
【VOA·练听力】global eradication camp

2019-04-08  本文已影响5人  52e47f71698a


  • World Health Organization (WHO)世卫组织

  • polio case 小儿麻痹症病例

  • crippling disease 严重的疾病

  • political commitment 政治承诺

  • global eradication campaign 全球根除(小儿麻痹症)运动

  • eradication : the complete destruction of every trace of something 消灭,扑灭;根除

    They agreed to step up their vigilance and their vaccination programmes in order to meet polio eradication targets this year. 


  • wild polio virus 野生脊髓灰质炎病毒

  • endemic : If you say that a condition or problem is endemic, you mean that it is very common and strong, and cannot be dealt with easily. (情况、问题)常见的,流行的

    Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. 


  • reservoir : A reservoir is a lake that is used for storing water before it is supplied to people.水库;蓄水池 ;本处理解成:集合地

  • hunt down:If you hunt down a criminal or an enemy, you find them after searching for them.追捕到,穷追直至找到(罪犯、敌人等)

    Last December they hunted down and killed one of the gangsters... 


  • The World Health Organization says twelve years ago, India alone was responsible for almost 70 percent of all polio cases around the world. It calls India's success against polio one of the most significant achievements in public health.

    WHO officials say India's accomplishment proved the crippling disease can be eliminated in even the most challenging circumstances with a strong political commitment.

    The number of polio cases has decreased from an estimated 350,000 a year to 33, since the WHO launched its global eradication campaign in 1988.

    WHO spokesman Christian Lindemeier tells VOA, polio remains endemic in only three countries in two of the organization's six regions. He identifies the countries as Nigeria in the African region and Pakistan and Afghanistan in the eastern Mediterranean region.

    There has been no wild polio virus detected in Africa since 2016, and we are cautiously optimistic that AFRO, our African region, is on the path to certification as well, Lindemeier said. EMRO, our eastern Mediterranean region, has only those two countries, which have never stopped polio, unfortunately — Afghanistan, Pakistan.

    Lindemeier says the countries are considered a joint reservoir of the virus. Therefore, he says, both are getting most of the focus and support from the WHO's polio eradication program. He says tailored and innovative tactics are being put in place to deal with the challenges in each country.

    The strategies include identifying, tracking and vaccinating migrant and hard-to-reach populations. He says community workers will be trained to go door to door to hunt down children who haven't been vaccinated and immunize them against polio.

    The World Health Organization notes the polio virus does not respect borders. It says polio will not be eradicated until every last child is protected.

    Lisa Schlein, for VOA NEWS.

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