My Christmas Day
I had a lovely Christmas Day! In the morning, my sister and I couldn’t wait to open our presents under the Christmas tree and inside the stockings. We had so many presents, and we were jumping up and down with joy.
Our Great Grandpa and Great Grandma arrived at noon time.They would have Christmas Dinner with us. They brought us a lot of sweets, a Christmas pudding and a Christmas cake.
Mummy made a three-course meal. We had yummy mushroom soup with garlic bread for our first course. The second course was turkey, pigs in blankets, bacon, stuffing and loads of vegetable. Then we ate the Christmas pudding.
I was too full to move after the Christmas dinner, so I had to sit down and play with my new toys. The adults all sat down to watch a movie.
We ate Cheese, biscuits, Christmas cakes and chocolates in the evening.
We were allowed to go to bed late. This was the best day ever!
Chocolate truffle: 一种有各种味道的巧克力软糖
Chocolate Snowman: 圣诞节期间有很多与圣诞有关造型的巧克力糖,如圣诞老人、驯鹿和雪人等等。人们常常买这些巧克力糖给小朋友。
Chocolate orange: 巧克力橙子(其实更像桔子,因为可以一片一片掰开)。这是用黑巧克力和纯橙油做的,吃起来橙味浓郁。
Chocolate bars: 巧克力条糖,有各种口味,有些有馅
Strong dark chocolate: 这种是高浓度可可黑巧克力。我称这种为真正的巧克力。前面所说的巧克力糖含可可量不高,糖份高,所以是巧克力口味的糖。高浓度可可黑巧克力中的可可含量高达70%和80%,糖份低。高浓度可可黑巧克力健康且可可味浓郁,是我的至爱。小宝贝用自己的零用钱买了一块,包得漂漂亮亮送给妈妈作圣诞礼物。
Ferrero Rocher:意大利的金莎巧克力在英国也很受欢迎。特别在圣诞节,以其金碧辉煌的包装赢得英国人青睐。
Chocolate Cups: 造成小杯状的巧克力糖
Fox’s biscuits: 这是英国一个有名的饼干品牌。这个品牌的饼干有多种口味。它们的盒装饼干是很多英国人圣诞节选用的礼品。