2020-01-12靠圣灵的大能站立(以弗所书 6:10-20)

2020-01-12  本文已影响0人  羊皮卷的味道
Dave Zuleger - Lead Pastor, South Campus 戴夫.祖勒格 南堂主任牧师
Ephesians 6:10-20 以弗所书6:10-20
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. 10 最后,你们要靠主的大能大力,在他里面刚强。 11 要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,使你们能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。 12 因为我们的争战,对抗的不是有血有肉的人,而是执政的、掌权的、管辖这黑暗世界的和天上的邪灵。 13 所以要穿起 神所赐的全副军装,使你们在这邪恶的时代里可以抵挡得住,并且在作完了一切之后,还能站立得稳。 14 因此,你们要站稳,用真理当带子束腰,披上公义的胸甲, 15 把和平的福音预备好了,当作鞋子,穿在脚上, 16 拿起信心的盾牌,用来扑灭那恶者所有的火箭; 17 并且要戴上救恩的头盔,拿起圣灵的宝剑,就是 神的道, 18 藉着各样的祷告和祈求,随时在圣灵里祈祷,并且要在这事上恒久警醒,为众圣徒祈求。 19 也要为我祈求,使我传讲的时候,得着当说的话,可以坦然无惧地讲明福音的奥祕, 20 (我为这奥祕作了被捆锁的使者),也使我按着应当说的,放胆宣讲这福音的奥祕。
Introduction: Wake Up and Use the Right Weapons 引言:醒来,拿起正确的武器
When Pastor Jason asked me to preach, he asked me to preach a sermon that would tie prayer and the word together as the 1-2 punch of the fight of the Christian life. 当杰森牧师让我来讲道的时候,他要求我讲道要紧扣祷告与神的话语这两个主题作为连环组合拳用于基督徒的信仰之战。
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians He’s told them in chapters 1-3 about their great salvation predestined from before the foundation of the world, culminating in the life, death, and resurrection with Christ. He’s told them that they’ve been sealed with the Holy Spirit – all to the praise of the glory of God. Then in chapters 4-6 he’s exhorted them to “walk in manner worthy of the calling” (cf.4:1). He exhorts them to walk in the love of Christ in their daily lives, in their work, and in their relationships with others – making the best use of the time because the days are evil – all to the praise of the glory of God. 在保罗给以弗所教会的信中,他在1-3章中告诉他们有关创世之前为他们预定的伟大救恩,在基督的生、死和复活中达到高潮。他告诉他们,他们已经受了圣灵的印记——这一切都为了神的荣耀得着称赞。然后在4-6章他劝勉他们“行事为人,要配得上你们所蒙的呼召”(4:1)。他劝勉他们要行在基督的爱里,无论是在日常生活,在工作场合,在与他人的关系中——要把握时机因为这时代邪恶——这一切为了神的荣耀得着称赞。
The first word that we read in our passage today is the word “finally.” That signals to us that these are Paul’s concluding words to the church in Ephesus. This is the final note that he wants leave them with. So, what will Paul say? 今天的经文中,我们读到的第一个词是“最后”。这告诉我们保罗给以弗所书教会的书信要收尾了。这是他要留给他们的最后交代。那么保罗要说什么呢?
