
Beyond Feelings - Chapter 3

2017-03-01  本文已影响0人  读者_在路上


battle over 就……展开辩论

celestial ledger

err v. 犯错误;出差错

to err is human 人非圣贤,孰能无过;

causation n. 诱因,起因,祸端;因果关系


What Is Truth?

The existence of truth with a capital T, which is a kind of complete record of whatever was, is, or will be, error-proof, beyond doubt and dispute, a final test of the rightness or wrongness of people's ideas and theories is not necessarily a truth. The reason lies in people's imperfect perception, imperfect memory, deficient information and so on. Even the wisest may make mistakes. Truth is discovered, not created.


To avoid unnecessary confusion, four facts must be understood:

1. One event can precede another without causing it.

2. Not all causation involves force or necessity.

3. There is a wild card in human affairs—free will.

4. Causation is often complex.

The following cautions will help you avoid oversimplification in your analyses:

Remember that events seldom, if ever, “just happen.”

Remember that free will is a powerful causative factor in human affairs, and it is often intertwined with other causes.

Be aware that, in dealing with human affairs, outcomes can be unpredictable.



In fact, no one can be wrong. (What an argument this would make against objective tests—true/false, multiple choice, and so on: “My answers can't be wrong, professor. They're my truth!”)



Even when our perception is initially flawless, our memory often distorts the data. We forget details, and when later attempting to recall what happened we resort to imagination to fill in the blanks. Though we may at first be aware that such a process of reconstruction is occurring, this awareness soon fades, and we come to believe we are remembering the original perception.



