2019-01-23  本文已影响0人  宋迎


3. 因此,刚开始治疗时,病患与心理治疗师各怀鬼胎。2 两人可能各自执着于虚妄的自我概念,他们对于“进步”的看法也大相径庭。3 病患希望学到的是:怎样才能无需大幅度地改变原有的自我概念,就能获得预期的改善。4 他甚至设法巩固原有的自我概念,好让心理治疗充分发挥他心目中的神奇功效。5 他企图把原本不堪一击之物改造成百害不侵的,把有限之物变成无限的。6 他把自我奉为一尊神明,死心塌地为它奉献一生。

3. At the beginning, then, the patient's goal and the therapist's are at variance. 2 The therapist as well as the patient may cherish false self-concepts, but their respective perceptions of "improvement" still must differ. 3 The patient hopes to learn how to get the changes he wants without changing his self-concept to any significant extent. 4 He hopes, in fact, to stabilize it sufficiently to include within it the magical powers he seeks in psychotherapy. 5 He wants to make the vulnerable invulnerable and the finite limitless. 6 The self he sees is his god, and he seeks only to serve it better.

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