
2018-10-07  本文已影响0人  danmeia

Psychological  Medicine

创始人:Michael Shepherd(1923年-1955年) ,是一位著名的精神病学家,所做的的工作都与精神病有关。

主编:Kenneth S. Kendler是一位美国的精神病学家,他以其早年的关于精神遗传学研究而闻名。 Kendler's group was also noted for the replication of a study of Avshalom Caspi on the interaction of stressful life events and a serotonin transporter polymorphism in the prediction of episodes of major depression.

          Robin Murray是一位苏格兰的精神病学家,He has treated patients with schizophrenia and bipolar illness at the National Psychosis Unit South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.

Part1 Basic information of Psychological  Medicine

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 Note:1 The name of an author to whom correspondence should be sent must be indicated and a full postal address given in the footnote.

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      6 If necessary, guidelines for statistical presentation may be found in:Altman DG., Gore SM, Gardner, MJ. Pocock SJ. (1983).  Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals.British Medical Journal 286, 1489-1493.

-Neuroscience-based Nomenclature

For papers concerning neuropsychopharmacological treatments,Psychological Medicine encourages authors to utilize the ‘Neuroscience-based Nomenclature’ developed by the ECNP Taskforce on Nomenclature.The need for such a change arose to address a longstanding concern within the neuropsychopharmacological community that the nomenclature of psychotropic drugs did not properly reflect the underlying neuroscience of these compounds, as well as being unhelpful to clinicians and confusing to patients (e.g. the prescription of ‘antipsychotics’ for depression).

More information about the nomenclature can be found on theECNP website here, and in thepaper here. The Neuroscience-based Nomenclature (NbN) itself is available free of charge as a mobile app (for bothAndroidandiOSdevices).


Psychological Medicine is a journal aimed primarily for the publication of original research in clinical psychiatry and the basic sciences related to it. These include relevant fields of biological,psychological and social sciences.


Part 2 Style and format for target articles

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 Brown GW (1974). Meaning, measurement and stress of life events. In Stressful Life Events: Their Nature and Effects (ed. B. S. Dohrenwend and B. P. Dohrenwend), pp. 217-244. John Wiley: New York

Brown J. (1970).Psychiatric Research. Smith: Glasgow.

Brown J, Williams E, Wright H (1970). Treatment of heroin addiction.Psychological

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Acute Health Care, Rehabilitation and Disability Prevention Research - National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. (http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/profiles/acutecare/default.htm). Accessed 7 June 2004.

British Psychological Society Research Digest, Issue 12. (http://lists.bps.org.uk/read/messages?id=1423). Accessed 17 February 2004.

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Part 3 Required Statements


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Part 4 Reading and Analysis

2010年至2018年发表的关于emotion的文章共291篇,其中article researches 230篇,clinical trial 20篇,review 11篇,editorial 3篇。


1An ecological momentary assessment evaluation of emotion regulation abnormalities in schizophrenia

2 Personalised treatments for traumatic brain injury(外伤性脑损伤): cognitive, emotional and motivational targets

3 Select Genetic risk (选择遗传风险)for neuroticism predicts emotional health depending on childhood adversity Genetic risk for neuroticism predicts emotional health depending on childhood adversity

4 Long-term effects of stimulant treatment on ADHD symptoms(多动症), social–emotional functioning, and cognition

5 Is aberrant affective cognition an endophenotype for affective disorders(情感性精神障碍)? – A monozygotic twin study

6 Moderation of prior exposure to trauma on the inverse relationship between callous-unemotional traits and amygdala responses to fearful expressions: an exploratory study

7Long-term effects of stimulant treatment on ADHD symptoms, social-emotional functioning, and cognition.

2017年发表的关于emotion的文章共35篇,其中有review 3篇

1 Brain activation during emotion regulation in women with premenstrual dysphoric(经前焦虑症) disorder.

2 Differences in neural and cognitive response to emotional faces in middle-aged dizygotic twins at familial risk of depression

3 Evidence that polygenic risk for psychotic disorder(精神病性障碍) is expressed in the domain of neuro development,emotion regulation and attribution of salience

 4 Developing an international scoring system for a consensus-based social cognition measure: MSCEIT-managing emotions

 5 Brain activation during emotion regulation in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder(经前焦虑症).

6 The impact of schizophrenia and mood disorder (心境障碍)risk alleles on emotional problems: investigating change from childhood to middle age.

 7  Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder exhibit altered emotional processing and attentional control during anemotional Stroop task.

8 Affectivelability mediates the association between childhood trauma and suicide attempts, mixed episodes and co-morbid anxiety disorders in bipolar disorders

2016年至2010年发表的关于emotion的文章共230篇,其中 article185篇,clinical trail 20篇,review 8篇,editorial 3篇。

The structure of the article

Abstract: background , method ,result ,conclusion

The body ot the text:introduction ,method ,results ,discussion ,conclusion.

Hart, H. C., Lim, L., Mehta, M. A., Simmons, A., Mirza, K., & Rubia, K. (2018). Altered fear processing in adolescents with a history of severe childhood maltreatment: an fmri study. Psychological Medicine, 48(7), 1092-1101.

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