And what I think Paul wants to leave them with is the exhortation that if they will hold fast to the gospel and walk in a manner worthy unto the glory of God that they must wake up and use the right weapons. This might be an even more timely word for us. 我的理解是,保罗要留给他们一翻劝勉,他们若要坚持福音,行事为人与神的荣耀相称,那他们就必须清醒过来,使用正确的武器。这段话对我们来说也正是时候。
We live in a time and culture that simply doesn’t have the frame of mind to look at the cause and effect of things as originating because of the spiritual realm. We need to wake up. If we are going to cling to the gospel and walk in a manner worthy of it in 2020, Paul would have us wake up to the reality that we are not only living in the reality of a sinful world and our own sinful flesh, but that we an enemy and he means to destroy us. 我们今天所生活的时代文化总是缺少一个心眼来看万事的前因后果都有其灵界的起源。我们需要清醒过来。在2020年中,我们若要持定福音真理,行事为人与所蒙的恩召相称,保罗就要我们清醒过来看到一个现实,就是我们不仅生活在充满罪恶的世界里,我们自己也带着罪性的肉体,而且我们还有一个敌人随时要毁灭我们。
No one wins a game if they are still in bed while it is going on. You wouldn’t want to enter into the ring with a world champion fighter drowsy. So, Paul is calling the Ephesians to wake up to the war that they are in with the devil. We need to wake up. The battle is real and raging every day and, in more ways, than we realize. 在比赛的时候,如果我们还赖在床上,那注定是要输掉的。你绝不希望自己在走上擂台与世界冠军拳手对决时还昏昏欲睡。所以,保罗在呼吁以弗所人要醒过来,投入与恶魔的战斗中。我们也需要清醒过来。这战斗是真实的,每天都在进行,体现在方方面面,超乎我们的觉察范围。
And Paul is calling the Ephesians and us to use the right weapons or the right tools. Have you ever had the experience of having the wrong tool for a job you’re doing? Because of my ability as a handyman this has been almost a universal experience for me any time I’ve tried to do any work. And it’s frustrating. It doesn’t go well and is often a lost cause. 保罗在呼召以弗所人和我们使用正确的武器或正确的工具。你有没有用错工具的经历?因为我平时喜欢自己动手,我常常有用错工具的经验。这让人感觉沮丧。用错工具就做不好事情。
In the same way, if we try to fight a supernatural power of the devil in our own strength it will never work. So, Paul is calling us to wake up to the war we are in and take up the right weapons for the war. 同样的,如果我们想凭一己之力来与恶魔超自然的力量抗衡,那注定是要失败的。所以保罗在这里要唤醒我们,清醒认识到我们就在战争中,并且要拿起正确的武器投入战斗。
Main Point: Stand in the strength of the Lord in the war of the Christian life because the devil is strong and seeks to destroy. 要点:在基督徒生活争战中要靠主的力量站稳,因为恶魔强大,正伺机消灭我们。
With that main point in mind, I want to ask the text three questions: 1) What is our enemy up to? 2) How do we stand in another’s strength? 3) What are the daily rhythms of this war? 为阐述这个要点,我要就这段经文提三个问题:1)我们的敌人在做什么?2)我们如何靠另一个力量站立?3)这场战争的日常节奏是什么样?
What is our enemy up to? 我们的敌人在做什么?
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. (6:11-13) 11 要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,使你们能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。 12 因为我们的争战,对抗的不是有血有肉的人,而是执政的、掌权的、管辖这黑暗世界的和天上的邪灵。 13 所以要穿起 神所赐的全副军装,使你们在这邪恶的时代里可以抵挡得住,并且在作完了一切之后,还能站立得稳。 (6:11-13)
So, here is the call to wake up and stand up. Why? To stand against the schemes of the devil. The devil has schemes. He has plans. He has strategies. It seems from this passage and others that he’s organized his troops. There are rulers, authorities, powers, and spiritual forces – all conspiring to make this an “evil day” that we are living in. 这就是要我们醒过来和站起来的呼召。为什么?要站稳了抵挡魔鬼的诡计。魔鬼有诡计,有预谋,有策略。从这段经文及其它经文可以看出魔鬼在调兵遣将。有执政的,掌权的,有邪灵的力量——这一切组成了我们所处的“邪恶时代”。
Are you aware of these schemes? Are you aware when you wake up that you are walking into an “evil day” and letting that give you an appropriate seriousness to life? 你觉察到这些诡计了吗?当你醒来你意识到自己正行走在“邪恶的时代”中吗?这个意识是否让你严肃地对待生活?
