
2020-09-10  本文已影响0人  江明叔教英文

You may already know that the Titanic hit an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on the night of April 14, 1912, and that it sank two hours and forty minutes later. Did you know that there were only two bathtubs for third class passengers or that the crew had only seconds to react to the iceberg?



The Titanic Was Gigantic


The Titanic was supposed to be an unsinkable boat and it was built to monumental scale. In total, it was 882.5 feet long, 92.5 feet wide, and 175 feet high. It would displace 66,000 tons of water and it was the largest ship built up to that point in time.


The Last Dinner


The last dinner served to first class passengers at the Ritz Restaurant was a feast with ten sumptuous courses, featuring oysters, caviar, lobster, quail, salmon, roast duckling, and lamb. On board the Titanic were 20,000 bottles of beer, 1,500 bottles of wine, and 8,000 cigars, all for the first class passengers.

在丽兹餐厅为头等舱乘客提供的最后一顿晚餐极其奢华,共有10道名贵的菜品,包括牡蛎,鱼子酱,龙虾,鹌鹑,鲑鱼,烤小鸭和烤羊肉。 泰坦尼克号上载有20,000瓶啤酒,1,500瓶葡萄酒和8,000支雪茄,全部供头等舱乘客使用。

Expensive to Operate


The Titanic burned about 600 tons of coal each day to keep it powered. A team of 176 men kept the fires burning, and it is estimated that over 100 tons of ash were injected into the Atlantic each day the Titanic operated.

泰坦尼克号开动起来每天燃烧约600吨煤炭。 船上专门有一支由176人组成的船员负责动力系统,据估计,泰坦尼克号运行期间,每天向大西洋释放了100吨以上的灰烬。

The Canceled Lifeboat Drill


Originally, a lifeboat drill was scheduled to take place on board the Titanic on the very day that the ship hit the iceberg. However, for an unknown reason, Captain Smith canceled the drill. Many people believe that had the drill taken place, more lives could have been saved.

最初,在船撞到冰山的那一天,泰坦尼克号本来要计划一次救生艇演习。 但是,由于未知原因,史密斯船长取消了演习。 许多人认为,如果进行了演习,可以挽救更多的生命。

Only Seconds to React


From the time the lookouts sounded the alert, the officers on the bridge had only 37 seconds to react before the Titanic hit the iceberg. In that time, First Officer Murdoch ordered to turn the ship to port—left). He also ordered the engine room to put the engines in reverse. The Titanic did bank left, but it wasn't quite fast or far enough.

从观察员发出警报的那一刻起,泰坦尼克号撞上冰山之前,船上的指挥官只有37秒的反应时间。 当时,默多克副驾驶下令将船左移。 他还命令机舱将发动机倒转。 泰坦尼克号确实向左倾斜,但是速度不够快或距离不够。

Lifeboats Were Not Full


Not only were there not enough lifeboats to save all 2,200 people on board, most of the lifeboats that were launched were not filled to capacity. If they had been, 1,178 people might have been rescued, far more than the 705 who did survive.

For instance, the first lifeboat to launch—Lifeboat 7 from the starboard side—only carried 24 people, despite having a capacity of 65 (two additional people later transferred onto it from Lifeboat 5). However, it was Lifeboat 1 that carried the fewest people. It had only seven crew and five passengers (a total of 12 people) despite having a capacity for 40.

不仅没有足够的救生艇来挽救船上的2200人,而且下水的大多数救生艇都没有装满。 如果是这样,那么可能会救出1,178人,远远超过幸存的705人。

例如,首艘下水的救生艇-右舷的7号救生艇-尽管可容纳65人,但仅载有24人(后来又有5人从5号救生艇转移到其上)。 但是,载人最少的是“1号救生艇”。 尽管它只能容纳40名乘客,但只有7名船员和5名乘客(总共12人)。

Another Boat Was Closer for Rescue


When the Titanic began sending out distress signals, the Californian, rather than the Carpathia, was the closest ship. However, the Californian did not respond until it was much too late to help.

