
2017-12-28  本文已影响0人  不是猫

How to appreciate Su and his friends' art works?

This chapter provides some techniques and principles to appreciate Chinese art works, which can be applied to almost evey form of art. For example, how best to express the concept of rhythm, say, in painting and calligraphy, and how best to arrange the lines, with flexible movement—pauses and sweeps, even accidental splashes of the brush. 微顿、疾行、飞白泼溅


•[+ noun] She styles herself 'Doctor' but she doesn't have a degree.她自称“博士”,但实际上她根本没有学位。

■given a name or title by yourself without any official reason for it 自封的;自称的

•The media appears to be full of self-styled 'experts' who are happy to give their views on subjects that they actually know very little about.媒体上似乎满是自封的“专家”,他们乐于对自己实际上知之甚少的话题发表见解。

~ for sb to do ; ~ n.

1. if sth is customary, it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation• 习俗的;习惯的

【SYN】 usual :

»Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country?


2. typical of a particular person

• (某人)特有的,独特的,典型的

【SYN】 habitual :

»She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.


Cascade  [kæs'keɪd]

■to fall quickly and in large amounts 如瀑布般下落;大量倾泻

•Coins cascaded from/out of the fruit machine.大量硬币从老虎机中倾泻而出。

Think of a cascade as something suddenly falling, tumbling down in a rush.

The word cascade conjures up a vision of anything falling in a manner resembling a waterfall — think of a cascade of shining hair, a sudden cascade of tears, or the cascade of light during a meteor shower. The idea behind the word is of something falling in a progressive manner or a series of steps. A downward progression of musical themes can be called a cascade, as can the disastrous cascade of the tumbling price of a stock on Wall Street.


it takes a master to bend technniques to his will

ˈbend sb to sth derived

(formal) to force or persuade sb to do what you want or to accept your opinions

• He manipulates people and tries to bend them to his will (= make them do what he wants).

• She managed to bend the committee to her opinion.

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