

2019-09-29  本文已影响0人  豹豹君


Chapter 6 Invitation to the White House

‘The President of the United States will now address you!’ announced the loudspeaker voice in the lobby of the Space Hotel.


‘Dear friends!’ said the well-known Presidential voice over the loudspeaker.

well-known :familiar 熟悉的,熟知的,在单词词汇中出现过。

You could land that wonderful glass air-machine of yours on the lawn in back of the White House. We shall have the red carpet out and ready.


I shall wait most anxiously for your reply…


...and signalled everyone to gather round close so they could whisper without being heard by the hidden microphones.


A mike is the same as a microphone. 同 microphone(非正式用法)

‘My dear old dotty dumpling,’ said Mr. Wonka.


dumpling这个词在英文中太多见了,不仅仅是中国的饺子,意大利水饺Italian dumplings(Ravioli)在厨艺大师中也很常见,其实国外把里面有馅,外面锁皮的都能称为dumpling,汤圆,馄饨(wonton),甚至一些派都可以这么表达,语言也挺有意思的。

his voice this time was like the voice of a giant, deep and devilish, very loud and very slow:

devilish: cruel or unpleasant

‘Jumping jack-rabbits!’ he cried. ‘I think they’re after us!’


jumping jack 有开合跳的意思,还有马屁精,好像还有一款太阳镜也是这个牌子。总之就是蹦蹦跳跳的,很可爱的句子。

‘Silence!’ said Miss Tibbs. ‘Go stand in the corner!’


Mr Wonka had merely paused in order to think up another verse, and he was just about to start off again when a frightful piercing scream stopped him cold.

Stop cold,意思是突然停止,不是全身发冷,这里可以理解为旺卡先生被姥姥的尖叫声吓住了,呆着不动了。原来他们这群伪外星人真的遇见外星人了。

Chapter 7 Something Nasty in the Lifts

Grandma Josephine had stopped screaming now. She had gone rigid with shock. The rest of the group by the bed, including Charlie and Grandpa Joe, had become as still as stone. They dared not move. They dared hardly breathe. And Mr Wonka, who had swung quickly around to look when the first scream came, was as dumbstruck as the rest. He stood motionless, ...



dumbstruck:强调 If you are dumbstruck, you are so shocked or surprised that you cannot speak. 吓呆的; 惊得目瞪口呆的

It looked more than anything like an enormous egg balanced on its pointed end.


但是高尖端技术常用cutting-edged technology表达。

The eyes were white, but each had a brilliant red pupil in the centre.


说到瞳孔就会想起眼睛,想起盖茨比中的大招牌。The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic — their irises are one yard high.这里的irises就是retinas,视网膜,虹膜。(复数)

At this point, Charlie suddenly noticed that the next lift was coming down. The indicator numbers above the door were flashing… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… L (for lobby).




And soon, at precisely the same time, they reached the lobby floor and the doors slid open…

at precisely the same time,同一时间,precisely在这里豹豹给理解为了the very same moment,强调。

what a weird and oozy thing it was to watch! 这些外星人就像是橡皮胶一样扭动变换,看起来有点让人不舒服。


In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

oozy: of, resembling, or containing mud; slimy 泥的,像泥的,粘滑的

‘Scram!’ shouted Mr Wonka. ‘Get out quick!’


People have never moved faster than Grandpa Joe and Charlie and Mr and Mrs Bucket at that moment. They all got behind the bed and started pushing like crazy.



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