the Bacchae, Euripides

2017-01-01  本文已影响0人  kode4u


The Bacchae This is a most popular image of *The Bacchae*. I don't know 手持残肢的女人、惊恐的男人,单从些看,一定不会是喜剧喽。 我想我还是一个视觉化的人,更喜欢用图像强化自己对事物的印象。 Ancient aegean region map 2nd-century Roman statue of Dionysus, after a Hellenistic model (ex-coll. Cardinal Richelieu, Louvre)
这就是酒神大人,跟我们的审美观差距真的太大了。2nd-century Roman statue of Dionysus, after a Hellenistic model (ex-coll. Cardinal Richelieu, Louvre) 这就是酒神大人,跟我们的审美观差距真的太大了。 Thyrsus staff tied with taenia and topped with a pine cone.Thyrsus staff tied with taenia and topped with a pine cone.


I, Dionysus, son of Zeus, born to him from Semele,

Yes, I’ve changed my form from god to human, appearing here at these streams of Dirce,the waters of Ismarus.

the remnants of her house, still smoldering from Zeus' living fire--Hera's undying outrage against my mother. But I praise Cadmus.


Section 1~80: Dionysus是要来Thebes证明自己是神吗?为自己母亲正名?驱赶着一群被他弄醉的女人(他姨和Thebes的其他一些女人?)
Section 90~210: 这些合唱词里怎么隐约感觉含有妇女解放和性解放的含义?

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