The poet and the burglars
Poet: Burglars broke into my house last night.
Friend: Yes? What happened?
Poet: They searched through every room, then left a $ 5 bill on my desk.
A mother mouse and her babies were running across a floor, when they heard anoise. It was a cat. The mother mouse and her babies stood still and the mother called outlike a dog," Wow, wow!"The cat ran away. Then the mother turned to her babies andsaid,“You see, my children, how important it is to learm a second language."
“you think Amerian cokingng mems oeing a pockege and wsi the cnmemes inthe microwave,think again. On the one hand, its true tha Amerians hive o oldcereal for beakist, sndwiches for lumch and intant dimemn. Froum buy homemaken 10prlossional people, many Americans enjiay the converience of prepackaged meals thatcan be ready to serve in 10 minutes or less.. On the other hand, many Americans reognize the value of cooking sills Parents, espeialymothers, see the importance of train-ing their children, especially daughters, in the culinary arts. Most Americans will admitthat there's nothing better than a good home cooked meal. But with cooking, as with anyother skills, good results don't happen by accident.