
《剑桥雅思官方指南11》词汇小结Test 4

2020-11-01  本文已影响0人  小美Prisca


1. invent a term=coin a term 发明术语

2. increase our knowledge=

take our understanding further

3. statistical concept=

mathematical method

4. apart=separate

5. parts of our bodies=organs 器官

6. show=present

7. underestimate=overlook

8. importance of film sound=

contribution of sound to…film

9. personality=character

10. merge=similar

11. banal=dull 无聊的

12. audience reflection=audience response

13. in absence=lack 缺少

14. expect=anticipate

15. compared to language,

all other conventions pale in significance


16. incongruity=paradox=

incompatible 不兼容 矛盾性

17. measly morsel of sound=

a few sounds 一些

18. estrangement=exotic=difference 疏远

19. wonder=impressiveness

20. don’t have to be genius=

universal ability 普遍的能力

21. absence of a sound=silence 沉默

22. express sth specific=meaningful

23. everything=fundamental

24. sophistication=complex 复杂的

25. simple=simplicity

26. documentation of history=

recording of events

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