
2018-08-03  本文已影响68人  YinNan

这一课,Tal继续讲self-fulfilling prophecy(自证预言),然后开始讲focus(焦点)。

1. How do we become more optimistic?

1) To take action, to put ourselves on the line. 采取行动,让自己冒险。

Hard work and coping inevitably leads to success.That success contributes to our self-efficacy, to our self-confidence. And then, that self confidence in turn motivates us to work harder. We start to believe in ourselves more.


More discerning with praise, in the long term they are detrimental.

Whether it comes from the inside or the outside.

Do we just tell the students, you are terrific, you are wonderful, you are great, or do we like Marva Collins, make them actually work hard so that they succeed more, so that they see themselves going back to self-conception theory, see themselves working hard, see themselves putting themselves on the line, coping and failing, and getting up again.


我们不应该告诉学生,你很棒,而应该像Marva Collins一样,让学生努力获得成功,让他们看到自己通过努力,通过冒险,面对和处理失败,然后重新站起来。

It works also in a similar way to our physical immune system.

When we get sick, when we get ill, our body send ani-bodies, and we actually become immune to whatever it is that we had. Our body become immunize through failure. Same on the psychological level, failure is underrated.


One of the things that I wish for you, and I mean it genuinely, is that you fail more. And coupled with that, I hope that when you fail, you will also learn to interpret it in a different way than most of us usually interpret failure. There is no other way to success, there is no other way for growth. It’s an illusion that a life looks like this (always going up).


A healthy life, a real life, and a happy life ultimately looks like this, spiral with ups and downs, not as a straight line.


When we see ourselves cope, when we see ourselves work hard, we derive conclusions about ourselves, our self-confidence goes up, our motivation goes up, our belief goes up and so on and so on, in an upward spiral of growth.

当我们看到自己努力去面对和处理困境,我们对自己得出积极的结论 ,我们的自信心增加,动力增加,这就形成了一个向上的成长螺旋。

This model also works the other way around.


2) To visualize – imagining success 视觉化,想象成功

When you see something, there are certain neurons in my brain that are firing that actually take on the shape of this hand.


If I imagine looking at my hand, the exact same neurons are firing. In other words, my brain does not know the difference between the real thing and the imaginary thing. This explains why dreams are so vivid.


Just like a pilot, you would hope to practice in a simulator before they take you on across the Atlantic. The mind is a simulator, this is why it works.


The key is to focus not just on the destination.



Students in two random groups:

Group 1: imagine themselves getting an A, and imagine it over and over again.

Group 2: imagine themselves getting an A, but also saw themselves work and persist in the library, prepare for it, and then, get to that final A.

The second group imagined both the journey and the destination was much more successful, much better results in the exam.


Another thing that we need to do when we imagine success is to make it as real as possible, by involving as many senses as we can. Why? Because the more senses we can imagine, the more our mind is fooled to believe that it is the real thing.


Finally it’s about evoking emotions, you have to evoke emotions to create motion.


3) Cognitive therapy 认知治疗

External event – evaluation of the event (thought) – evokes an emotion – motion

A lion is running towards me –OMG, it’s gonna eat me – fear – run away or fight the lion



If we want to change emotions, whether it’s of depression, whether it’s of anxiety, where we need to intervene is here – is that the level of evaluation and the level of thought.


Sometimes our thoughts are irrational.

What cognitive therapy does is just restore that rationality by saying “It hurts, it’s tough, but…”

Where do I distort the reality? Where do I have distortion in terms of evaluation in terms of thoughts that lead to certain negative emotions that are unnecessary?

Because if I restore rationality, I will not feel the same emotion to the same degree.




2. 3 M’s – 3 traps of irrational thoughts 三个不理智想法的陷阱

1) Magnify – exaggerating something happens 放大,夸大发生的事实

Induction is very natural 通过事件归纳是很正常的 

The All or Nothing approach – perfectionism 

It’s catastrophizing failure, not seeing failure as an opportunity, as a steppingstone, but seeing it as the end of the world.


