
2022-06-02  本文已影响0人  孤鹤横江


Victoria Gill, BBC correspondant

What does it mean practically to have this information about their status? How do you use that to protect these animals and reverse these declines?

维多利亚·吉尔    BBC通讯员


Dr Isla Duporge, University of Oxford5

While on the surface of it it looks bleak6, the fact that it's been flagged is actually positive, because then it means we can do something about it. And, separating the species, I think that's also positive because it means we can do something about it on a more concentrated level.

艾拉·杜波什博士    英国牛津大学


The loss of species and natural spaces is happening all around the world. But conservationists are confident that this wake-up call could ensure that these giant icons7 of African wildlife get the protection and the space that they need.

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