
2017-10-11  本文已影响0人  水中的珊瑚雨


1 音频 peppa pig第1季1-5集、牙牙学语1     

2 动画 peppa pig-the playground;牙牙学语1-跳花墙

3 儿歌与游戏

A、big bad bug(拖鞋版)

Baby, I’m a big bad bug. You can chase me, and make me go away by the shoe. Ok? You can pat my bottom when you catch me.

Ok. Chase that big bad bug, make it go away, shoo, shoo.

Now it’s your turn to be a big bad bug. I’m coming to chase you. Run.

B、The firemen

今天用乐高式积木拼装了一辆消防车,当然少不了玩the firemen的游戏。

Oh, fire on my house. Firemen, help, please.

Drive the fire truck. Hurry, hurry.

Look for the fire. Hurry, hurry.

Climb, climb the ladder. Hurry, hurry.

Spray, spray the water. Hurry, hurry.

Oh, you stop the fire. Thank you. You are welcome.


C、Learning center-merry-go-round

Baby, look, what’s this? Merry-go-round.

Yes. How many horses are there? One, two, three.

Yes, there are three horses. Who are riding on the merry-go-round?

Monkey, little squirrel, giraffe.

Yes, the monkey is riding on a green horse. How about the little squirrel?

Yellow. Yes. And the giraffe? Purple. Good job.

Oh, it’s time to go back home. Their mummy are coming to call them eat dinner. Can you help them to find their babies. You can match mummy and baby together by the line. Where is mummy monkey’s baby? Here it is. Good. Let’s line them together. Where is mummy giraffe’s baby? Yes. Over there. What about mummy squirrel’s baby? Yes. You’ve got it. Well done.

4 分级与绘本

海尼曼 12本(day3)

小书The firemen

5      中文


6      思维训练


7    妈妈功课


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