2) Minimizing – “tunnel vision” 缩小化,“隧道视野”


Cognitive therapy – bring realism into the equation. Zoom out, evaluation thought, irrational, recover more promptly.


3) Making up / fabricating 臆造

We personalize or we blame.


Emotional reasoning 情绪归因

I am envious – I am a bad person 我感觉嫉妒,所以我是一个坏人。

We taking an emotion and making it into reality. Whereas instead of understanding an emotion is an emotion, it does not necessarily capture reality. It is my evaluation of reality.


Ask yourself 常常问自己这些问题: 

1. Is my conclusion tie to reality? 我的结论是事实吗?

2. Is it rational? 这理智吗?

3. Am I ignoring something important? 我有没有忽略了什么重要的东西?

4. What important evidence do I still need to take into consideration? 我还需要考虑什么重要的证据?

This is about disputing, it’s evidence, it’s get real. 这是跟自己争论,通过证据联系现实。

5. What am I magnifying? What am I minimizing? Am I falling into one of the traps? 我在放大什么?我在缩小什么?我有没有陷入3M陷阱?

6. Am I ignoring anything that is going well? 我有没有忽略美好的东西?

7. Am I ignoring anything that is not going well? 我有没有忽略需要改进的东西?

3. Self-fulfilling prophecy 自证预言

Looking at the 10% of the happiest people out there:

These people did not experience painful emotions any less times than the rest of the people. The difference between them and the rest was that they recovered more promptly as a result of different interpretations.


Events happen, things happen in the world, very often out of our control.

We don’t create everything that we encounter. Some of the events are bad, some are negative.

What matters more is what we do with them after, how we evaluate them.

And what happens is that our evaluation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


There are no short cuts. There are no easy steps to well-being, to success, to high level of beliefs in ourselves. It takes work, it takes effort, whether it’s work visualizing, whether it’s hard work and coping, or whether it’s work learning to dispute irrational thoughts.


And it’s not enough to just understand it once and then we are all set. We are all inoculated for the rest of our lives.


4. Focus 聚焦/关注

It appears that the way people perceive the world is much more important to happiness than objective circumstances.


We know a lot of people who seemingly have everything and they are still miserable.

While there are people who have very little, who have experienced hardship after hardship, and who never cease to celebrate life.

Then there are people who have everything going for them and really appreciate it, don’t take it for granted and are happy.

There are people who don’t have much and never cease to complain.

Happiness depends on what we choose to focus on.


Emerson: To different minds, the same world is a hell and a heaven.


Shakespeare: Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.


Very often we complain about life and we think things are terrible and awful not realizing that we are the cause of it, either by imagining it and then beliefs become self-fulfilling prophesies, or because we just focus on what is not working.


This does not mean that there is no objective terrible circumstances out there. But to a great extent, we co-create our reality.


Tal讲了一个故事,来自一本书Way of the Peaceful Warrior。


Very often, we make our own sandwiches and we don’t even notice it because the questions that we ask determine our reality. 


5. Two archetypes 两种原型

1) Benefit-finder 积极发现者

Focuses on what works, looks on the bright side of life, find the silver lining in the dark cloud, find miracle in the common.


The detached benefit-finder is certainly not an archetype that I would advocate nor would it lead to mental health in the long run.


There is a need in the world to respect reality.


2) Fault-finder 消极发现者

People who always focuses on things that don’t work. The fault-finder will find fault even in paradise.


We all exist on the continuum of between the extreme fault-finding and extreme benefit-finding. Our target is to move a little bit more from the fault-finding toward the benefit-finding.


Never let a good crisis go to waste. Crisis has the potential through growth.

Things don’t happen for the best but there are people who accept the situation and are able to make the best of it.

Stuff happens. We can either let it pollute or make fertilizer out of it.





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