

2017-03-07  本文已影响216人  阎先生


春天又回来了,让我们自然而然想起那悠美的诗句:“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。 你感受到浓浓的春意了嘛?

Spring comes around, which naturally reminds us of the beautiful punch lines: “A night warm breeze kisses thousands of pear trees, all of them come into full blossom overnight”. Can you feel the exquisite and warm spring?


However, why just keep yourselves indoors without anything to do at home? Beyond doubt, we are excusing ourselves from going out for fun or from any intimate touch with the warm spring.


It is time for us to wake up and enjoy everything so fresh and tantalizing in the nature!


Remember: it is the best time to prepare ourselves for a nice trek, freeing ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the city life which we are sure to get bored with for the tedious routines and no end of backbreaking work, delightfully reveling in the great outdoors with our buddies and family, particularly the kids who are crazy for a barbecue (BBQ) or a picnic in the woods. 


Spring brings back all freshness and verdancy in the surrounding environment. So please don’t stay indoors where we can easily get bogged down in the daily routines, and our spirits sag in dejection or exhaustion from lack of energy or sleep.


Now let's go out for a breath of air and regain energy and power to be more active at work and life.


To my mind,spring rolls around at its best in March and April. Choose a fine day and start off as early as you can. Of course you shall also try to be in high spirits and in a good mood as you are taking a trip for kicks and fun.


Down below are the most beautiful places awaiting and attracting you for a pleasant spring outing:

1. 安徽宏村 (Hongcun Village in Anhui)


Hongcun Village is located at the southwestern foot of Mount Huang, 11 km away from the county seat of Yi County. The beauty of Hongcun Village is characterized by the unique buildings gloriously highlighting the Hui style architecture, surrounded by green mountains and green trees,where you are greatly fascinated by the gurgling river and the blue and shining water from South Lake and Yuezhao Lake.

2. 江西婺源(Wuyuan in Jiangxi)


In front of your eyes are attractive scenes in Wuyuan: a scroll of poetic paintings of a fictitious land of peace is slowly unfolded, narrating the fairy tales of the spring, alluring you into the golden dream.

3. 新疆伊犁野杏林 (Yili Wild Apricot Forest in Xinjiang)


Wild apricot trees are in full blossom during April 10-20 each year, usually lasting about 4-5 days.You can smell the fresh fragrance from the apricot blossom even a few kilometers away, which offers us a mind-blowing and picturesque view.

4. 杭州茅家埠(Hangzhou Maojia Port)


Undeniably, Hangzhou in April is at its best for the spring beauty. However, tourists are packed like sardines in many places in Hangzhou. It would be well if you could take a trip to Maojia Port, located in the middle section of Yang Gong Causeway.


You can find wild ducks paddling merrily in the river abounding with the luxuriant reeds and migrant birds enjoying their low flight, all of which adds luster to an amazing skyline full of idyllic and splendid views.

5. 贵州从江(Guizhou Congjiang County)


Not quite many people are familiar with this place. But if Basha Miao Village is mentioned, people can easily associate it with the dwelling place of the last shooter clan in China as it is better renowned or highly reputed.Liujiang River runs around the town, so Congjiang County is peacefully nestling at the foot of the mountain and surrounded by rivers.


The multi-ethnic people live happily on this land, particularly such ethnic minorities as Miao, Tong, Zhuang, Yao and Shui, etc. The urban people live far away from the rural area and are unable to distinguish one kind of grain from another. But when they stay here, they can get access to the original nature and the pure simplicity in the rural flavor, which will be a beautiful encounter in the spring.


Tips for spring outing:

1、 携带旅行须知小册子

Take some pamphlets about tour instructions

2、 记得问天气

Don’t forget to check the weather change

3、 带好防晒产品

Take some sun-block products

4. 带足防饥粮

Prepare enough food in advance


Don’t drink unboiled water