So, it would be good to ask about these schemes. What are the devil and all his dark forces up to? 所以,我们最好问清楚都有些什么诡计。魔鬼和牠的暗黑势力想要干什么?
In Revelation 12:9, 12 we get this summary of the work and wrath of the devil: 在启示录12章9和12节我们看到魔鬼的工作和牠的愤怒。
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him… Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” 于是那大龙被摔了下来。牠就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的人的。牠被摔在地上,牠的天使也跟牠一同被摔了下来……所以,众天和住在其中的,你们都欢乐吧! 可是地和海有祸了! 因为魔鬼知道自己的时日无多, 就大大发怒下到你们那里去了。
So, the devil has a goal – it is to deceive the world. His goal is to destroy as many souls of unbelievers as possible by conspiring with their flesh to convince them that there is something more freeing, more exciting to be pursued, and more important than forgiveness by the blood of Jesus. His goal is to convince believers that there is something more satisfying, exciting, and important than abiding in Jesus. He aims to deceive with the goal of hiding or leading away from Jesus. 所以,魔鬼有个目标——要迷惑普天下的人。牠的目标是毁灭越多不信者的灵魂越好,牠和他们的肉体同谋让他们相信有些事情比凭着耶稣宝血罪得赦免更自由,更值得追求,也更重要。牠的目标是要让基督徒们相信另有些事情比住在基督里更让人满足,令人兴奋,也更为重要。牠定意要迷惑人,让人避开耶稣或离开耶稣。
And he’s full of wrath. His time is short. He knows it. Jesus has put the principalities and powers to open shame at the cross by forgiving sins and therefore taking away the sting of death for all who would believe in him. And Satan seethes with wrath that his reign over this earth is short and his defeat is sure. 同时牠也是满腔怒火。牠的时日不多了。牠知道的。耶稣已经在十字架上赦免我们的过犯,胜过了一切执政掌权的,把他们公开示众,因此为一切信祂的人除掉了死亡的毒刺。撒旦暴跳如雷,因为牠在地上的统治时日不多了,牠的失败已成定局。
So, with his goal to destroy and his angry motivation, Satan is prowling like a roaring lion and seeking someone to devour. What are his schemes? Let me just remind you of a few from the Bible that will help us wake up to this war. 因此,带着牠害人的目标和愤怒的动机,撒旦像吼叫的狮子遍地巡行,寻找可吞吃的人。牠的诡计是什么?容我用几处经文来提醒你,帮助我们醒来投入战斗。
-We can start in the beginning, in Genesis 3, where Satan shows up to twist God’s word in order to make Adam and Eve doubt God’s goodness. Are there areas of your life where you hear the whisper – “is God really good” or are being tempted to disobey his word? -我们从头开始,在创世记3章,撒旦出现,扭曲神的话语,为要让亚当和夏娃怀疑神的良善。在你生活的某些领域中你有没有听到有声音在低声说:“神真的良善吗?”或诱惑你不听祂的话?
-In 1 Chronicles 21 we see Satan incite King David to pridefully conduct a census. Are there areas in your life where you are feeling the longing to validate your importance? -历代志上21章中我们看到撒旦激动大卫王骄傲地进行人口普查。在你生活的某些领域中你有没有感觉到需要让人承认你的重要性?
-In Job. we see Satan tempt Job with great suffering and despair – at times making him question God. Are you suffering and beginning to hear the whisper that God is unfair or unjust? That God doesn’t care about you? -在约伯记中我们看到撒旦用巨大的苦难和失望来试探约伯——让他来质疑神。你是否在苦难中并开始听到有低声说神是不公平不公正的?或说神并不在乎你?
