2019-04-16 本文已影响0人
const have = [10, 8, 5, 4, 2, 2];
while (have.length > 0) {
const { find, res } = findCompose(have, 6);
if (find) {
console.log(`have ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
* 电影票出售问题
* 电影票售价为25元,排队的顾客可能持有25, 50, 100这三种之一
* 售票员开始没钱,并且严格按照排队顺序卖票
* 判断售票员能否满足每个顾客需求,完成电影票出售
* function tickets(peopleInLine)
* 传入的参数peopleInLine就是排队的队列,类似[25, 25, 50, 25, 100, 25, 50, 25, 100, 25, 25, 25, 100, 50, 25]
* 如果能满足返回true, 不能返回false
// take 6
// have 10, 8, 5, 4, 2, 2
function findCompose(have: number[], take: number, res: number[] = []): any {
if (have.length === 0) return { find: false };
const fstSIdx = have.findIndex(v => v <= take);
if (fstSIdx === -1) return { find: false};
const val = have[fstSIdx];
if (val === take) return { find: true, res: [...res, val]};
return findCompose(have.slice(fstSIdx + 1), take - val, [...res, val]);
function composeRet(haveTotal: number[], retMoney: number) {
haveTotal.sort((a, b) => b - a);
const retList = haveTotal.map((_, index, arr) => arr.slice(index))
.map((arr) => findCompose(arr, retMoney));
const findRet = retList.find(({ find }) => find) || retList[0];
return findRet;
function ticket(peopleInLine: number[]) {
const ticketPrice = 25;
let stockTotal: number[] = [];
while (peopleInLine.length > 0) {
const money = peopleInLine.shift()!;
const retMoney = money - ticketPrice;
// find compose retMoney
const { find, res } = composeRet(stockTotal, retMoney);
if (find === false) return find;
stockTotal = stockTotal.reduce((acc: number[], cur: number) => {
if (!res.find(cur)) acc.push(cur);
return acc;
}, []);
return true;
const ticketRea = ticket([25,25,50,100,25,25,25,100,25,25,50,100,25,25,25,100,50,50]);
console.log(`res ${ticketRea}`);