经济学人精读 [34] The Economist | Abus
选自December 162017Leaders社论版块
Energy subsidies in America[美国能源补贴]
Abuse of power[滥用权利]
Regulators should reject Rick Perry’s plan to subsidize[补贴] coal-fired and nuclear plants[监管部门应该拒绝Rick Perry(美国能源部长)补贴燃煤和核电站的计划]
WINTER is coming to America[美国的冬天到了]. That simple statement of fact ought not tosendshivers down policymakers’ spines[让人脊背发凉][这个简单的描述应该不会让制定政策的人脊背发凉].But Rick Perry, the energy secretary, sees it as a call to arms[然而,能源部长Rick Perry看来,这是该全副武装的时刻了]. TodefendAmericansfromblizzards[暴风雪],polarvortices[极地漩涡]and othertreacherous weather[极端天气]which, he says, threatens the country’s electricity grid[电网], he proposes throwing a multi-billion-dollarlifeline[生命线]tostruggling[苦苦挣扎的]coal-fired and nuclear plants if they can keep emergency fuelon standby[备用]for 90 days[他说,为了让美国防御像暴风雪,极地漩涡,和其他极端天气对国家电网的威胁,他提议向陷入困境的燃煤和核电站提供数十亿美元的救命钱,如果他们能够使应急燃料备用90天].
On December 8th the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was given a 30-daygrace period[宽限期]to decide whether to support Mr Perry’s plan[12月8日,联邦能源管理委员会有30天的宽限期决定是否支持Perry的计划]. It should refuse to do so, orsubstantially amendit[委员会应该拒绝这个计划,或者大幅修改]. His scheme is aconfection[糕点,甜食]of bad policy, faulty economics and thinlydisguised[伪装的] patronage[赞助资助][他的方案是糟糕的政策,糟糕的经济状况和几乎不加掩饰的赞助的糖衣].But it alsoraisesa genuinely difficultquestion[但这个方案也带来了一个真正的问题]: how to keep grids working smoothly in an era of cheap natural gas, which is hard forbase-load power plants[基础负荷发电站]to compete with, and renewable energy, which is dependent on thevagaries[不可捉摸的变化]of the wind and sun?[当基础负荷电站难以与廉价的天然气竞争,当可再生能源依赖于风和太阳的变化,在这样的时代,怎样维持电网顺利运转]
The FERC’s decision, by contrast, ought to be an easy one[相比之下,联邦能源管理委员会的决定应该很容易]. TherationalebehindMr Perry’sproposalisweak[Perry提议的理由很薄弱]; just 0.00007% of power cuts in 2012-16 were caused by problems with fuel[2012年至2016年,仅有百分之十万分之七的的停电是由能源引起]. In emergencies the biggest risk to gridsis notpower generationat all, but the poles and wires along which electricity flows[在紧急状况下,电网最大的风险根本不是发电,而是电流通过的电极和电线]. The answer to that threat is microgrids[微电网]—local systems which may mix renewables, batteries and diesel generation and can operate independently of the main grid[解决这一威胁的答案是微电网,是由可再生能源发电,电池发电,和柴油发电混合的当地发电系统,可独立于主电网运转].
The politics of the proposal are alsosuspect[不可靠的,不可信的]; it looks like aboondoggle[(尤指由公众支付费用的)耗资巨大而无意义的工作]to coal bosses who backed President Donald Trump’s election campaign[这一提议的政治性也是不可信的,它看起来像是一个支持特朗普竞选总统的煤老板们所做的毫无疑义的骗钱工程]. Worse, it threatens toreversedecades ofenergyderegulation[更糟的是,这威胁会扭转十数年的能源放松管制政策]. In hisantipathy[憎恶反感]tocongressional tax credits[国会税收抵免]for clean energy, Mr Perry wants the FERC, an agency whose main job is to preserve the integrity of wholesale power markets, todistort[扭曲]them further by also subsidizing[贴补] coal and nuclearpower[Perry反感对清洁能源的国会税收抵免,他想要联邦能源管理委员会,一个主要工作是保护零售电力市场的职业操守的机构,通过贴补煤和核能去进一步歪曲零售电力市场].
