Chuck每日一卡/今天我只给出奇迹,因为我愿得到奇迹的回报 (
Psychology of Vision愿景心理学
今天我只给出奇迹,因为我愿得到奇迹的回报 (奇迹课程)
译者注:可参照奇迹课程学员手册ACIM, W-345
March 3, 2023 9:01 pm
Published by Chuck Spezzano
I OFFER ONLY MIRACLES TODAY FOR I WOULD HAVE THEM BE RETURNED TO ME. (ACIM) is the card for today. Miracles are from Heaven but we can prepare for them by getting rid of grievances and judgments and using faith to see what is unseen and love in order to hear the Voice for God. Then grace brings it and we witness it. It comes back to us as we have given. Have a miraculous day!!
翻译:Lily Yuan
Digital Art:Lars Polhmann