

2018-07-21  本文已影响8人  徐丹的写作课

English Writing

Notes in Communication -- Agenda-Setting

Recently, I am interested in communication theory, mainly because of reading a textbook of Renmin University of China, named Mass Communication Theory: Paradigms and Schools. From the views of Communication and Journalism, there are 6 aspects to understand “communication”: 1 is to deliver, 2 is to control, 3 is to play a game, 4 is to show power, 5 is to broadcast, and 6 is to share and interact. Writing articles are a normal communication way in daily life and due to reading the textbook and thinking, it is good for improving my writing skills.

What does the subject of communication explore? After reading the textbook, I have a rough idea that it studies how information is conducting and the scope can be both large and small. Large: it can study the news among different countries. Small: it can study how we form a view inside our bodies. What’s more, by doing the principles of communication, we may come up with new explanations in the same thing.

As to the point of view we mentioned before, the communication is a control power. There is a term in communication theory which is called ”Agenda- Setting” and can explain many events easily.

What is Agenda-Setting? Agenda-setting theory describes the "ability of the news media to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda". With agenda setting being a social science theory, it also attempts to make predictions. That is, if a news item is covered frequently and prominently, the audience will regard the issue as more important. Agenda-setting theory was formally developed by Max McCombs and Donald Shaw in a study on the 1968 American presidential election.

This world is different for different people, not only because of their different interests, but also because of the journalists, editors, producers giving them different images in mind.

The simplest way to illustrate Agenda-Setting is: the new media cannot tell people how to think but they can tell people what to think.

For example, news in Jiangxi, China -- a student in the institute for senior citizen in Yichun gave a proposal to the local government. He or she claimed our citizens should think more about our country than ourselves. Due to the shortage of pensions, our citizens should voluntarily give up their pensions and for those who don’t want to give up, government should confiscate their property and deport them from China.

The news is as follows:

This news can’t be underestimated. Before reading it, we even don’t think about giving up pensions. But now, still we will jeer at it, we are injected with the concept which pensions can be returned. It is very cruel.

So communication theories deserve our time to study which give us new aspects to look at the world.






什么是议程设置?大众传媒具有一种为公众设置“议事日程”的功能,传媒的新闻报道和信息传达活动赋予各种“议题”不同程度的显著性的方式,影响着人们对周围世界的“大事”及其重要性的判断。这个理论是由麦克姆斯(Max McCombs)和肖(Donald Shaw)基于1968年美国大选的研究而提出的。