Baseload of rubbish
In the process, he givesshort shrift[忽视]to a fuel that has been one of the greatest fruits of America’s free market in recent decades—natural gas[在这过程中,他忽视了曾经是过去几十年美国自由市场的最大的成果-天然气]. Thanks to the shale revolution[页岩气革命], last year gaseclipsed[淹没…的重要性]coal as the largest source of power generation in the country[多亏了页岩气革命,去年,页岩气超过了燃煤,成为了美国发电的最大的能源来源].
Natural gas is not perfect[天然气不是完美的]. It emits carbon dioxide and, because it is hard to store, its price cansoar[骤增]during emergencies—witness supply disruptions in Europe this week andshivering[因寒冷颤抖]schoolchildren in China[瑟瑟发抖的中国学生---事件背景:在本期经济学人China版块的Awry in the sky文章中写到,政府为限制污染排放,禁止煤炭燃烧,河北省一学校因没有及时更换旧的煤炭供暖系统,使得学生在教室瑟瑟发抖][燃烧天然气排放二氧化碳,另外,由于其难以储存,在紧急情况下价格骤增,欧洲这周供应中断和中国学生的瑟瑟发抖都见证了这一事实]. But no fuel isfail-safe[万无一失的][没有一种能源是万无一失的]. Coal is far dirtier: small particles from coal-fired power plants cause the early deaths of thousands of Americans each year[煤炭太脏了,煤炭发电站产生的微小颗粒导致每年上千美国人早逝]. It can also freeze[煤炭也会凝固冻结]. Nuclear is clean but expensive, and can be knocked out[毁坏]by flooding[核能清洁但是价格昂贵,会被洪水毁坏]. PJM, a north-eastern grid operator that could benefit from Mr Perry’s largesse, says his plan is a bad idea[PJM一个可能从Perry的计划中获益东北电网运营商认为,Perry的计划是一个糟糕的想法]. It thinks gas is reliable enough[它认为天然气就足够可靠了].
Mr Perry has nonetheless raised an importantissue[虽然如此,Perry也算是提出了一个重要的问题]. Coal and nuclear struggle to compete with cheaperalternatives[煤炭和核能挣扎着于廉价的其他能源竞争]. Yet because wind and solar energy areintermittent[断断续续的], other sources of energy must pick up the slack[接替中断的工作][但是因为风能和太阳能是断断续续的,其他能源来源必须接替].Rather than fighting subsidy with subsidy, regulators should promotemarket-friendlymechanisms[市场化机制]to ensure stability of supply[监管者应该倡导市场化机制来保证共计的稳定性,而不是用一种补贴去代替另一种补贴]. Already, producers tender for[投标]contracts to supply the market[已经有生产商投标来供应市场需求]. As flexibility becomes more important, they can bid to provide moreancillary[辅助的,附加的]services, such as natural-gas plants that ramp up and down quickly, demand-response pricing to reduce peak consumption, and battery storage[随着灵活性变得越来越重要,生产商可以投标提供更多附加服务,比如可以快速启动和停止的天然气发电站,按照需求量的定价以减少高峰期消耗,以及电池储存]. Auctions are also the best way to decide which baseload plants stay in service[拍卖也是决定基荷电厂去留的最好方法]. PJM’s capacity-performance payments reward producers for having power available when needed, andimpose[强制施行]a big penalty if it is not[PJM的生产力表现报酬会奖励在需要时能够及时供应的生产商,同样,也会对那些没能及时供应的生产商惩罚].
America has never had so many options for making electricity reliable, cheap and green[美国从来没有过这么多选择可以让发电如此可靠,便宜和绿色环保]. Throwing subsidies at the dirtiest fuel of the lot is not one of them[补贴最脏的能源不在这些选择中].
20171223 659 words