第90期 How well was the Tsar’s go
Tsar’s government was an Autocratic government. It means that the Tsar and only the Tsar rule the country. There were no laws that could restrict Tsar, no matter his authorities or himself, so his mistakes often could not be corrected in time, causing disastrous consequences. Also, some of his government branches were corrupted, or even lawless themselves. Caused a tremendous amount of pain on the civilians. In my opinion, Tsar’s government uses violence and terrorization to achieve their goal; and on the other hand, the corruption was very severe as well.
First of all, Tsar’s government uses violence and terrorization to force civilians to follow their orders. The consequences of not obeying or against the order will either be put to death or exile to Siberia or somewhere else. For example, Tsar had Okhrana, a large enforcement system that would report questionable behavior and destroy subversive groups. They acted on the Tsar’s behalf, treating citizens how they saw it, and punishing “victims” the way they wanted. And also, the ways of “enforcement” of the Okhrana were various. From spying to torturing and to murdering, they did it all the time. Thus, Tsar’s government uses violence and terrorization to brutally suppress citizens and that’s why the strikes often happen.
Secondly, the corruption of the government in that period of time was extremely severe. People in government are often millionaires, live in a big, delicate palace, eat and waste luxurious food; whereas peasants, the Russian civilians could not find anything to eat because the government had taken too much from them, and could not live in the appropriate houses because they are too poor. Apart from that, many bureaucrats had little understanding of the importance of industrialization so they spent money on low profit, prospectless work, further dragging the economy backward. Thus the Government’s corruption caused low life quality to Russian citizens, damaging their health and leading them to starve