116、level3-unit2-part3 listening
Last month Paul went on a trip.(go on a trip去旅行)
He went to Japan and China.
There were a couple of reasons for the trip.(旅行的目的,a couple of:两个,若干)
One reason for the trip was for business.(reason for sth:....的原因)
He wanted to start some restaurants in both countries.
The other reason was for pleasure.
(the other:两个人或两样事物中的另一个;He has two daughters. One is a dotor, the other is a teacher.)
(another:指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的另一个;I want to have another piece of cake.)
Paul enjoys traveling, and he wanted to visit some friends.
(enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事)
问:What was he thinking about starting in both countries?--答He wanted to start some restaurants in both countries.
填空:One reason for the trip was for business.
总起说明There are......(数字) reasons for ...
展开说明One reason is..., the other reason is...(两个理由)
或:The first reason is ...,the second reason is..., ..., the last reason is...(更多的理由)
Before leaving on the trip, Paul had several problems.(before+Ving)(leave on the trip:出发去旅行)
First, his passport was going to expire.
形式--主语+be动词(was 或 were)going to+动词原形+其他
As a result, he needed to apply for a new passport.(apply for:申请)
Second, he needed to get a visa to enter China.
In order to apply for a visa, he needed his new passport.(in order to+V.)
He had six weeks to get everything done.
(get everything done搞定所有事)----get sth. done搞定某事
例:He has two hours to get his homework done.他有两个小时的时间来搞定他的作业。
问:What did he need before getting a visa?--答:In order to apply for a visa, he needed his new passport.
填空1:His passport was going to expire.
填空2:He had six weeks to get everything done.
After applying for a new passport, it took two weeks to get it.
(after+Ving)(it takes +时间段+to do sth.做某事需要多少时间)
Once he got the passport, he went to the Chinese consulate in Toronto and applied for a visa.
(once:一...就...)(国籍+领事馆consulate:---American consulate美国领事馆/Canadian consulate加拿大领事馆)
He filled out an application form and stood in a long line.(fill out填写)
He was surprised by how many people were applying for visas.(be surprised by...:对……感到惊讶)
It took more than an hour to submit his application.(submit:提交,呈递----submit a report提交报告)
问:How long did he take to submit his application?---答:It took more than an hour to submit his application.
填空1:It took more than an hour to submit his application.
填空2:He was surprised by how many people were applying for visas.
复述1:One reason for the trip was for business.
复述2: he needed to get a visa to enter China.
复述3:Before leaving on the trip, Paul had several problems.
跟读1:After applying for a new passport, it took two weeks to get it.
跟读2:He was surprised by how many people were applying for visas.
He submitted his application for the visa on a Friday.
A week later he went back to the consulate to pick up his visa.(pick up sth.取某物)
To his surprise, when he got there, the consulate was closed.
to one's surprise令某人惊讶的是/to one's amazement令人惊奇的是/to one's disappointment令人失望的是
The consulate was closed because it was a Chinese holiday.
Paul was angry at himself for not checking the consulate's website.
(be angry at sb. for sth.因某事对某人生气)
On its website the consulate's schedule was posted.
There was a notice saying that the consulate would be closed that day.
问:On what day of the week did he go to pick up his visa?他是星期几去拿签证的?
答:He went to pick up his visa on Friday.
填空:Paul was angry at himself for not checking the consulate's website.
As a result, Paul had to come back the next Monday.
This was because the consulate is closed on weekends.(this is because +句子:说明原因)
Finally, on Monday, he got the visa and he was ready to go.(be ready to 准备好……)
复述: The information was posed on its website.
跟读:Paul was angry at himself for not checking the consulate's website.