to be yourself

2017-07-31  本文已影响0人  Hecyzy

I have come a long way since I start reading. I find a new world from reading. Whenever my life is less sweet or I feel confused and fill with anxiety, books are the best medicine to heal my soul and mind.

I registered many online class and forums these day. I really require knowledge and broaden my horizon in terms of investment, psychology, management skills and so on. But I do not change my life. Conversely, I become increasingly anxious because there are so many people who have great improvement in writing, speaking or thinking. what do you feel when others is running faster and faster and you seem to be staying at the starting line ? I am submerged by negative emotion. I am so worried about my future that I forget I should learn to be a independent person and try to find who I am and I want to be.

Finally I realize that you must be yourself. We should not try to resemble others when you don’t know yourself. Just like me, I try to follow every latest news from various classes and groups because I think I can get more from them instead of myself. But no. I find that I fall in a well-hidden trap I dig for myself. Although few of us like to hear it, the fact remains that I barely get great change one day as most fast-knowledge like fast-food almost is meaningless.

If you read more, you can get much more valuable information and knowledge from books than sorts of courses. But you are willing to pay for that before you are ready to face the imperfect yourself and make up your mind to change.

Before I read the paper named the daily habits of famous writers, like most people, I think they share some commonality: a writing space free of distractions, some preferred method of transcription from brain to page, some set time of day or night at which the words flow best.

In fact, every writer has their special habits and once a writer settles down a set of habits, they stick to them with particular rigor. But before that, they have to keep a long-term daily routine. We may end up believing in quick fixes and easy roads to fame and fortune. But no, a well-known skill comes only from a set of practiced routine.

From now on, you have to build your habit and your daily routine. To be yourself , your habit knows how to get it.