At 12:45 a.m. on April 15, 1912, crew members on the Californian saw mysterious lights in the sky. These were the distress flares sent up from the Titanic and they immediately woke up their captain to tell him. Unfortunately, the captain issued no orders.

Since the ship's wireless operator had already gone to bed as well, the Californian was unaware of any distress signals from the Titanic until the morning. By then, the Carpathia had already picked up all of the survivors. Many people believe that if the Californian had responded to the Titanic's pleas for help, many more lives could have been saved.

当泰坦尼克号开始发出绝望的求救信号时,当时加利福尼亚号比喀尔巴阡号的距离更近。 但是,直到错过最佳救援时间,加利福尼亚号上的人才做出回应。1912年4月15日凌晨12:45,加利福尼亚号的船员看到了天空中神秘的灯光。 这是泰坦尼克号发出的遇险求救信号,他们立即叫醒了船长。 不幸的是,机长没有发出命令。由于该船的无线操作员也已经上床睡觉,因此加利福尼亚号上的人直到早上才意识到泰坦尼克号发出的任何遇险信号。 到那时,喀尔巴阡山号已经收留了所有的幸存者。 许多人认为,如果加利福尼亚号及时响应泰坦尼克号的求助请求,可能会挽救更多生命。

No-one Knows All Who Died on the Titanic


Although the official number of the dead on the Titanic was 1,503 (of the 2,208 on board, there were 705 survivors), over a hundred unidentified bodies were buried in Fairview Lawn cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Many people traveled under false names, and from so many different places, it proved impossible to identify even the recovered bodies.

尽管在泰坦尼克号上死者的官方统计人数为1,503人(船上总人数为2208,有705位幸存者),但仍有一百多具身份不明的尸体埋在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的公墓中。 许多人以假名旅行,并且从那么多不同的地方出发,甚至都无法鉴定出被发现的尸体。

Dance Band on the Titanic

There was an eight-piece band on the Titanic, led by violinist Wallace Hartley, who had to learn 350 songs in the songbook handed out to first class passengers. As the Titanic was sinking, they sat on the deck and played music, and all of them went down with the ship. Survivors reported that the last piece they played was either "Nearer My God to Thee" or a waltz named "Autumn."


在小提琴家华莱士·哈特利(Wallace Hartley)的带领下,泰坦尼克号上有一支八人乐队,他必须从发给头等舱乘客的歌本中学会350首歌曲。 当泰坦尼克号沉没时,他们坐在甲板上演奏音乐,所有人随船沉没了。 幸存者报告说,他们演奏的最后一部作品是“向你靠近,我的上帝”或名为“秋天”的华尔兹舞。

Only Two Bathtubs in Third Class


While the promenade suites in first class had private bathrooms, most passengers on the Titanic had to share bathrooms. Third class had it very rough with only two bathtubs for more than 700 passengers.

头等舱长廊套房设有私人浴室,但泰坦尼克号上的大多数乘客都必须共用浴室。 三等舱非常粗糙,只有两个浴缸,要供700多名乘客使用。

73 Years to Find It


Despite the fact that everyone knew the Titanic sunk and they had an idea of where that happened, it took 73 years to find the wreckage. Dr. Robert Ballard, an American oceanographer, found the Titanic on September 1, 1985. Now a UNESCO protected site, the ship lays two miles below the ocean's surface, with the bow nearly 2,000 feet from the ship's stern.

尽管每个人都知道泰坦尼克号沉没,知道发生了什么事,但找到它的残骸却花了73年的时间。 美国海洋学家罗伯特·巴拉德(Robert Ballard)博士于1985年9月1日发现了《泰坦尼克号》。这艘船现在是联合国教科文组织保护的地点,位于海面以下两英里处,船首距船尾近2,000英尺。

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