Poseidon is one of the ‘‘Big Three Gods’’, he is a brother of Zeus, he controls all the water on the earth.
I like Poseidon because of water, and animals. I’ve always want to talk to animals, especially things in the sea. Just think, you walk into the sea and a star fish make a ‘‘boot’’ for you! And you can breathe under water, sharks don’t even touch you, you can make a pet with a big man-eating sea serpent, and that’s not even hard!
You can create horses, and let the little cute pony listen to you, just think of that will make me feel better and better. I can ride the horses not even with a small bump, and flying horses can carry you to anywhere you want to go!
Poseidon can talk to dolphins too, dolphin is one of the cutest animals I like the best, it is one of my favorite animals too. It’s a lot of fun.
I like Poseidon, he is good.