

2018-04-03  本文已影响12人  一线口语

这两天相信大家都被星巴克刷屏了,喝了这么多年的咖啡,居然这么危险,有外媒称“星巴克含有致癌物质”!不仅星巴克,本次案件中被告上法庭的还包括绿山咖啡、7-11、Kraft Food Global等90余家快餐巨头。事情传到国内,国内媒体也纷纷刷屏。到底是真还是假,星巴克已对这件事情作出最新回应,下面来看看今天的日常英语资讯内容吧!


In general, carbohydrates and proteins in foods are "by-pass" produced during high-temperature cooking. Acrylamide is indeed a potential carcinogen. A large number of animal experiments have shown that acrylamide has a certain carcinogenicity; and it can cause damage to the nervous system, affect the early development of infants and endanger the reproductive health of men.


However, these carcinogenicity is only "suspected." The current study has only stayed at the stage of animal experiments, and there is not enough evidence to show the same harm in humans. However, some special occupational groups may cause nerve damage due to high doses of exposure and ingestion. Normal people do not need to worry too much.



In response to Starbucks Coffee’s cancer turmoil, some media sought confirmation from Starbucks China on the 31st and were told that the ruling was not directed against the Starbucks family, but against the entire coffee industry. 


At present, the National Coffee Industry Association has issued an announcement on the verdict, insisting that coffee is a safe drink and the court ruling misled the public. Chinese netizens also expressed their tolerance. Some netizens also claimed that eating fritters can also cause cancer, but they did not feel that fritter production was affected.



1.The Telegraph

The Telegraph写的是时事新闻,每段都很短,只介绍最重要的信息。这里我们知道“咖啡商”用的是vendor,有的报道也用了purveyor。fortnight和“堡垒”、“夜晚”没有关系,是“两周”、“14天”的意思,星巴克和其它90名被告还可以在4.10日前提出异议。byproduct是“副产品”,有时也可以理解为“副作用”。

2.Fox News

Fox news中有引用这样一段话:The substance is present in many of our foods, not just coffee,” said Lichtenfeld, who has worked in oncology for decades. “There was a minor scare about it being in French fries, and foods that are cooked in higher temperatures. Demonstrating a direct cause to cancer is very difficult. You always have to put a [suspected] risk into perspective.

oncology是肿瘤学的意思,这位专家说acrylamide这种物质存在于很多食物中,一般高温烹制的事物都可能含有(例如咱们的油条)。他说我们要put a suspected risk into perspective,这里put something into perspective是个五星级的实用表达,表示“以正确的角度看待某事”。

3.Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times非常淡定,标题:放心大胆的喝你的咖啡吧。世界卫生组织的调查说喝咖啡不仅不会致癌,还对身体有好处, 一些公共卫生专家并不认为咖啡会致癌。可能会有人说这些专家是被星巴克收买了帮他们洗白的吧!那有没有可能是原告CERT想搞个大新闻捞钱呢?我们看到这类新闻的时候最起码要明白发什么了事,事件的背景不是一句“星巴克致癌”能够解释清楚的,得多了解一下。最起码我们需要了解以星巴克为首的这些咖啡商们犯了什么法,什么是acrylamide,然后再得出informed opinion。