-In Zechariah 3:1 we see Satan show up to accuse one of the Lord’s chosen ones who is clothed in filthy garments of sin. God commands him to clothed with new, clean garments. Do you feel the whisper in your life, “God could never love you. You’re too dirty. Too filthy. Your sin is too great.” -在撒迦利亚书3:1中我们看到撒旦出来控告耶和华所拣选的人,他穿着罪污的衣服。神命令他换上崭新洁净的衣服。你有没有感受到你生命中有个低声说:“神不可能爱你。你太污秽,太肮脏了。你的罪孽太重了。”
-In 2 Corinthians 5 we see Satan tempt the people of Corinth to be harsh and unforgiving with someone who has sinned greatly. Do you feel bitterness rising in your heart towards someone that has sinned against you? Do you feel a sinister, satanic desire to make them pay, at least a little? -在哥林多后书5章中我们看到撒旦诱惑哥林多人对某个犯了罪的人过分严厉不肯饶恕。你是否感受到你对某个冒犯过你的人心怀怨恨?你的内心是否感到有某种阴暗、邪恶的欲望要让他们受到报应,哪怕是一点点?
-We see in Acts 5 Satan enter into Ananias to lie about his generosity – tempting him to pride and popularity. Do you feel the sinister desire to have your good works seen by others so that they might praise you? -我们在使徒行传5章中看到撒旦进入亚拿尼亚的心,在奉献的事上撒谎——诱惑他变得骄傲,成名心切。你内心是否感到有某种阴暗的欲望想让你的善行被人看见,好让人来称赞你?
-In the temptation of Jesus (cf. Matthew 4), we see Satan come and tempt him with prestige, power, and comfort. Do you feel yourself tempted to trust in the comforts of this life? Are you longing for some prestige? Do you want the power for people to do what you want? -在耶稣受试探的故事中(见马太福音4章),我们看到撒旦来用名望权势和舒适来诱惑祂。你是否感到自己被诱惑相信今生的舒适安稳?你是否渴望得到某种声望?你是否想要掌握权柄让人来满足你的愿望?
The Ephesians should have known about this kind of wrathful hate as they would have heard of the seven exorcists in their city who had been sent running away naked and wounded by an angry evil spirit. 以弗所人必定知道撒旦的恼怒,因为他们必定听说了他们城里的七个驱魔师被一个愤怒的邪灵打伤,赤身裸体仓皇逃走。
Now, we don’t often see these kinds of displays, but that is representative of the power of Satan. He’s powerful. We shouldn’t take him lightly. And you shouldn’t assume that he’s only at work in the really big things. He could be whispering these things as you harbor anger against your boss, or discipline your kids harshly, or say that sharp word to your spouse, or make that gossip-filled comment about someone, or before you click on that link on your device and hear “just once more”, or after you’re done on your device and hear the whisper of shame, or as you begin to question his goodness in your suffering. 现在我们不太经常看到这种事情,但那是撒旦力量的展示。牠强大有力。我们绝不能小看了牠。你也不能以为牠只管那些大事。当你对老板心怀积怨,或粗暴打骂孩子,对配偶说刺耳伤人的话,或传播流言蜚语,在你手机电脑上点击污秽网站的链接之前听到“只要再来一次就好”的低语,或在那之后听到羞耻的低语,或当你在苦难中开始质疑神的良善,你都会听到撒旦在你耳边细语。
How do we stand in another's strength? 我们如何靠另一个力量站立?
