全球最大的去中心化交易所鲸交所正式参加 EOS 超级节点竞选

全球最大的去中心化交易所鲸交所宣布正式参加 EOS 超级节点竞选。鲸交所自成⽴之初, ⼀直致⼒于 EOS ⽣态建设:
EOS 全球⾏
2018 年 9 月 16 日,鲸交所发起以“繁荣”为主题的 EOS 全球行,在全球⼋⼤热⻔城市举办线下活动,旨在搭建全球化⽣态连接平台,发现并带领优质Dapp和全球EOS社区⽤户⾯对⾯。
20 万 EOS 账户免费注册
2018 年 10 月 23 ⽇起,鲸交所联合 MEET.ONE 和 TOKEN POCKET 推出 20 万 EOS 账户免费注册,降低用户进⼊⻔槛,切实为⽣态带来真正的⽤户,来加速 EOS 的网络效应,繁荣整个 EOS 生态。
2019 年 5 月 1 日,鲸交所正式上线鲸矿池,进军 25 亿美金的 PoS 挖矿市场。鲸矿池优先服务EOS的持币者,第一期推出“EOS 投票挖矿”,用户将EOS投票权委托给鲸矿池,获得EOS节点投票分红和 REX 资源出租双重收益,鲸矿池收取0管理理费,收益每天 100%分红给用户。

The world’s largest DEX WhaleEx officially announce to be a EOS BP candidate. From the establishment of WhaleEx on, we are always committed to building the EOS ecosystem:
EOS World Tour
On Sept. 16th, 2018, WhaleEx launched the EOS World Tour themed as Prosperity, we had held 8 offline meet-ups in 8 major cities over the world, hoping to build a global ecosystem platform, to find superior DApps and to get EOS community neighbors face to face.
200,000 Free EOS Account Giveaways
From Oct. 23rd 2018 on, WhaleEx partnered with MEET.ONE and Token Pocket to launch a “200,000 free EOS account giveaways” campaign, lowering the entrance barrier for newbies, accelerating the EOS’s network effect and making the whole prosperous.
WhaleEx Flash News
From Nov. 22nd 2018, WhaleEx Flash News got on line. In the Chinese EOS community, our news team cover comprehensive EOS news all-around and always in the first time, news type vary from BPs, DApps, market information, airdrop, research insights, etc, helping the readers get EOS information in one stop.
CPU Leasing
Back on Dec. 15 2018, looking at the CPU congestion problems with average users and DApp devs, WhaleEx released CPU Leasing market. Our solution worked better in cashflows, safety and flexibility for lease period, which offered another CPU liquidity for average users and developers.
WhaleEx Mining
Just in May 1st 2019, we unveiled WhaleEx Mining, heading into the 2.5 Billion USD worth PoS market. WhaleEx Mining put EOS holders in the first priority. The first phase “EOS vote to mine”, investors can delegate EOS to WhaleEx Mining to generate both the EOS BP bonus and REX appreciation income at the same time. We promise to charge 0 fee and distribute 100% income to investors every day.
In the past, we assume the “Making EOS prosperous” as the responsibility. Now, we announce to be a EOS BP candidate.
Please vote forwhaleex.com
whaleex.comcurrently ranks in the 44th place, total obtained vote number is 60,722,836