[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedd ... eople_dont_realize/]
『Entertainment media is a vehicle to sell you things through making you dissatisfied with real life. Not just obvious things, like cable packages, but things like diet programs, houses, makeup, plastic surgery, expensive clothes, and cars.
And if you think product placement and making you feel bad about being poor and ugly is the only thing they do, don't worry, the worst impact is how they alter your sense of reason and how you think about human nature.
You think there's always a right side and a wrong side, that the underdog can win, that a plucky hero can beat the bad guys by showing up at the last minute. It makes you think that politicians are literally out there pushing people in front of trains and hopelessly corrupt, so don't vote. It makes you think that lawyers are soulless blood suckers, so don't bother to sue your employer for violating your rights. It makes you think that moral ambiguity and nuance is wrong, and that whomever says their point the loudest with the most simple terms and never changes it or apologizes is right. It makes you think that minorities are just like they are in the movies, or that women can't do certain things, because they never do them on television.
It makes you complacent and docile, a member of a consuming class that find it futile to vote, defend your rights, or defend the rights of others. It makes you wary of meeting new people, distrustful of real life, because it doesn't match the "reality" that television taught you before you could know better.
Okay, I lied. The biggest piece of propaganda? It isn't that, as bad as that is. The biggest piece is that it doesn't affect you. That you're better than that. That you can just close your eyes and not believe in how you were socialized to expect certain things out of life because of the media.
That's what media is for: making you distracted, dumb, and endlessly hostile to the idea that doing anything to change your situation is actually possible. 』
翻译 by architect