Knowing the strength, anger, and schemes of the devil – how then do we stand? Well the good news is that we don’t stand in our own strength. We are completely dependent on the Lord. Notice this with me: 知道了魔鬼的力量、愤怒和诡计,那我们如何站立?好消息是我们不靠自己的力量站立。我们全然依靠主。请和我一起看:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God… Therefore take up the whole armor of God. (6:10-11, 13) 最后,你们要靠主的大能大力,在他里面刚强。 要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装……所以要穿起 神所赐的全副军装(6:10-11,13)
We are commanded not to be strong on our own, but in the Lord. In the strength of his might. We are to put on God’s armor. I think Paul is telling us to stand in the strength of the gospel here. And I think he’s talking about our union with Christ. 我们被命令不要靠自己刚强,而是在主里刚强。要靠祂的大能大力。我们要穿戴神的军装。我想保罗是在告诉我们要站立在福音的权能之中。而且我想他是在说我们要与基督联合。
You know about union with Christ, right? As you read your New Testament and you see all of the times we are “in” Christ. By the blood of Christ, we now are “in Christ” and have all the benefits of his life and power at work by the Holy Spirit. And so Paul wants us to stand in the armor of our Savior. I was talking with Jason DeRouchie about this passage this week and he put it this way: “the armor of God is ours because it was first the Messiah’s from Isaiah.” 你知道什么是与基督联合,是吗?你读新约的时候总是会看到我们“在”基督里。凭着基督的宝血,我们现在“在基督里”,藉着圣灵享受祂生命的福份与力量。所以保罗要我们站在我们救主的军装里。这个星期我和杰森·德鲁奇通话,讨论这段经文,他说:“神的军装之所以是我们的,是因为从以赛亚书开始,这军装就是弥赛亚的。”
So, let’s do what Pastor Jason always does and go to Isaiah and see our Savior wear this armor on our behalf first. 所以让我们像杰森牧师那样总是回到以赛亚书,看看我们的救主为我们的缘故首先穿上这军装。
Belt of Truth: In Isaiah 11, a shoot of Jesse, a Spirit-anointed Savior is promised. 真理的束腰带:在以赛亚书11章,耶西的嫩芽,被圣灵恩膏的救主得到以下应许:
Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. 公义必作他腰间的带子,信实必作他胁下的带子(以赛亚书11:5)
Jesus came to the world as the Truth that would shine truth to the ends of the earth. 耶稣来到世上作为真理,要把真理之光照遍全地。
Breastplate and Helmet: 护胸与头盔:
The LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no one to intercede; then his own arm brought him salvation,and his righteousness upheld him. He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head. (Isaiah 59:15-17) 诚实缺乏,远离恶事的人反成为掠物。 耶和华看见了, 就看这为恶事(“就看这为恶事” 或译:“很不喜悦”),因为一点公平也没有。 16 他见无人行善,无人代求,就非常诧异, 所以他用自己的膀臂为他施行拯救, 以自己的公义扶持他。 17 他穿上公义的铠甲,戴上救恩的头盔, 穿上复仇的衣服, 披上热心作外袍。(以赛亚书59:15-17)
Jesus is the promised warrior who wore perfect righteousness and salvation that will spread to the world so they will see his glory. 耶稣就是应许中的那位勇士,祂穿着完美的公义和救恩。这救恩将遍及全地,好让他们看见祂的荣耀。
Feet Shod with Peace: 脚穿和平:
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” The voice of your watchmen—they lift up their voice; together they sing for joy; for eye to eye they see the return of the LORD to Zion. (Isaiah 52:7-8) 那传福音、宣布平安、 传美好的福音、 宣布救恩, 又对锡安说“你的 神作王了” 的, 他的脚踪在山上多么的美! 8 听啊! 你守望者的声音。他们都扬起声来,一同欢呼, 因为耶和华归回锡安的时候, 他们必亲眼看见。(以赛亚书52:7-8)
Jesus is the one who came proclaiming good news of great joy that there is salvation for the world to be had for all who will declare that our God reigns! And the world breaks forth into singing at the peace that he brings. 耶稣是来宣告欢喜大好消息的那位,就是向世界宣布救恩,宣告我们的神掌权的那位。世界要扬声歌唱祂所带来的和平。
Sword of the Spirit – Word of God 圣灵的宝剑——神的话语
He made my mouth like a sharp sword. (Isaiah 49:2) 他使我的口如快刀(以赛亚书49:2)
In Isaiah 49 Jesus is the new Israel sent with sharp words calling sinners to repentance to pierce through hard hearts and be a light to all the nations! 在以赛亚书49章中耶稣是那受差遣的新以色列,带着锋利的话语,呼召罪人悔改,利剑穿透坚硬的心,成为万国的光!
