android system tools

2018-11-23  本文已影响0人  413x
1|walleye:/bin # ./svc
Available commands:
    help         Show information about the subcommands
    power        Control the power manager
    data         Control mobile data connectivity
    wifi         Control the Wi-Fi manager
    usb          Control Usb state
    nfc          Control NFC functions
    bluetooth    Control Bluetooth service
walleye:/bin # ./svc bluetooth                                                                                                                                                                             
Control Bluetooth service

usage: svc bluetooth [enable|disable]
         Turn Bluetooth on or off.

walleye:/bin # ./svc bluetooth enable                                                                                                                                                                      
walleye:/bin # ./svc bluetooth disable                                                                                                                                                                     
walleye:/bin # ./svc bluetooth disable                                                                                                                                                                     
walleye:/bin # readelf
/system/bin/sh: readelf: not found
127|walleye:/bin # ./svc wifi                                                                                                                                                                              
Control the Wi-Fi manager

usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]
         Turn Wi-Fi on or off.

walleye:/bin # ./svc wifi on                                                                                                                                                                               
Control the Wi-Fi manager

usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]
         Turn Wi-Fi on or off.

walleye:/bin # ./svc wifi enable                                                                                                                                                                           
walleye:/bin # ./svc wifi disable                                                                                                                                                                          
walleye:/bin # file ./svc
./svc: /system/bin/sh script
walleye:/bin # cat svc
# Script to start "am" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
# shell.
export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/svc.jar
exec app_process $base/bin $

walleye:/system/bin # ./service                                                                                                                                                                            
Usage: service [-h|-?]
       service list
       service check SERVICE
       service call SERVICE CODE [i32 N | i64 N | f N | d N | s16 STR ] ...
   i32: Write the 32-bit integer N into the send parcel.
   i64: Write the 64-bit integer N into the send parcel.
   f:   Write the 32-bit single-precision number N into the send parcel.
   d:   Write the 64-bit double-precision number N into the send parcel.
   s16: Write the UTF-16 string STR into the send parcel.
walleye:/system/bin # ./service list                                                                                                                                                                       
Found 148 services:
0   sip: []
1   nfc: [android.nfc.INfcAdapter]
2   secure_element: []
3   carrier_config: []
4   phone: []
5   isms: []
6   iphonesubinfo: []
7   simphonebook: []
8   isub: []
9   telecom: []
10  contexthub: [android.hardware.location.IContextHubService]
11  netd_listener: []
12  connmetrics: []
13  bluetooth_manager: [android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManager]
14  overlay: []
15  autofill: [android.view.autofill.IAutoFillManager]
16  imms: []
17  statscompanion: [android.os.IStatsCompanionService]
18 [android.hardware.ICameraServiceProxy]
19  slice: []
20  media_projection: []
21  crossprofileapps: []
22  launcherapps: []
23  shortcut: []
24  fingerprint: [android.hardware.fingerprint.IFingerprintService]
25  media_router: []
26  media_resource_monitor: []
27  media_session: []
28  restrictions: [android.content.IRestrictionsManager]
29  companiondevice: [android.companion.ICompanionDeviceManager]
30  print: [android.print.IPrintManager]
31  graphicsstats: [android.view.IGraphicsStats]
32  dreams: [android.service.dreams.IDreamManager]
33  commontime_management: []
34  network_time_update_service: []
35  diskstats: []
36  voiceinteraction: []
37  appwidget: []
38  backup: []
39  trust: []
40  soundtrigger: []
41  jobscheduler: []
42  hardware_properties: [android.os.IHardwarePropertiesManager]
43  serial: [android.hardware.ISerialManager]
44  usb: [android.hardware.usb.IUsbManager]
45  midi: []
46  DockObserver: []
47  audio: []
48  wallpaper: []
49  search: []
50  country_detector: [android.location.ICountryDetector]
51  location: [android.location.ILocationManager]
52  devicestoragemonitor: []
53  notification: []
54  updatelock: [android.os.IUpdateLock]
55  system_update: [android.os.ISystemUpdateManager]
56  servicediscovery: []
57  connectivity: []
58  ethernet: []
59  wifip2p: []
60  wifiaware: []
61  wifirtt: []
62  wifiscanner: []
63  wifi: []
64  netpolicy: []
65  netstats: []
66  network_score: []
67  textclassification: [android.service.textclassifier.ITextClassifierService]
68  textservices: []
69  ipsec: []
70  network_management: [android.os.INetworkManagementService]
71  clipboard: [android.content.IClipboard]
72  statusbar: []
73  device_policy: []
74  persistent_data_block: [android.service.persistentdata.IPersistentDataBlockService]
75  deviceidle: [android.os.IDeviceIdleController]
76  oem_lock: [android.service.oemlock.IOemLockService]
77  lock_settings: []
78  uimode: []
79  storagestats: []
80  mount: []
81  accessibility: [android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityManager]
82  input_method: []
83  pinner: []
84  network_watchlist: []
85  vrmanager: [android.service.vr.IVrManager]
86  input: [android.hardware.input.IInputManager]
87  window: [android.view.IWindowManager]
88  alarm: []
89  consumer_ir: [android.hardware.IConsumerIrService]
90  vibrator: [android.os.IVibratorService]
91  dropbox: []
92  settings: []
93  content: [android.content.IContentService]
94  account: [android.accounts.IAccountManager]
95  telephony.registry: []
96  scheduling_policy: [android.os.ISchedulingPolicyService]
97  sec_key_att_app_id_provider: []
98  binder_calls_stats: []
99  webviewupdate: [android.webkit.IWebViewUpdateService]
100 media.sound_trigger_hw: [android.hardware.ISoundTriggerHwService]
101 media.aaudio: [IAAudioService]
102 media.audio_policy: []
103 usagestats: []
104 sensorservice: [android.gui.SensorServer]
105 batteryproperties: [android.os.IBatteryPropertiesRegistrar]
106 battery: []
107 processinfo: [android.os.IProcessInfoService]
108 permission: [android.os.IPermissionController]
109 cpuinfo: []
110 dbinfo: []
111 gfxinfo: []
112 meminfo: []
113 procstats: []
114 activity: []
115 user: [android.os.IUserManager]
116 otadexopt: []
117 package_native: []
118 package: []
119 display: [android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager]
120 recovery: [android.os.IRecoverySystem]
121 power: [android.os.IPowerManager]
122 appops: []
123 batterystats: []
124 device_identifiers: [android.os.IDeviceIdentifiersPolicyService]
125 media.audio_flinger: []
126 storaged_pri: [android.os.storaged.IStoragedPrivate]
127 storaged: [android.os.IStoraged]
128 media.resource_manager: []
129 media.player: []
130 stats: [android.os.IStatsManager]
131 []
132 android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService: [android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService]
133 android.os.UpdateEngineService: [android.os.IUpdateEngine]
134 drm.drmManager: [drm.IDrmManagerService]
135 media.drm: []
136 media.extractor.update: []
137 media.extractor: []
138 media.metrics: []
139 wificond: []
140 perfprofd: [android.os.IPerfProfd]
141 installd: [android.os.IInstalld]
142 incident: [android.os.IIncidentManager]
143 thermalservice: [android.os.IThermalService]
144 gpu: [android.ui.IGpuService]
145 SurfaceFlinger: [android.ui.ISurfaceComposer]
146 netd: []
147 vold: [android.os.IVold]
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