BBC | 2018-02-20

2018-02-20  本文已影响26人  关仲人


BBC News with Neil Nunes.
Stock markets have 【1】tumbled in Asia after a selloff in United States. The Nikkei Index[日经指数 ] in Japan has fallen nearly 7% while share values[股值 ]in Hong Kong are down about 5%. Hours earlier, the Dow Jones index[道琼斯指数] has suffered its biggest one-day drop in percentage terms for 6 years. Analysts say the markets have been 【2】spooked by issues including the fear of a series of US interest rate rise to deal with strong wage growth.

 1.日经指数 ?2.股值?3.道琼斯指数?都是什么鬼? 

1【② (VERB) (物价等)暴跌,剧降 If prices or levels of something are tumbling, they are decreasing rapidly.】
@The price of oil is still tumbling. 油价仍在急遽下跌

2【③ (VERB) 使受到惊吓;使神经紧张 If people are spooked, something has scared them or made them nervous.】
@We were spooked by the strange noises and lights. 那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏了。

A US congressional committee has voted to publish a classified Democratic Party memorandum. It’s in response to republican claims that the FBI and the Justice Department are 【3】biased against President Trump. Democrats say the memo corrects errors and omissions in the Republican document. Mr. Trump has five days to decide whether to declassify it.

3【~ (toward(s)/against/in favour of sb/sth) having a tendency to show favour towards or against one group of people or one opinion for personal reasons; making unfair judgements 有偏见的;倾向性的;片面的
@biased information/sources/press reports 片面的信息 / 消息来源 / 新闻报道】


The US says it’s worried about the state of emergency declared in the Maldives where the president gave sweeping powers to the security forces. It’s led to the swift arrest of two senior judges and a former head of state.

Advanced thinker tank has warned that the British government preoccupation with the country’s exit from the European Union has led to a policy 【3】paralysis concerning its armed forces. The Royal United Services Institute says the UK’s reputation as a reliable international military partner was being put at risk.

3.[不可数名词] a total inability to move, act, function, etc. (活动、工作等)能力的完全丧失,瘫痪
@The strike caused total paralysis in the city. 罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。

7 people have been charged in Australia over the alleged sexual and physical abuse of three young boys at a circus school near Sydney. The allegations included kidnapping and sexual and physical assault.

尼尔 努内斯(Neil Nunes)为您播报BBC新闻。