So, Bethlehem as we are called to stand in the strength of the Lord, it is good news that our warrior-Savior, Jesus has already come in perfect truth, perfect righteousness, with news of perfect peace with God, speaking the powerful, piercing words of God, and brought salvation to us! We do not fight against flesh and blood in our own strength. But, we fight from a place of victory in Christ. 所以,伯利恒会众,当我们被召靠主的大能大力站立,好消息就是我们的勇士救主,耶稣已经穿戴着完美的真理、完美的公义,带着与神完全和好的消息,说着大有能力,穿透灵魂的神的话语,把救恩带给我们!我们不是靠我们自己的力量与血肉争战,而是为我们站稳在基督里的胜利地位而战。
We fight from our union with Christ. We have his perfect righteousness! We have received the good news of peace with God! We have seen the truth of the gospel! The salvation he has brought to the world belongs to us! We have his powerful, piercing words to abide in. 我们从我们与基督的联合中而战。我们有祂完美的公义!我们接受了与神和好的好消息!我们已经看见了福音的真理!祂带给世界的救恩是属于我们的!我们安住在祂大有能力,穿透灵魂的话语里。
This is the already, not yet that we live in. Our Savior has secured the victory of all of these weapons as the cross and rose again on our behalf. And we are in him, bought by his blood, indwelt by his Spirit who again and again lifts our eyes to Jesus in those moments where Satan is roaring and whispering to us, and we say, “The victory is secure. I have peace with God. I know the truth. I’m not guilt, I’m righteous before him. I have his words. Get away from me, Satan, I am standing in the strength of my Savior who has already delivered the final blow to you at the cross.” 我们生活在已然和未然之间。我们的救主已经在十字架上为这些武器的胜利作了保证,并且为我们的缘故而复活。我们就在祂里面,为祂宝血所赎,有祂的灵内驻,帮我们一次又一次地举目定睛耶稣,无论撒旦向我们吼叫还是低语,我们都说:“我们是必胜的。我与神和好了。我知道真理。我不再担负罪疚,我在祂面前得称为义。我有祂的话语。从我面前滚开,撒旦,我倚仗我救主的大能大力站立,祂已经在十字架上向你发出了致命一击。”
We resist the devil and he will flee from us. This is the shield faith is that puts out his fiery darts. This is what standing in another’s strength means. We don’t look to ourselves. We don’t promise ourselves this was the last time. We don’t hope in some future, better version of ourselves. We don’t merely hope in changed circumstances. No! We look to our Savior and his victory in this armor and we resist the devil from our union with Christ and in the strength of Christ’s victory. We remember we are in him, his victory is ours, and we bring those truths into our moments of temptation. 我们抵挡魔鬼,牠就逃离我们。这就是信心的盾牌,扑灭牠的火箭。这就是靠另一位的能力站立的意思。我们不看自己。我们不向自己承诺这是最后一次。我们不寄希望于未来更好的自己。我们不单单寄希望于改变环境。绝不!我们仰望我们的救主和祂军装所带来的胜利,我们在与基督的联合中并依靠基督得胜的权能抵挡魔鬼。我们记得我们在祂里面,祂的胜利就是我们的,我们把那些真理带入我们受试探的时刻。
What are the daily rhythms of this war? 这场战争的日常节奏是什么样?
