Supervisor Phobia

2018-06-11  本文已影响0人  呼_吸_



1. 害怕原因:工作做的不够好,不想被老板当面批评。

- 收到反馈和批评会怎么样呢?-- 心情郁闷,老板觉得你没能力--改正进步

- 如果不见领导会怎么样呢?-- 免受面对面地批评,老板还是觉得你没能力--原地踏步或倒退

2. 解决办法:直面恐惧,懂得换位思考,慢慢适应反馈和批评。理解那些建设性的批评是非常有价值的。I find that 'interoceptive exposure', in which the trainee confronts their fears in controlled, limited doses, works best here. 

--安排例会,讨论工作和进度。每周一次或两周一次的15分钟见面。If you are the student, understand that these meetings benefit you and that it is your responsibility — not your supervisor's — to set them up. 

--逐步增加每次见面时间,减少见面频率。Try also to chat with your supervisor about topics unrelated to your work — the weather, or a film.

--组织好你的想法、反思实验过程、介绍实验结果以及对结果的解读,并提出你的下一步工作方案。这些能力将会使你不再那么恐惧与导师见面且从中获取更多帮助和益处。You need to be able to organize your thoughts, rethink experiments, present experimental results and interpretations and consider your next steps. These skills will make supervisor meetings less frightening and more useful. 工作时可以想,要练习发生的每件事情该怎么像领导汇报。

--如果你害怕去见你的老板,那么从小“剂量”开始吧。(If you are terrified to meet with your supervisor, start with small doses, says Eleftherios Diamandis.)(Eleftherios Diamandis)

So take a deep breath — and head to that office more frequently.

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