that time
1) The last decade saw many technological advances, and the next few years will see more.
“see”是看见的意思,经常可以用来表示“目睹” “见证“,这时它的主语除了是人和物以外,还经常可以是时间或是地点,表示该时或该地发生什么事。这是英语中一种拟人化的修辞手法。
我们经常可以用 see 代替 witness。比如国庆假期间,许多人都出门旅游,这时我们就可以说:
2) The National Day holiday, or the Golden Week, saw a significant surge in tourism.
3) Sing! China has seen some very talented singers.
我们在描述图表时就可以用 see 表示数据的变化。最新一期的《经济学人》中在报道通用电气公司时也用到了saw:
That made for a welcome change from Jeffrey Immelt, his predecessor, whose 16-year tenure saw a dramatic decline in GE’s performance and profitability.
译:苹果公司在今年 9 月发布了新产品。
我的版本:This September saw Apple launch new products.
参考翻译:This September saw the launch of Apple’s new products.
场景:This Thursday saw the stock crash.