
the multipal choice

2019-03-24  本文已影响0人  红云梦泽

This article describes multiple-choice question has its advantages exam the students academic performances and capacity.However,it has it limits in confining the students' imagination and recreation of internalized knowledge into several compulsory choice. In my opinion,the multiple-choice question's disadvantages outweigh its advantages.

    On the one flip of the coin, multiple-choice question confined students' way of thinking into a narrow,dark room concludes only little things that can be used for strengthen our thinking ability.In order to urge students to think out of the box,we need open question rather than multiple-choice question to think out of the box,we need open questions rather than mltiple-choice question to kindle their fire of thought and lead them to polish and hoe their thinking.Thinking is the characteristics that divides human and animal and is the foundation and propulsion to make human society develop better. If you are the witness of the history,we can see that evolution is an action that break the fetters of human being's previous prejuides and stereotypes. Taking the Discovery of the New World for instance,it breaks people narrow way of thinking and lead them to a broader world. In the view of that,I think the multiple-choice question that narrowed students' mind into the box is not favorable to the development of human society.What's more,education aimed for nourishing all-around students but use multiple-choice question  as a tool to test students' efficiency and capacity of absorbing new knowledge is irony to me.

    On the other flip of the coin, the multiple-choice dulled students' impulsion to explore more, to think more, to create more. There is no deny that multiple-choice is simple and efficient way to test students' academic capacity,but it is simple and efficient way to seduce students not to think more deeply and profoundly and busy at technological,knowledge-cramming,surface-intensive work and not bother themselves to the core of their course .The knowledge-cramming examing system lead to the knowledge-cramming way of taking in th knowledge,then with a blink of eye,the intensively and exam-previous, crammed knowledge disperses into cloud and away from students' mind and in length nothing left, leaving students a thoughtless robot who only chews the book and stutter the quick-forget answer.

    However,there is also other voice advocate multiple-choice question,because of reasons as follows: Firstly, compared with single choice question,multiple-choice question is better way to test students' rate of absorbing knowledge,the accuracy of memory and the utility of internalized knowledge,which reflects students' academic performance and comprehensive capacity such as critical thinking.In length,it urges students to put more energy to memorize the knowledge.

    To answer multiple-choice questionand get a high grade,students need more accurate memory of knowledge because of multiple-choice question only give scores to accurate answer,missing,whole choosing and inaccurate answer will not have market in here. But single-choice question is another thing.To answer the single-choice question,whether students have little knowledge about it or obscurity of memory,they can also have 25% rate to the right answer.In other word, besides academic performance,it is also chance plays a role in the final grade with single-choice question  that students flocked to aspire.

      Secondly, multiple-choice question reflects students' true comprehensive capacity better than single-choice  question. In view of teachers who produce the paper can easily put many logic holes in the wrong branches in multiple-choice questions to test the thinking structures of the.students,the multiple-choice question has advantages in selecting students with theoretical and systematic thinking structure.

        In short,knowledge need to be remembered,but also need to be internalized and recreated into a system when education system devoted to sweep the all sorts of exams with multiple-choice,there has also the need for open question to compatible with multiple-choice. The society need all-round talents rather than only exam-oritented talents.