Now, if at this point you are wondering if I’m ever going to get to the word and prayer, that would be a fair question. 现在,如果此时你在困惑我的讲道怎么和话语及祷告有关,那是个好问题。
Take up…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. (6:17-18) ……拿起圣灵的宝剑,就是 神的道, 藉着各样的祷告和祈求,随时在圣灵里祈祷,并且要在这事上恒久警醒,为众圣徒祈求。(以弗所书6:17-18)
Now, I simply don’t know of a better way to wake up and use the right weapons than to be a people devoted to the word and prayer. The word of God is the sword the Spirit uses to put to death the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). 现在,除了作一个专注于话语和祷告的人,我不知道还什么更好的办法能醒过来使用正确的武器。神的话语是圣灵的宝剑,用来治死身体的恶行(罗马书8:13)。
I mean, what have we been doing today? We’ve been going to the word to see the exhortation of Paul, the schemes of the devil, and the victory we have as we stand in our union with Christ, right? That’s the sword. That’s the offensive weapon. That’s how you wake up and fight. You take the promises and truths in the word of God and fight the deceitful promises and lies of sin and the devil. You go there and see over and over again that Jesus is better. 我是说,我们今天做了什么?我们已经在话语中看到保罗的劝勉,魔鬼的诡计,以及我们在与基督联合中所拥有的胜利,是不是?那就是宝剑。那是进攻的武器。那就是你如何醒来投入战斗。你拿起神话语中的应许和真理,与罪和魔鬼的虚假应许和谎言争战。你在圣经里一次又一次地看到耶稣是更好的。
But, as you go to the word and see how real and big the war is and how sinful we are and how strong Satan is, what are you going to do? Your going to call for help from the Lord, right? You’re going to look around this room at your brothers and sisters, and in your neighborhoods, and at your workplaces, and to the nations and see the havoc that sin and Satan are creating, the blindness that is there, and you’re going to feel your own inadequacy and plead with God for help, right? 当你来到话语中看到战争的真实与浩大,看到我们的罪,看到撒旦的强大,你要做什么?你要呼求主的帮助,是吧?你要环顾这个礼堂,看看你的弟兄姐妹,看你的邻居,你的工作场所,看看万国,看罪和撒旦正在制造的浩劫,看到人们的盲目,你将感到自己力不从心,请求神的帮助,是吧?
The Spirit empowers prayer and accomplishes the purposes of God in prayer. That why we pray at all times, for all things, with all perseverance, for all the saints. Because if we are awake to the war, we realize it is everywhere and we need the victory of the truth, righteousness, peace, and salvation of God to invade the darkest places of our hearts and of the world. 圣灵赋予祷告能力,并且在祷告中成就神的旨意。这就是为什么我们要在一切时中,凡事祷告,坚持不懈为众圣徒祷告。因为如果我们对战争保持清醒,我们就会意识到战争无处不在,我们需要神的真理、公义、和平与救恩的胜利,为要侵入我们心灵与世界最黑暗的地方。
There is an abiding in Christ in the word and prayer that leads to an advancing of the kingdom of God. There is a fellowship with Christ in the word and prayer that fuels the fight of the kingdom. We have put on the armor of the victory of Christ and in Isaiah we saw that it wasn’t meant to be kept to one or two individuals, but advanced to the ends of the earth, so that as God’s power shines in our weakness as we put on his victory, he gets global glory. 只有以话语和祷告住在基督里才能带来神国的拓展。在话语和祷告中与基督的团契才能给神国的战争加油。我们穿戴基督胜利的军装,在以赛亚书中我们看到这军装不是只留给一两个人,而是要遍及全地,为要神的权能在我们的软弱中彰显,当我们穿戴祂的胜利,祂就在全世界得荣耀。
So, in 2020, if you’re awake to the war – you need the daily rhythm of persistent prayer to God and precious promises from the word of God to put on the armor of our Savior and fight in his strength against the schemes of the devil. We cannot defeat him alone. He’s strong and scary. 所以,在2020年,如果你对战争清醒——你需要每天坚持不懈地向神祷告,从神的话语中获得宝贵的应许,穿上我们救主的军装,用祂的大能大力来抵挡魔鬼的诡计。我们不可能靠自己打败牠。牠强大而可怕。
