德研社社长带你读《Think in Bets》1.4:扑克可以帮

2018-11-21  本文已影响20人  姜沈励

大家好,我是德研社的创始人姜沈励,今天我们继续学习《Thinking in bets》这本好书。我们先简单回顾下上一课,上一课《要么快,要么死:我们的大脑不是为理性而生》比较学术,我估计一些同学学到一半会睡着。我稍微总结一下:我们的大脑主要分为两股思维,反射性思维和审慎性思维。反射性思维是快速的、自动的、很大程度上是无意识的,审慎性思维是缓慢的、深思熟虑的、明智的。

社长我自己在学习《Thinking in bets》这本书的过程中,我也越来越发现“大道至简”的力量,万事万物在本质上都有想通点。我个人在南京大学软件工程毕业,在做德研社之前在1号店担任产品总监,主要从事搜索、推荐、人工智能运营等算法类产品,因此我也会稍微多一些人工智能和人类智能对比的思考。


反射性思维可以类比为电脑的内存,审慎性思维可以类比为电脑的磁盘。内存的特点是速度快,但是无法处理海量大型计算,否则会出现我们经常听到的内存溢出(out of menory)。磁盘的特点是处理信息量大,但是速度慢、耗电量大,每次微小计算如果都通过磁盘读取,那么磁头不仅会快速老化,并且耗时长度也不能被接受,例如你能接受手机屏幕1秒后才响应你的手指触碰吗?恐怕不行。





Our goal is to get our reflexive minds to execute on our deliberative minds’ best intentions. Poker players don’t need to know the underlying science to understand the difficulty of reconciling the two systems. Poker players have to make multiple decisions with significant financial consequences in a compressed time frame, and do it in a way that lassoes their reflexive minds to align with their long- term goals. This makes the poker table a unique laboratory for studying decision-making.


Every poker hand requires making at least one decision (to fold your starting cards or play them), and some hands can require up to twenty decisions. During a poker game in a casino card room, players get in about thirty hands per hour. An average hand of poker takes about two minutes to complete, including the time it takes for the dealer to gather, shuffle, and deal the cards between hands. Poker sessions typically last for several hours, with many decisions in every hand. This means a poker player makes hundreds of decisions per session, all of which take place at breakneck speed.


The etiquette and rules of the game discourage players from slowing down the game to deliberate, even when huge financial consequences ride on the decision. If a player takes extra time, another player can “call the clock” on them. This gives the deliberating player all of seventy seconds to now make up their mind. That is an eternity in poker time.

游戏的礼仪和规则阻止玩家放慢游戏速度来进行深思熟虑的考虑,即使这个决策会产生巨大的经济后果。如果一个玩家需要额外的时间,另一个玩家可以在他们身上“调 用时钟”。留给深思熟虑的玩家70秒的时间来做出决定,这将是这个玩家的极限时间。

Every hand (and therefore every decision) has immediate financial consequences. In a tournament or a high-stakes game, each decision can be worth more than the cost of an average three-bedroom house, and players have to make those decisions more quickly than we decide what to order in a restaurant. Even at lower stakes, most or all of the money a player has on the table is potentially at stake in every decision. Poker players, as a result, must become adept at in-the- moment decision-making or they won’t survive in the profession. That means finding ways to execute their best intentions (deliberated in advance) within the constraints of the speed expected at the table.


Making a living at poker requires interpolating between the deliberative and reflexive systems. The best players must find ways to harmonize otherwise irresolvable conflicts.


In addition, once the game is over, poker players must learn from that jumbled mass of decisions and outcomes, separating the luck from the skill, the signal from the noise, and guarding against resulting. That’s the only way to improve, especially when those same under-pressure situations will recur in a variety of forms.







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3bet的频率如何?call 3bet 的频率如何?






如果donk bet一般是什么牌?

Check-raise 频率如何?






Solving the problem of how to execute is even more important than innate talent to succeed in poker. All the talent in the world won’t matter if a player can’t execute; avoiding common decision traps, learning from results in a rational way, and keeping emotions out of the process as much as possible. Players with awe-inspiring talent clean up on their best nights but go broke plenty of other nights if they haven’t confronted this challenge. The poker players who stand the test of time have a variety of talents, but what they share is the ability to execute in the face of these limitations.


We all struggle to execute our best intentions. Poker players have the same struggle, with the added challenges of time pressure, in-your- face uncertainty, and immediate financial consequences. That makes poker a great place to find innovative approaches to overcoming this struggle. And the value of poker in understanding decision-making has been recognized in academics for a long time.





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