2018-02-01  本文已影响0人  胡小椒Vivi

一 问答

1 Have you thought about death or dying? How did you feel when you were thinking about them?

Yeah,When I was at the age of 10,maybe 11.One night for the some kind of reason:My parents didn’t buy some candies for me,I was so desperated at that time,so I cried and cried for almost four hours.To my parents'surprise,I didn’t feel tired.But they insisted that my behavior was wrong,so they ignored me and went to bed.Just like the author said:Ding,I thought about the death!If I didn’t have enough time to play games with my friends and watch more TV,why the stupid me just cry for “lost candies”?That was insane,so I stopped crying immediately,wiped tears away and went to bed.The feeling was weird,a little scared and full of expection.️

2 How knowing “then you die” would affect the way we live? What is the sunny side of death?

It makes me cherish the time,and pay attention to something that’s more important in our lives.

The sunny side of death is suffering fears and uncertainties, accepting failures and embracing rejections, because there is nothing to be afraid of.

3 Did you have a transformational moment growing up? Something you would consider a wake-up call?

Yes,I didn’t feel like a superwoman until I had my baby boy.I was weak at some point long before,but at the present,I’m willing to try something new or I was afraid of.

二 反思

Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important Because it obliterates all the crappy, fragile, superficial values in life.

上文的回答中已经提到小时候哭了四个小时突然想到死亡这个词,不愿浪费精力在没有拿到的糖果身上,而转移注意力到玩游戏和看电视。很幼稚但真实,为了更好玩的不哭不闹了,留点空间给更重要的。长大了偶尔也会想到死亡,但每次一闪而过,没有深入思考过。直到今年11月分外公突然去世,请假一周在家料理后事。其中有一个老家的习俗“送水”,也就是在家里盛出一碗水由道士领路,亲戚跟随送到寺庙去,表示亡灵回家。不知怎么的,那天我心里想到的是美剧《This is us》里那个高瘦的老头病逝的场景,他的孙女让家人们各自回顾爷爷做过的事情,有一起散步走他走过的路有一起唱歌唱他唱过的歌,没有哭丧,但笑中带泪,我觉得这才是纪念亲人离世的方式。但当我跟着队伍一起前行时,每到一处几乎会有一户人家端出装好的零食和茶水接待外公,一路上几乎家家鸣炮户户备茶时我真的感动到了。老妈跟我说村里哪家的补助被没收了,哪家路口路灯坏了,哪家需要人手帮忙,你外公是最热心的一个。平凡的人做的也是平凡的事,但是能让你身边的人受益,让你身边的人温暖也是一种能力。所以我现在也学会了不会因为事小而不为,宏图大志固然热血沸腾,但每天能把学生教好把事情完善也是一种进步吧!

三 字词

1 sign up:报名

(1)I signed up the last level of driving license on February 7,2018.Wish me good luck.

(2)After the deep consideration,he signed up for a marathon.

2 bump into:意外遇见

(1)After I bought the hot dry noodles for breakfast,I bumped into one of my students' parent.

(2)She bumped into her ex-boyfriend at a party,which put them in an award situation .

3 look up to:仰望;佩服

(1)On Mid-Autumn Day,families get together and look up to the moon.

(2)The young teenagers always look up to their idols,buy the albums and go to the concert to cheer up for them.

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