But, by the daily rhythms of the word and prayer we can put on the armor of Christ and experience the reality that, “greater is he that is in us, than he who is in the world.” 但靠着每天的话语和祷告我们能穿戴基督的军装,并且体验到“那在你们里面的比那在世上的更大”(约翰一书4:4)这样的现实。
Application: We Stand and Shine the Glory of God into Darkness 应用:我们站立并让神的荣光照进黑暗
So, let me make a bridge to the next couple weeks of sermons. One of the schemes of the devil has always been to attack the preciousness of the truth that all humans are made in the image of God. And the world has fallen prey to his deception. And that’s why we have the evils of racism and abortion in our world. 所以,让我为接下来几周的讲道搭个桥梁。魔鬼的诡计之一总是攻击所有人都是照着神的形像造的这一宝贵真理。世界已经成了牠谎言的猎物。这就是为什么在这个世界上有种族主义和堕胎这些罪恶。
The truth of being made in the image of God means that all humans have equal dignity and worth before their creator. 人是照着神的形像而造这一真理意味着所有人类在创造主面前都有平等的尊严与价值。
Racism says that some cultures or colors of people are superior to others. It seeks to oppress the dignity and value of people that it deems less worthy. And it’s well at work, because Satan is strong and angry and eager to destroy souls and distort the glory of God, even in our country right now. 种族主义说有些文化或肤色比其它的更高等。它寻求压制低等种族的尊严与价值。这好像很行得通,因为撒旦很强大,愤怒,迫切地想破坏灵魂,扭曲神的荣耀,就在此刻,就在我们国家。
Abortion says that some humans have less value and dignity than others. The Bible teaches us that life begins at conception and that God is knitting together image-bearers in the womb. What God knits together, we dare not separate. And it’s well at work, because Satan is strong and angry and eager to destroy souls and distort the glory of God, even I our country right now. 堕胎说有些人的价值和尊严不如其他人。圣经教导我们生命在受孕的时候就开始,神在子宫中编织祂的形像承载者。神所编织在一起的,我们不敢拆开。堕胎很盛行,因为撒旦很强大,愤怒,迫切地想破坏灵魂,扭曲神的荣耀,就在此刻,就在我们国家。
Listen to this exhortation from Paul in Ephesians 5, the chapter right before our text today: 请听保罗在以弗所书5章中的劝勉:
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11) 那暗昧无益的事,不要与人同行,倒要责备行这事的人。(以弗所书5:11)
This is a call to stand in the victory of Christ and shine the light of his glory into the dark places. This is why we have these weeks at Bethlehem. We don’t have these weeks based on the current winds of politics. We remember these issues because they strike at the very heart of God and do damage to the glory of God. 这是呼召我们站立在基督的胜利中,把祂的荣光照进黑暗的角落。这就是为什么我们在伯利恒教会有这几周的讲道。我们不是基于当下的政治风气而安排这几周的讲道。我们记得这些事,是因为它们的攻击目标直指神的心,想要破坏神的荣耀。
We remember these weeks, because our enemy is seeking to destroy souls in these things and we long to wage a war of love. As we abide in our warrior-Savior, we advance his righteousness, his peace, his truth, and his salvation to the darkest places. 我们记念这几周的讲道,因为我们的敌人正在这些事上寻求破坏灵魂,而我们渴望发动爱的战争。当我们住在我们的勇士救主里面,我们向黑暗之处推进祂的公义,祂的和平,祂的真理和祂的救恩。
But, let us remember in these issues and in our daily battle against sin and Satan to use the right weapons. We won’t advance with clever political alliances. Oh Bethehem, let us take up the word and prayer to abide in the armor of the victory of Christ, and who knows what advances God might make in our hearts and in the world in 2020. 但是,让我们记住在这些事上,在我们日常与罪和撒旦的争战中使用正确的武器。我们不想参与什么精明的政治联盟。哦,伯利恒,让我们拿起话语和祷告,住在基督胜利的军装里。谁能预料,2020年,神会在我们心中,在世界上带来什么样的进步呢?
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