
日本地铁里的一些巧妙设计 | 荐文 2018 #21

2018-05-27  本文已影响102人  东炜黄

《The Amazing Psychology of Japanese Train Stations》

生活在日本,尤其是东京,压力大,想不开的概率高。为了减缓这种压力,人流量巨大的地铁站做了不少措施,例如在自杀率高发的站点安装能使人平静的 LED 蓝灯,播放舒缓的音乐等。这些才叫小设计大影响啊。

《3 things to keep in mind before you design for GDPR》

欧盟颁发的 GDPR 条例已正式生效,一些产品不可避免要更新《使用条款》和《用户隐私》(这不,我订阅的《MacStories》已经发来更新提醒了)。这篇文章告诉你在做更新提醒时应该注意什么。

《What really happens when you create an account on a website?》



看一些老外的工作头衔,总能看到「XXX Lead」。究竟是什么意思呢?相较于传统的经理、总监、副总裁等等又有什么好处呢?鼓励人,给人看到晋升的可能性,清晰地描述一个人的职责所在,但又要避免无谓的内斗和个人对头衔的痴迷。

《Fun UI Password Fields 🙈🐵– now you see it now you don’t!》



选自《The death of the newsfeed》

You would not send 10 pictures of your child or dog to everyone in your address book very often, if ever, and most people (under 50) would not send every funny or enraging news article they see to everyone in their address book either, but the asymmetric feed makes posting at that kind of frequency normal instead of rude. Since you’re posting it to ‘your’ feed instead of sending it explicitly to someone, it’s OK to post lots and to post less important things. That, in turn, takes us to the tragedy of the commons - we’re ‘supposed’ to post stuff, but by posting stuff, we overload each other’s feeds. Facebook’s Growth team was too good at its job.

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